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People that talk to you in a public bathroom


Active member
Oh and I forgot one, you can flush the toilet and start screaming NO DONT LEAVE ME WHY DOES EVERYTHING I MAKE LEAVE ME, MY KIDS, MY WIFE, THE DOG NOW MY SHIT WHYYYYYY. As you can clearly tell i spend too much time in public bathrooms.


ICMag Donor
Womens restrooms must be alot different the dudes, we dont talk in there either,unless its to tell the next person theres no TP in that stall! hehe guys are weird jk hahaha


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
You know about how the game is going and stuff.

I remember one time that was troubling. An Asian guy pointed out how big I was. He actually gave me the elbow and says, "You got a big one for a man your size". I thanked him and went on my merry way.

Ah, a fellow bar man.



Active member
Haha, good stories on here!

The race track near me has a trough. When my step son was 5 he thought the edge of the trough was for resting your junk on when going. He looked so relaxed while going, then his Grandpa saw him and proceded to scrub him down with moist brown towels from the dispenser. Poor kid.


A foot without a sock...
My own contribution to the thread... ;)

This could happen to you in a public restroom......

I was barely sitting down when I heard a voice from the next stall saying:

"Hi, how are you?"

I'm not the type to start a conversation in the restroom

but I don't know what got into me, so I answered,

somewhat embarrassed,

"Doin' just fine!"

And the other person says:

"So what are you up to?"

What kind of question is that? At that point, I'm thinking< BR>this is too bizarre so I say:

"Uhhh, I'm like you, just traveling!"

At this point I am just trying to get out as fast as I can

when I hear another question.

"Can I come over?"

Ok, this question is just too weird for me but I figured I

could just be polite and end the conversation. I say

"No.....I'm a little busy right now!!!"

Then I hear the person say nervously...

"Listen, I'll have to call you back. There's an idiot in

the other stall who keeps answering all my questions!!!"



I don't see the issue really... how much can you actually say in the 20 seconds you're standing there pissing?

Its usually some drunk dude who's talking anyway...

Also I never wash my hands in a public bathroom if I have to touch anything to do it.. Plus why would you unless you piss on your hands?


I don't see the issue really... how much can you actually say in the 20 seconds you're standing there pissing?

Its usually some drunk dude who's talking anyway...

Also I never wash my hands in a public bathroom if I have to touch anything to do it.. Plus why would you unless you piss on your hands?
PROOF menfolk DON'T wash their hands! If I had a wiener,I would wash my hands before I touched it..............and after.


weed fiend
[President Lyndon] Johnson also upset aides with his habit of adjourning a conversation to the bathroom when the need arose. Those who were reluctant to follow him to the toilet were a source of great amusement to him. He frequently recounted a story about "one of the delicate Kennedyites who came into the bathroom with me and then found it utterly impossible to look at me while I sat there on the toilet. You'd think he had never seen those parts of the body before. For there he was, standing as far away from me as he possibly could, keeping his back toward me the whole time, trying to carry on a conversation. I could barely hear a word he said. I kept straining my ears and then finally I asked him to come a little closer to me. Then began the most ludicrous scene I had ever witnessed. Instead of simply turning around and walking over to me, he kept his face away from me and walked backward, one rickety step at a time. For a moment there I thought he was going to run right into me. It certainly made me wonder how that man had made it so far in the world."


The cat that loves cannabis
Taking a piss in one of the stalls at the gym a few years back, things a mess, no way I'm touching any part of it, I walk out of the stall and this guy at the sink asks me if "i was one of those people who don't flush after useing the toilet" I looked at him for a few seconds and then asked if he "was one of those people who like to watch other guys in the bathroom" He looked all embrassed, stammered something, and left, lol.
Mind your F'ing business, your lucky I didn't drag you in to the stall and make you flush it, damn.

Cookie monster

I don't see the issue really... how much can you actually say in the 20 seconds you're standing there pissing?

Its usually some drunk dude who's talking anyway...

Also I never wash my hands in a public bathroom if I have to touch anything to do it.. Plus why would you unless you piss on your hands?

20 seconds! jesus you must have a flute like a fire hose :)

5 or 6 pints in me and it's a minute +

Agree with you on the not washing the hands if you have to touch anything, touching a tap or door handle thats ful of feacal bacteria.....no thanks


ecks moe baw teeks
ICMag Donor
ha ha - i would probably talk to you just for the sake of bugging you

i may or may not wash my hands -if it's clean enough to put in someone's mouth, what am i going to get on my hands -i m not peein on em

of course it depends on if it's no touch faucets and towels

i use a paper towel to turn the faucet or open the door - that shit is dirty


A foot without a sock...
PROOF menfolk DON'T wash their hands! If I had a wiener,I would wash my hands before I touched it..............and after.

My pen0r is generally cleaner than ANYTHING in the fookin head....:laughing:

If you saw my "routine" when I have to use a public restroom, you'd swear I was mad :D


donut engineer
Nobody talks to me in the bathroom. This is because I make a preemptive strike by leaning over and staring at their penis.


Active member
another tip. dont smile while in the restroom all the gays will think your hitting on em . go in angry looking and no conversations happen