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People that talk to you in a public bathroom



.......must be a "man-thing". Us ladies don't have to stand next to each other to pee. C'mon,you know you guys look at each others wee-wees


Active member
I dont mind a "whats up?" or "hi" on the way in or out however i prefer not to chat while i piss or worse talk to someone in the next stall dumping.

The men in my wifes family are a bunch of c*ck gawkers. I have been out with them in Vegas or some other event and more then one of them purposely looked over the divider to check me out. I could careless but just seems strange to me.


ICMag Donor
My boss used to do this at work.Carry on a conversation about work that needs to be done,like were standing in a resteraunt.....Ah hello ....were in the bathroom....I had some friends in high school ,that would fuck with you when u went to bathroom.

You would go to bathroom at like the movies ,or a public place.They would come in like 2 minutes later.And put their hand on your back while yer pissing....wanna talk about a reaction!!...They weren't gay or anything ...just messing around....

Cookie monster

What the hell is wrong with polite people? I dont talk to people myself in public bathrooms unless im drunk but i have no problems with people doing it, if this is how you feel perhaps you should just stay at home?

And no offence but you kinda brought this up :p

Nothing wrong with polite people, they make the world a nicer place.

Jesus fella's it's somebody taking a few seconds out of their lives to say hello or talk about the football,politics,weather or whatever while there pissing, it's just people being sociable it's not a bad thing.

Cookie monster

.......must be a "man-thing". Us ladies don't have to stand next to each other to pee. C'mon,you know you guys look at each others wee-wees

Nah we dont...sure thats why bathrooms have tiles!

Whatever grout line is at eye level you dont look blow it :)


Active member
Bothering me during my morning shit isn't being nice!

I'll talk football later but please leave me be. It's the only time I get to read most days.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Marywanna
.......must be a "man-thing". Us ladies don't have to stand next to each other to pee. C'mon,you know you guys look at each others wee-wees

but you ladies cant go to the bathroom by youself if your girlfriends are out with ya lol


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Never piss or shit next to someone else when there is another open stall further down the row.

That's just common courtesy right there.

I do get weirded out if I'm in the process of urinating or defecating in an otherwise empty bathroom and someone has the gumption to come use the urinal or stall right next to me.

Like I said it all depends on where you are and what you are doing.


Active member
In my professional bathroom experiences, I have found their is only one way to deal with obnoxious bathroom conversation, and kick it up a notch. Start pounding on the sides of the stahls and scream get this evil out of me, for the love of god and all that is holy let the beast expel. Thing's of that nature normally stop being from talking to you in the bathroom, if thats too extreme you can always hook-shot a wet wod of toilet paper at them or just piss on their foot. The choice is yours and yours alone choose wisely.


I’m God’s solider, devil’s apostle
i just hang it out and go.. someone wants to say something ima turn an give them the amber shower.


I guess none of you have been in a bathroom that has a bathroom attendant in it lol

Maybe I should spend less time in those clubs


Active member
In my professional bathroom experiences, I have found their is only one way to deal with obnoxious bathroom conversation, and kick it up a notch. Start pounding on the sides of the stahls and scream get this evil out of me, for the love of god and all that is holy let the beast expel. Thing's of that nature normally stop being from talking to you in the bathroom, if thats too extreme you can always hook-shot a wet wod of toilet paper at them or just piss on their foot. The choice is yours and yours alone choose wisely.

Excellent ideas....


It can be just as bad when its people you know! I worked at a place with a dozen or so other people,shure as ,if was was sitting on the can somone would be knockin on the door asking me stupid questions or telling me a customer want to have a word or something equaly trivial,eventually we had to have a staff meeting about toilet etiquet just leave me alone for 5 minute ehhh! One fool persisted anoying me so i waited for him to dissapear behind the toilet door for a minute and threw a cup of metho under the door and set it alight .fool left me alone after that. Cheers