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Pentagon Shooter: A Grower Protesting Government's Marijuana Laws!

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Active member
Originally Posted by praisehim.
this is ridiculous. were not in the 1800's, or even 19's. There is a system and way to getting heard in this country. sure, its almost impossible. but killing is never the option. The only people affected by this are the poor family's of the officers.
< you think the pentagons gonna try to change ? or reform laws ? i dont think so.
< are masses of people now gonna go protest ? no.
this guy will be looked upon as a nutcase. which he was.

the world changed after 911. maybe they didn't kill enough people.

and yeah i don't condone random acts of violence and on innocents, but please, "never" ok to kill? do you pay taxes?

you paid other people to kill for you so you can put that juice in your metal chariot and drive to Starbucks. wake up.

quote:There is a system and way to getting heard in this country. sure, its almost impossible. but killing is never the option.

our government is killing to be heard ? really ? we're the leading nation. we kill for money, everyone knows that.. so please dont take things outta context, improperly.

oh an yeah, i pay taxes for growing weed. i just call my mayor an say hey, i got the tax for my weed : ) hah.

some of you should read the post on cannabis linked to pshychosis , it may better help identify your medical needs.

this thread should be deleted... it shows how many crazies grow weed. not good.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Americans are so spoiled these days.

I agree. A certain Russian political science has been talking about this for years. I certainly don't agree with everything he puts forth, but the basic premise is sound and it's pretty hard to ignore the global situation right now.

There are fundamental problems of governance all coming to ahead.

We tend to look at everything at small bits of daily information through the media in the United States. Extrapolate this thinking for decades and it's easy to see how much can go on behind our backs.

That's kind of starting to all come to light, but this nothing new lol.

Americans have been down this road before, but now we get to watch it on corporate state propaganda tv and the consequences are greater because of technology.

Welcome to humanity.


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
with the greatest respect to Skip and what he does for this site - i think that the way he put his spin on this story was distasteful and has led to a distasteful discussion that reflects very badly on both the cannabis movement and some members of this site that like to play the tough guy and talk about shooting guns.

Skip, in the first post i think it would be better to just report the news rather than project your often rather blinkered opinions onto it.




Active member
Very interesting story, quite frankly i dont blame the guy. Im not saying go shoot up the pentag0n or what have you, but we as Americans need to flex our nuts a little bit, we have become far too complacent and dependent on a corrupt system that currently dictates the majority of the population here.


doesn't feel that way to me, im sure many others would agree.

Im all for nonviolence, and peaceful progression, but where do you draw the line? When is enough, enough?

Americans need to get their balls back and keep our government and police forces in check, THEY ARE PUT INTO PLACE BY THE AMERICAN PEOPLE TO SERVE AND PROTECT THE AMERICAN PEOPLE!!!

I, as well as millions of others, do not believe they are serving and protecting us, seems like the other way around.

O yeah and FUCK AUTHORITY! I dont know about you guys but I don't need police, I don't need the government, I can provide and protect for me and my own. Self sufficiency is key to thinking clearly, without dependence or fear. Love conquers fear. Currently fear plagues our once great nation, and its very sad to see.

They want to try and kick my door down or my American brothers door down, on my property, for growing my own herbs/medicine, and take me to jail or worse? They will see that the SONS OF LIBERTY ARE STILL ALIVE, WELL ARMED, AND VERY VERY PISSED OFF.

"Gentlemen may cry, Peace, Peace--but there is no peace. The war is actually begun! The next gale that sweeps from the north will bring to our ears the clash of resounding arms! Our brethren are already in the field! Why stand we here idle? What is it that gentlemen wish? What would they have? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death!"

-Henry, Patrick


Registered Non-Conformist
Stupidest forum so far... Let's get into a Pissing match over FOX 'News' and MSNBC...

MJ probably was the only thing keeping him from trying to light a fire in his Underpants on a plane..!

How about just Turn of the Damn TV - and think for yourself...


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
well im glad i dont live in a place where any old nutter can go into a store, buy a gun on his credit card, and go shoot a few people up.

in the UK its happened like twice in my lifetime - it seems to happen in America every couple of months.



Active member
Cannabis is used by all walks of life. Rich man, poor man, bakerman, thief, - doctor, lawyer, indian chief...

And that includes the odd psychopath as well. If it actually caused psychosis, or actions like that (shootings) , they'd happen multiple times per day. Do they not know just how many ppl use this stuff?

I think not... :rasta:



This thread needs to be deleted now. It's become a hotbed of ignorance and aggression. Take the BS elsewhere, far away from icmag before you make things worse. I don't want to be associated with anybody who would kill over a plant, no matter which side of the law they're on.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Individuals are easy targets to eliminate. He was dumb to expect anything less. MLK organized and marched


Active member
This thread needs to be deleted now. It's become a hotbed of ignorance and aggression. Take the BS elsewhere, far away from icmag before you make things worse. I don't want to be associated with anybody who would kill over a plant, no matter which side of the law they're on.

explain this bs to us, make things worse, what are you talking about?

It's not just about a "plant" just so you know, its about personal liberties and freedoms being taken away by the powers that be, and nobody do anything to stop it.

Peace before aggression, always. But like I said, there's a fine line and once that line is crossed violence sometimes does result and/or becomes necessary.

Check the quote in my sig, we cant lay down like sheep all the time, we will just be herded in every which direction the wolves please. take care all and god bless, i hope this country ends up healthy and free just as much as the next American, im just not afraid to stand up for what I believe in. Thats how America became the "Land of the Free" in the firstplace, revolution. 40 amps, chronjohn, i think we share similar viewpoints. Stay strong brotha's.


Active member
This thread needs to be deleted now. It's become a hotbed of ignorance and aggression. Take the BS elsewhere, far away from icmag before you make things worse. I don't want to be associated with anybody who would kill over a plant, no matter which side of the law they're on.

What B.S are you referring too? This guy didn’t go off the deep end because of the Government’s Cannabis policy. I just think this guy was a total loony toon. This guy didn’t kill over a plant; I think there were several things that contributed to him going on a shooting rampage. Mostly just the fact that this person lost their mind, his own parents had warned the police that he had a gun and was intending on using it.


Active member
What everyone seems to be missing here....

This guy was treated by a shrink, who no doubt prescribed all sorts of meds for this guy.

That's why he mentions distainfully that he "tried to self-medicate with marijuana", insinuating that it didn't work. You can be sure he filled him up with scripts for anti-this and that. Probably took something that fucked him up more. After all, all he'd done is "resist arrest". It's not like he intentionally, premeditated an act of violence while high on MJ.

I think everyone needs to wait and see the autopsy results to see what was going on in his system before jumping to a conclusion one way or another.

Bedell was diagnosed as bipolar, or manic depressive, and had been in and out of treatment programs for years. His psychiatrist, J. Michael Nelson, said Bedell tried to self-medicate with marijuana, inadvertently making his symptoms more pronounced.

"Without the stabilizing medication, the symptoms of his disinhibition, agitation and fearfullness complicated the lack of treatment," Nelson said.

and to those who would censor this thread, censor me, or censor the good people of this site, go elsewhere if you want censorship. This story is very important to our community.


Ghandi had it right. So did MLK. People (us here especially) see the many injustices all around us. But John Lennon said it well, and to music.
"You say you want a revolution. Well, you know..."


Active member
Bedell was diagnosed as bipolar, or manic depressive, and had been in and out of treatment programs for years. His psychiatrist, J. Michael Nelson, said Bedell tried to self-medicate with marijuana, inadvertently making his symptoms more pronounced.

"Without the stabilizing medication, the symptoms of his disinhibition, agitation and fearfullness complicated the lack of treatment," Nelson said.
So PLEASE tell us what prescription meds he was on (or had stopped taking) the day he attacked the Pentagon...

Plus it seems he only had to see this shrink after his bust for growing cannabis. Before that did this guy have a psychiatric history? They say he was treated "for years", but that might only mean since his grow bust in 2006.

So lets look at the apparent order of events.

1. Guy gets busted for pot, resists arrest.
2. Guy sees shrink gets prescription meds, told not to self medicate with pot anymore.
3. Guy still seeking pot to self-medicate (prob. cause scripts don't do shit or makes things worse).
4. Guy gets arrested again for marijuana possession. His marijuana (medicine) is confiscated.
5. Guy goes off the deep end (no cannabis?), shoots up Pentagon...

That's my read on this. The medical profession failed him. He kept trying to use what worked, marijuana, but society kept arresting him over it. So without the ONLY thing that worked for him, he went nuts. End of story.

So, don't want people going nuts and committing violent acts against the government? Then LEGALIZE IT!

Is that better?


Lot's of talk about how 'crazy' it is to contemplate violence against the American system.

Injustice is a recipe for violence.
I'm not saying that violence is a good thing. Violence smells bad, and the persons who have been resorting to it are lone-wolf 'tea baggers'. Tea baggers are the last people I want committing violent acts - they are polar opposite of 60's counter-culture.

Perhaps I would more agree to violence in a flavor akin to the Weather Underground - but for now the only organized/controlled violent retaliation I see comes from the Islamic world; which surfaces the matter of perceived-injustice verses legitimate-injustice.

When one considers an America where all the various factions all condoned violence, it would be most unpleasant environment.

Throwing the first punch.
When someone throws a first punch, a retaliation is the expected result. Then, considering the amount of foreclosures last year, and the year to come, it is eerie that violent outbursts are not happening with greater frequency.

1.) they threw first punch (Wall Street beat the shit out of the average American).
2.) no justice, no peace (worse, Wall Street has been gifted rather than punished).

One could say much the same about LEO hitting the Cannabis community.

Some are chomping at the bit to slug back (I'd like to throw a punch). Others are concerned that violence begets violence (a legitimate concern). In everything, turn, turn, turn...
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I guess this thread just proves that commercial growers and dealers don't want legalization. You would have to be an idiot or a psychopath to think that any of this talk of violent action would help that cause. I am suddenly ashamed to be a part of this forum after reading this dribble... I guess I go back to lurk mode.



Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
There is war going on right underneath our noses and it's about to begin to come to light to the average media consuming asleep at the wheel American.

For some reasons Americans always believe everything their government tells them, when if history tells us anything the people should never believe anything their government/new media tells them because they are trying to control your behavior.

NBC is owned by GE. One of the top 10 military contractors. Hello, lets embed journalist and sell war as a product on TV? Pretty fucking easy.

I give it another year or so and most people will be awake to the reality of the situation.

It's exactly the same as Germany's "decent into chaos"


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
the guy is a 9/11 truther for god sakes, if that doesn't say i'm 100% crazy alone, i don't know what would.

You can go ahead can slap the crazy label on me too.

I've done my independent research over the past few days.

There are documentaries available on Netflix that I found to satisfy my logic and most of all it just makes sense for them to do given their world view.

I know what military aircraft look like and what a psychological warfare campaign looks like. PSY-OPS is a massive division in the US Army.

This is easy peasy for them. It's like taking candy from a baby.

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