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Pentagon Shooter: A Grower Protesting Government's Marijuana Laws!

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What a bunch of liberal hippie douche bags. Two words, CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE. Peaceful protest will NEVER achieve anything! For change to happen you have to hit where it hurts. Government should be afraid of its people, not the other way around. The US government has created a complacent society where its citizens have become sheeple and willingly play by the unjust "rules" that ensure change will never occur and the powers that be can continue on as the masters of the universe. I salute this man and hope that many more soldiers come forward to fight this war the way it needs to be fought. Every day I wonder why there hasn't been any assassinations in California or Colorado yet. Take away a man's ability to support himself or his family and you take away his desire to live. Take away my desire to live and I'm taking you out for it. Fuck you.

You're so full of shit. You sat there and told me I'm giving people bad advice for telling them not to go and get state licensure and pay taxes and register because they're giving over personal information so the feds can come in and raid their asses. You're a lot of big talk and too damn scared to even breathe sideways.


Active member
the new guys are all whiney as hell with no sense of history or humor.
It takes most people a year or two.... before they start growing really goooood cannabis and get their strain selection right. Up until then.... just ignore them. :D

Stay Safe! :tree:

p.s. I firmly believe that this country's state of mental health outright REQUIRES the legalization of cannabis.... to fully recover properly. You can't expect a generation to grow up watching bankrupt ethics and outright corruption in the govt be accepted as "The Norm".... and not expect the huge mental stressload the country is dealing with now..... do you?
Sativas Soothe the memories and spark the creativity to make things better. Spread the Truth!


Registered Non-Conformist
Jesus H...
You nut-bag violent guys are obsessive.... UPSIDE: At least you will learn spelling and grammar with all that writing...

Prefacing any strong statement with IMHO means something...

I suppose you (IMHO) baseball-cap wearing, dickhead big-talking bully dirtbags know what it means.. lol..

But, Feel free anytime to Stop embarassing us online.. This is an international forum. Cool, Thanks in advance...


Just saw the kabc report of this story.

Bipolor, mental illness, and other proplems.

They mainly talked about his proplems of marijuana use.

This story paints a very bad picture for medical marijuana today.


IMO..this guy is a dumbass.. all he did is make marijuana users look insane! he went in and shot up the pentagon, WTF was he thinking! doing that kind of thing wont do anything but make marijuana laws stricter and give the media something too say about how cannabis makes people phsycho. thanks alot Biddell your a real hero
Well in light of all this I think we should all either shoot up the Pentagram or not shoot up the pentagram. Definitely one or the other. :laughing:

And while you're at it money means security, disobey God, and have lots and lots of promiscuous sex.
They were pigs working at the pentagon. Fuck em. I wouldn't piss on a pig if he were on fire. Pigs took the life he wanted to live on this earth away so he squared up before moving on to the next life. The only wasted life was the shooters. Lastly, take every detail in a big media porn story like this with a grain of salt! Sound bytes, sound bytes, sound bytes...

Blue Dot

I will make the assumption he went off the deep end because he didn't have cannabis available. As we all know cannabis makes you non-violent, so it cannot be to blame, only its absence.

You realize what you just posted is the definition of Addiction.

I thought cannabis wasn't addicting?


Active member
wow its really amazing how close minded some icmag posters are, either that or they are 16 year olds..

this guy was not a marijuana martyr, he was someone with a MENTAL ILLNESS who should not have had access to a gun.

regardless i do feel the frustration towards government laws and sometimes it does seem like the only way to fight back is to go out guns blazing. but thats not the way to solve it, its only going to be a suicide wish and will leave a bad impression on those of us still alive trying to fight legally...


Active member
i guess he was arrested a month ago with 2 zips in nevada...

this guy did a major disservice to the rest of us, now all the scardey cat sheeple are gonna think potheads are all gonna start shooting up shit when we get older and "psycho"...


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
It's all about the erosion of liberty.

Objectively speaking from a political science angle. Expect to start seeing some more of this.

This discussion has been going on for quite some time in some circles.

You can't beat history.

Blue Dot

It's all about the erosion of liberty.

Objectively speaking from a political science angle. Expect to start seeing some more of this.

Like the Revolutionary War?

Please, our rights today are just as violated as our rights back then.

Dude, they had Slavery. This is just some angry guy, BFD. Imagine if instead of being denied pot he was sold to someone in Africa and had to work all day for them for free.

Americans are so spoiled these days.
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