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Pentagon Shooter: A Grower Protesting Government's Marijuana Laws!

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Active member
You might not hear this on network TV, but the Pentagon shooter was also protesting the US government's marijuana policies. This is in addition to his belief in a 9/11 gov't cover-up and other issues he had with the government.

That same posting railed against the government's enforcement of marijuana laws and included links to the author's 2006 court case in Orange County, Calif., for cultivating marijuana and resisting a police officer. Court records available online show the date of birth on the case mentioned by the user JPatrickBedell matches that of the John Patrick Bedell suspected in the shooting.
J.P. Bedell said:
My desire for justice led me to violate what I think is one of the most unjust laws, cannabis prohibition, by growing 16 cannabis plants on my balcony in Irvine, CA from March 2006 to June 2006. I’ve posted the Orange County, CA District Attorney’s complaint for this offense at http://cannabis.wikia.com/wiki/JPatrickBedell_2006-06-06_cannabis_felony_complaint . One desired result of my effort is (will be) billions and billions of carefully cultivated, highly valuable cannabis plants growing throughout the United States with completesecurity of property.

More about shooter:

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The last line you wrote is offensive and IMO you should edit it out before the mods do.

Killing innocent people is NOT a solution, ever.


Active member
I'm telling them how to stop ppl from doing this... Unfair laws that oppress people can lead to violence. I don't support violence at all, but understand why some ppl can be pushed over the edge. America's cannabis laws are unfair. People get hurt EVERY DAY due to our unjust cannabis laws, some even die. It's time to change it, before more people get hurt.

Wake up OBAMA & AMERICA! The people are getting very angry at the present state of our cannabis laws. It's time for that CHANGE that Obama promised! He keeps ignoring the #1, #2, & #3 questions America keeps asking him - when will you LEGALIZE it?

1. Stop arresting cannabis users and growers.
2. Stop pointing guns at us!
3. Stop breaking up our families.
4. Stop imprisoning us to make profits for corporations.
5. Stop marginalizing us and treating us like felons.
6. Change these unjust laws.
7. Release all Drug War prisoners.

Violence isn't the answer. Incarceration isn't the answer. Change is the only answer...
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grower , truther, and shooter= "triple threat" ="there ought to be a law"=..............oh great!

obviously this dude must be mentally disturbed !


I'm telling them how to stop ppl from doing this... Unfair laws that oppress people can lead to violence. I don't support violence at all, but understand why some ppl can be pushed over the edge. America's cannabis laws are unfair. People get hurt EVERY DAY due to our unjust cannabis laws, some even die. It's time to change it, before more people get hurt.

Wake up OBAMA & AMERICA! The people are getting very angry at the present state of our cannabis laws. It's time for CHANGE!

Whoa dude ,
you're sounding like one of them there "domestic terrorist"
becareful out there you dont want to end up on a "LIST"....LOL

I with ya bro, too many people hurt!


The entire legalization movement (and ICmag) will be hurt if your idea is allowed to go mainstream.

This cold-bloded, selfish, piece of shit was a psychopath, not a martyr for legalization.


Active member

Quote me please, or desist in accusing me of something I didn't do.

BTW, I say that everytime something is UNJUST about cannabis, using exactly the same terms.

Better I should just ignore this FACT that the shooter was a grower, HIDE IT from everyone, pretend it didn't happen, right?


Don't want cannabis growers shooting up the Pentagon? Then LEGALIZE IT!

I think this is a gross misrepresentation of the story and borderline absolutely crazy thing to say.. clearly this guy was a nutjob, it has nothing to do with cannabis prohibition. People shouldn't shoot up places because they don't agree with laws..


"Don't want cannabis growers shooting up the Pentagon? Then LEGALIZE IT!"

You are saying that the shootings will cease if Cannabis is legalized.

Sorry man, but in the real world that's dangerous talk. Obviously you disagree, but don't try to change my opinion on the matter.


Active member
Well there could very well be MORE shootings that have nothing to do with cannabis, so that isn't what I'm saying, is it?

From what I've seen of this guy's history, if cannabis was legal, this event would not have happened. That is all I said.


If meth was legalized i'm sure there would probably be a few less killings too, what exactly is your point? I'm 100% for blanket legalization and have read hundreds of articles and books on the war on drugs/prohibition, i'm well educated on the subject, but your logic is very flawed.

the guy is a 9/11 truther for god sakes, if that doesn't say i'm 100% crazy alone, i don't know what would.


Active member
You peeps are trying to say he was all these other things first, a 9/11 truther, conspiracy theorist, insane, crazy, etc., and a grower LAST.

But it was the bust of his grow that set him off according to all the info we have online about him. It was right after his bust that he started going off on the gov't.

But since he apparently was NOT a grower (as far as we know) at the time of this incident, I will retract my statement.

I will make the assumption he went off the deep end because he didn't have cannabis available. As we all know cannabis makes you non-violent, so it cannot be to blame, only its absence.

BTW, I just LOVE it when ppl accuse a lifetime practitioner of Ahimsa of encouraging violence. It really shows how ppl can read into things what they want to see. Some ppl see warnings as threats.


he wraps up everything like that.

Read more of his posts in the news. You aren't familiar with his style, that's not his fault.

if it was a story about a lion eating a cop that found a grow the line woulda been "Don't want lions eating cops...then legalize it"

It's skips schtick. Get over it and lighten up.

the new guys are all whiney as hell with no sense of history or humor.


Active member
LMAO ... Not at the threads content ... at slappy telling our Webmaster (and supplier of Info that might otherwise miss our THC laden Minds) how to roll at IC Mag. Now the question is ... What up and coming Mod wants to edit Skip?

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
This cold-bloded, selfish, piece of shit was a psychopath, not a martyr for legalization.

would you say the same thing about me if i had killed several officers during a raid on my property??

the way we are treated, by our own goverment no less, is not only dispicable but a true hiporcacy to what this country was founded on.

are fore fathers wouldnt have stood for this shit....


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
People shouldn't shoot up places because they don't agree with laws..

I disagree

Although this guy seems like a nut job with the whole 9/11 conspiracy jive, people should shoot up places because of unjust laws. Sad American history is replaced by pacifism and a do nothing, neutered, male populace mentality.

Wonder what the American patriots would have said???.....

Several times even our own soldiers marched on Washington to shoot at them for not providing them with pay and food during the war for independence. And they went to Washington because they knew where the problem resided and how to get it fixed and they did get it fixed...new laws as a result were passed rather swiftly in comparison to today.


I know I will die shooting before I allow anyone or anything to break down my door and unjustly incarcerate me for the majority of my life for growing a damn plant that they have no right to tell me not to do. I have no problem taking the life of those that would take mine or enforce the power of those that wish to coerce and oppress me.
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Gene Mangler
No, but people do shoot shit up when they have their whole world, family, life destroyed by unjust laws. In 1 hand: a petty BS law, in the other: scorched earth...

Some still have a tipping point!

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
Although this guy seems like a nut job with the whole 9/11 conspiracy jive, people should shoot up places because of unjust laws. Sad American history is replaced by pacifism and a do nothing, neutered, male populace.

Wonder what the American patriots would have said???.....

Several times even our own soldiers marched on Washington to shoot at them for not providing them with pay and food during the war for independence. And they went to Washington because they knew where the problem resided and how to get it fixed and they did get it fixed...new laws as a result were passed rather swiftly in comparison to today.


40AMPS respect to you. Normally when I spout stuff like this, i get the cold shoulder or nasty words. But I know damn well that the patriots who founded this country would not allow these injustices to continue. I only wish there were more patriots and less republicans and democrats.

WE need to take this country back. The republican and democrat party has been a nothing short of source of continued economic gluttony, social injustice and behing curtain corportatism. This is america the country, not america the company.
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