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Penn State Scandal and the end of Joe Paterno



I'm just wondering why the janitors and the assistant coach, when they witnessed these rapes, didn't they just beat the living hell out of Sandusky? Wtf?

good question

i honestly can't picture anyone that i know not beating him to a bloody pulp.

what are they going to do to you in that situation? fire you? ..... don't think so

Hold Your Fire

Finding my way back home
Agree with ya bro's.
I'd do EVERYTHING in my power, to put an abrupt/violent end, to something like that.
I don't know how any man, could live with themselves, doing anything else.


the damage control experts are not men IMHO ..... gonna be interesting to see who knew about this. where did this stop getting taken up the chain of command? did someone pick up the phone and ask the catholics how to handle shit like this?


good question

i honestly can't picture anyone that i know not beating him to a bloody pulp.

what are they going to do to you in that situation? fire you? ..... don't think so

Exactly. And even if you couldn't whip a naked pervert in mid-rape, you could damned sure stop the rape.


That's the part of the story I just don't get, MCQUEERY walks in on a rape in progress, doesn't intervene?!?!...I thought men's balls dropped by age 28....fuck a job..DO SOMETHING YOU PUNK!


That's the part of the story I just don't get, MCQUEERY walks in on a rape in progress, doesn't intervene?!?!...I thought men's balls dropped by age 28....fuck a job..DO SOMETHING YOU PUNK!

there is no way doing nothing in that situation could be justified ...... ever ...... period! has this guy (or his lawyer) commented on this? this should take utter bullshit to a new level


paterno admitted he should have done more just the other day

mcqueery, the queer has go to go... i don't understand why they haven't fired him completely yet..


Well-known member
I really hope Sandusky gets what's coming to him, in prison.
He will probably be protected, tho'.

Especially in prison he will NOT be protected. Child molesters are the absolute lowest form of life in US prisons and they are treated as such. With that label no group will have him in prison. He will be on his own. Every chance the inmates get they will make his life a living hell. His best option is to commit suicide at this point and he probably knows it. Keep in mind, the guards hate child molesters as much as the inmates do. Together they can do what they want to him, and they will.



That's the part of the story I just don't get, MCQUEERY walks in on a rape in progress, doesn't intervene?!?!...I thought men's balls dropped by age 28....fuck a job..DO SOMETHING YOU PUNK!
there is no way doing nothing in that situation could be justified ...... ever ...... period! has this guy (or his lawyer) commented on this? this should take utter bullshit to a new level



ICMag Donor
McQueary knew he'd just got the coaching position he was hoping for......

His father needs an ass kicking to. Instead of telling him to stop it, he told him to come home so they could talk about it. What that meant was lets discuss the best way to handle this so you get a coaching position at Penn State with job security.

And another sickening thing is he's getting death threats for ratting them to the Grand Jury. Not because he didn't stop it......... I pray there's a special place in hell for all of them........


no doubt any person who is upset about peterno and any of this must be an idiot with no children ecspecially,,,if u trusted ur kid to go to a football camp and someone like Paterno who is suppose to be a shaper of young men would not do more at tthe time to protect your child,,,this whole situation is disgusting,,,i think no child molester deserves a second chance immediate catrastion they all get brutally sodomized by the parents of the victim then they get fitted for lead weighted ankle bracelets and a nice long boat ride,,,Joe Paterno could have put a stop to this years ago but he and many others dropped the buck and many children were hurt,,,peace


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
Sandusky is out on BAIL tonight...

In-FUCKIN-credible !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
and now MSNBC is reporting McQueary is in PROTECTIVE custody...


ICMag Donor
Now that he's testified to these crimes, if they fire him he would sue them for millions. They've had plenty of time to fire him prior to this, and they didn't. So if they did now it would be perceived to be because of his testimony.....

He'll be gone soon though. When a new coach is hired, it is common place for him to bring his coaches with him, or hire new ones. The new coach will just let him go.....

Why isnt mcquerry fired yet?? He is on leave with pay...wtf


Old man like that,I'm sure he needs meds and regular trips to the doc...it doesn't take long. :ying:


Active member
Sandusky will probably try to blow the country if he can. He must know that he has no future here. Hard to believe they let him out. He has a huge target on his back and someone might well take him out. If he goes to prison, he will probably be in segregation (solitary confinement) the whole time.
This whole story is hard to believe: that someone could get away with this for so long, even after witnesses SAW him having sex with a minor in the Penn State locker room. Did the witness think it was consensual? He had to know it was a crime and he should be doing time for not stopping it. Also very hard to believe that this went on for so long and Joe Paterno let it go. It reminds me of Catholic school. There were (are?) many perverted priests and teachers, yet we were always taught to respect the priesthood and wouldn't think of reporting a priest. Who would believe us? People with reputations can get away with a lot. Hopefully, these guys will get what's coming to them. I'm still shocked that Joe Paterno, whom I always viewed as a stand up guy, let this go for so long without doing anything about it, and that they continued to allow Sandusky to come on campus and work with children. It's just mind boggling.

Red Fang

Active member
I feel we are at a nasty vigilante mentality with this whole thing.... you dare say anything other than all involved must die the most horrible death imaginable, and, you are well... horrible, deserving of the same tortuous death. Aren't we supposed to be open minded? Aren't we supposed to be understanding and kind and gentle and all that? Don't get me wrong, I am not advocating the legailzation of pedophilia or anything, getting little boys up the pooper is as disgusting to me as any of you. But, at the very least, I think Paterno should have been able to finish off his term.

I know of someone falsely accused of... well let's just leave it at that, but I know that person is innocent. Just because some parent or some young girl says something does not make it true. Believe me, at the very least perceptions can be way off, and at the most outright fabrication took place. A good friend was accused of rape in college also, he was the nicest guy that would buy you meals and beers endlessly and not ask for anything in return, give you the shirt off his back even if he was losing his home, that kind of thing. I find it hard to believe he was guilty and a lot easier to believe he ran into some psycho vindictive bitch or there was some misunderstanding or something. I just think no man or woman has the right nor should have the desire to ruin someone else's life without hard proof, just based on heresay and nothing else. Innocent until proven guilty, what ever happened to that? Involve women or children and all that goes out the window, and that is not right. Neither is unconsentual anything. Still, keep an open mind and get all the facts instead of jumping to conclusions. What I see hear instead, as well as with the rest of the USA, is the death of freedom and free thinking and the rush to judgement and a Salem witch trial vigilante lynch mob mentality that is ignorant and uncalled for. For the record, I think there is great hypocrisy here favoring snitching in this case and not when it hurts them. Paterno I feel did his duty by notifying higher up's and it was their responsibility to do whatever the law says they had to do. Fire the whole damned administration of Penn State or leave them finish out their current year, have it be consistent for everybody.

edit: someone made a good point a while back here... it is a little funny this is all coming out now, just as it is with this Cain thing... why was this not reported on and acted on way back when it happened years ago? Fishy, very fishy

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