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Widely publicized 4/20 poll actually shows majority support for drug reforms


The Raw Story
By Stephen C. Webster
Thursday, April 22nd, 2010

AT BOTTOM: California survey shows legalization winning out 56-42 percent

As with many instances in politics, actuality can often be obscured behind the wrong frame: ask a question just the right way and results can be wildly tilted, one way or another.

Take the case of an Associated Press/CNBC poll released on April 20, 2010, detailing Americans' opinions on legalizing marijuana. The poll was widely reported as declaring that 55 percent in the U.S. are opposed to ending prohibition.

Make no mistake, "oppose" is exactly what 55 percent of the people said when asked: "Do you favor, oppose or neither favor nor oppose the complete legalization of the use of marijuana for any purpose?"

However, a more nuanced probing of the issue, carried out by the polling firm but almost entirely unmentioned in the media on April 20th, found that when stacked next to alcohol, often a more debilitating and addictive substance, statistical support for drug law reforms skyrocketed.

Much more: http://rawstory.com/rs/2010/0422/widely-publicized-420-pot-poll-showed-majority-support-reforms/

Yep, the AP report was pure 100% propaganda. Anyone surprised?


Active member
People should read the whole article, it's interesting and not too long.

This whole polling thing - it's the questions you ask and how you ask them...

It sucks that AP decided to totally distort the results and lead with the results of only one question. The rest of the poll shows most Americans actually oppose our current policies and want to see an end to the war on drugs.

There was a time when the AP was a respected news outlet. Now it would seem they are nothing more than a part of the propaganda machine. Sad!



Active member
As the saying goes.... (If you young'ns haven't heard it yet)

There are Lies, Damn Lies and then there are Statistics.

As has been pointed out, it's too easy to manipulate ideas and information. Most people haven't been exposed to any education that taught them how to use their brain anyway. *shrug*


Take A Deep Breath
This whole polling thing - it's the questions you ask and how you ask them...

Exactly. An experienced and skilled pollster can usually devise a set of questions to ensure you get a positive result on the one statistic you want to know.


The USA has stopped supporting Anti Cocaine funding in Bolivia!

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