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Peat's Place


Client of Wu-Tang Financial. You need to diversify
Nice lookin great Peat...pretty even canopy too bro good job...peace


LOL They hold me up in more ways than one! ;)

Thanks. But, it's all just smoke & mirrors...
I mean, it's all just smoke! :smoke:

Thanks, Spicoli
I'm getting a little more practice with the crimping / supercropping...

Thanks, IBT :yeahthats

Thanks, MP :yeahthats :yeahthats :D

I'm very glad ya like em Mrs T. Thanks!

Thanks, Phillthy

:D Y'all sure do know how to puff a fella up! :friends:

Here's a couple of peeks at my SSH:

This is "D", first & out front, @ a couple of days more than 9 wks 12/12
Behind her are a couple of "A" @ 6 wks 12/12


These are 3 larger "A"s @ 6 wks 12/12



Two "E"s
The short one on the left (#7) is @ 10 wks 12/12
Th tall lady on the right (# 17) is @ 7 wks 12/12



I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
Howzit brother..?? WowZerZ those bishes are looking PHAT and well of course they look happy as a hooker on john street.. lol.. hittin ya with some K+ brother.. peace..



Thanks, sacko!
LOL @ hookers on John Street!
Location Location Location!!! ;)

Thanks, Cannabean!
I'm glad to see ya peepin in at Peat's Place! :friends:
:listen2: (I've finally got a bit of coco to play with. More on that later.)


Hi Peat!

MM looking good! All up and at em. Thanks!

Mwahahahaha, now for the experimenting with genes to begin.... Mwahahahahahaha.

I didn't pop the Sour Rhino, saving it for a rainy day. I got the SB from Grapevine going right now and some Rhino clones too, so, I am saving that one for later.

Go little MMs go! :) Yippie!

p.s. Hope you don't mind, shared the stash with a friend ;)


Don't share!!! :noway:

I can't even type that with a straight face!
I hope you know I'm j/k! ;)

Good luck Lola, & friend! :ying:

:listen2: (FWIW, this last run made me realize that I prefer the MM to the SR.) :yes:

Thanks articsun!

I can't get over that pic of your clean water in your thread! :yummy:
Water is my favorite beverage! :friends:
Water rocks! :headbange

I recently got a couple of gadgets to find out more about my water.

My new meter tells me my tap water = 0.80 EC
My new pH drops tell me my tap water = 8.5 (+) pH

:chin: (Does that count as Chunky style?)

All I know is,
My water scored a HELL of a lot higher than your water scored! :nanana:



"Be shapeless, formless, like water..."
Wow, that SSH looks lovely! I got an 1/8th from a dispensary up north, I fell in love with that strain! What kind of finishing time do you look at with that pheno? :respect:


Hey BudGood,

I've kept 2 phenos.
One is done around 10 wks.
& the other is done @ around 14 wks

They took about 2 weeks longer as seed plants.

I've only run the clones a time, or 2.


Client of Wu-Tang Financial. You need to diversify
Ya looking great peat....keep up the great work...peace bro


actually peat, sounds like you have very good water in your parts. all kinds of good karma your way buddy!



Thanks, articsun!
I'm glad to hear that.
I'm new to the testing game.

But, I'm a little bummed out at the same time...:crazy:
...I thought I found something I could tweak.

My veggies are not happy at all. :badday:
My seedling trouble can be seen in my "Id10t", "Bunk", & (more detail) "QX-1" links in my sig.
My clones are pretty much sick, too.

Also, my cuttings are taking VERY long to root. :badday:
I'm still getting 100%.
But, only because I'm WAAAY too patient.

New record:
This one (pic from a couple of days ago) finally rooted ... 6 weeks after being cut.

Notice, what looks to me, like salt build up on the pellet's surface...
That's one of many things that made me want to check my water.

This little one stuck out a rotting root tip a couple of times before the H202 flush of the whole garden (including, the cuts)
Then got thrown in the garbage for a day.

The next day (9/9), I dug it out. :petting:
Gave it some plain tap water.
And placed back on the heat mat.
24 hrs later, it coughed up a tiny, healthy (ish) root.
It's now in a solo cup of LC Mix and plain tap water.

But, the record may not hold for much longer.
I have four cuts @ 5 weeks.
(BTW, They spent the same day in the garbage...)
Showing no signs of rooting.
Looking like they might not make it at all. :badday:




that sucks Peat. I hate it when the clones don't root. Lost my Cali Orange cut.... boohoo.

I know what you feelin! :friends: