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I may have cut off ferts to my big girls a bit too early...:confused:

This is one time that I think my plants look better in my po' ass pics, than in person...:redface:

SDOG #3 (The young one. Now 59 days 12/12)
This one's not so bad, but has longer to go...:drum:

SDOG #5 (66 days 12/12)
...dosen't look too bad...except that the bud tips are also yellowing...& the trichs on said tips, dying... :frown:

SDOG #4 (66 days 12/12)
This one seems to be in a very fast decline. :yoinks:


dont let them die, cut them down mate so you dont get plant rot or something


That's a damn good point, articsun!
I believe that a undernourished plant is more vunerable...

Now that you mention it, I thought I saw a suspicious looking spot on the top bud of #1...

Seeing that helped justify me cutting her down a little early.
But I wasn't totally convinced, and it just slipped my mind.

...I'll definately be looking 'em over real good tonight...

Thanks for the headzup! :ying:

Tues will be day 70 12/12 for #4 & #5.
(& only day 63 for #3.)
(#3 isn't as bad, and will hopefully make it another wk)

"...must spread rep..."
I'll come back around for ya real soon, artic! :wink:


Hello friends, :wave:

I've been noticing some damage to the SSH foliage over he last few days.

At first, I tried to ignore it. :cool:

But last night, I decided to take a closer look...

Of course, the pics suck.
But, I'm 98% sure that it's thrip damage. :frown:

I've battled trips before. :dueling:
Last time, they were a good bit more advanced that this before I figured out what was going on.
But, not so bad that I had to resort to anything to harsh.

I figured I'd give the old tried and true formula once more...

I use the NEEM oil for a soil drench....

I use the DE as a soil topdress...

The way I approach:

1) ID the Pest -
There's lots of pics & info at icmag's "Infirmary".
I also like to use many different university websites...anything with pics & ID aids

The sooner, the better.
The longer things go unchecked, the more free reign the pests have

2) Know the Pest
The adults lay eggs on the foliage.
The eggs hatch and the larve eat...
When they get their fill, they travel down the stalk, into the soil root zone for a little metamophasis...
They emerge from the root zone as adults, fucking and laying eggs til they die.

The life cycle is only a couple of weeks.

The adult stage is the most resiliant & hardest to kill.

The babies are weak
I don't like spraying my plants...
So, I choose to target the soil dwelling life-stage.


I add neem oil concentrate to my fert mix (@ 1 oz/gal), and used it as a soil drench for every watering.
I try to keep a dry layer (1/16" - 1/4") of Diatomacious Earth on top of the soil.

The last time (yrs ago), this 1 - 2 puch knocked out the developing larve in the soil and emerging adults, effectively breaking the reproductive cycle.
As I remember it, thrips were gone in 2 weeks.

But, I kept up this routine for a couple of weeks AFTER all signs of thrips were gone, just to be sure I got any late hatching critters.


Comments / Suggestions?

Brother Bear

Simple kynd of man
ICMag Donor
good luck with the thrips brother :yes:
i ran some AK47 awhile ago
and they looked just like your #4 - i got bud rot as well and flushed a half oz down the toilet :mad:

plants looking great though :respect:


Active member
Wow Peat those sdog's are some fat girls!! :yoinks: Those are going to be some interesting ssh phenos, good luck!! :joint:


i want to use neem oil as a presenative measure
is it more effective mixing in and watering
or putting in a spray bottle and misting the leaves?
im about a month into flowering and dont want to take the chance of any bugs


Hey Brother Bear,
Thanks for the luck. I need all I can get! :D

I took #4 & #5 down. (There may be a bit destined to de toilet :frown:)
I'm watching #3 real close...

Hey Cannabean,
Thanks for stopping by!
You've got a very nice grow going, yourself! :yes:

Hey djbenzo
I'd save that neem til ya need it.
The best preventative measure I can suggest is cleanliness.
As far as application method, it depends on the target. :wink:
No pests = no target = take it easy! :ying:


Hey DJ Benzo.
I read on the label that neem does prevent certain types of fungus.

But, nothing about preventing insects.

It does say that it kills eggs, larve, and adult insects.
But, it has to come into contact with the insect first.
(Or, vice-versa...:wink:)

On the other hand, ...
Because oil & water don't mix, I have to "maintain constant agitation".
And now, I've lost my voice from yelling at it all day. :rant:

Ba da bump
(Someone, please get me a "rimshot" smilie) :biglaugh:




Playing around with my SDOG #1
They say a dog is man's best friend...



That's exactly the reference my wife made when she saw me totin' around my basket of goodies...

I thought it was a good idea, at the time...LOL...

I'm a Stoner :D


hehe im a stoner too im afraid :D got too much time


<---<< fuck that copyright btw.. (c) Arcticsun Grafix :D

Brother Bear

Simple kynd of man
ICMag Donor
hey peat :wave: bring that basket over to the bear cave
and we will have one hell of a pic-a-nic

or if your in a rush, you can just set it on the door step
ring the bell and run
i'll give them buds a good home


Hey Articsun,
It's hard to beat cartoon violence. :headbange

:dueling::bashhead::deadhorse:fight::cuss::whip: :bat: :spank::hotbounce:asskick::beat-dead

Hey BooBoo,
I'm smarter than the average bear! :crazy:
I try to never be in to much of a hurry to miss a pic-a-nic!!!

...just gotta keep an eye out for the Ranger...f'n pig...:angrymod:

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