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80mm fans.. Man... What I really want to know is should I find a way to lower temps(81F)

What kind of air circulation do you have in the room it's in? My room tends to warm up, so I have one of those small honeywell super turbo air circulator fans in front of my pc case pointed directly at my intake fans and it seems to help lower my temps by 3-5 degrees.


80mm fans.. Man... What I really want to know is should I find a way to lower temps(81F)

the solution to your problem can be solved with another PC fan... at least 3 degrees should be knocked off if you were to simply add one more fan that blows air through your CFLS...

Here is your issue... the computer case is indoubtedly metal... now what is happening is BECAUSE your exhaust fan is lower than your light bulbs there is not any air movement around your lights. Your air needs to circulate by the lights to keep them cool, keep them cool enough... and your leaves can touch them with no signs of drying and burning! When the case is shut your CFLS create a heat pocket that isnt circulating at all due to the fact heat rises and your fan is not directly at the top of the case. In turn this 'heat pocket' is easily spreading heat throughout the entire case because metal is a fantastic conductor for such things.

So think of it as... the temp of your grow, is the temp of the metal case.

I saw 2 fans pictured in each of your cases so i am unsure (please post back) of where your number of 6 total fans is from... but 3 in each case will suffice

The two you have set up are fine... the last one needs to encourage air to circulate through your light bulbs and move some of that hot air trapped at the top of your case... down to exhaust out the back. Make sure your exhaust fan is MORE powerful than you intake (or equal i suppose!) Be sure to reference the picture from thesoftparade's post a few back his second picture in his post (right side of pic) is an example of where you need your fan...

i have mounted a PC fan to CFLS with a simple piece of wire threaded through the screw holes in 2 corners of the fan (screw holes) then dangling from the the top of the PC.

One thought: Air cirulcation is key for more reasons than temps, however temperature is a great way for you to measure your circulation now that you have a base temperature to compare future results to. Make sure the fan you add has a bit of a buffer to pull air from as it will be close to the side of your case (for example a fan that has been pushed flush against a wall blows significantly less air)

wow all that for one fan :joint:

edit: post pics of the passive exhaust at top if this is no help!! i am not sure i understand.

also 81f is measure from where? exhaust or near the top or the acutal lightbulbs?


Grow like nobody is watching
BC like I said it depends on the amps of the adapters.

Google the serial number of the 120mm fan and add "specifications" after it.

BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
My case is an aluminum Lian-Li server. I have the 120mm blowing directly at the lights and 1 exhaust fan at the other end of the lights. I have learned all that from the both of your Threads. The thermometer is at the bottom. The passive/is right above the exhaust fan. Scrub, there is no serial number on the fans. I tried everywhere to find it but no luck. The adapter is a Powerline Ac Adapter 3-12 volt Dc/600mA. I really need to show all of you pics of my PC growcase that I made. With all of your help. Temps are now at a steady 77f with a fan blowing at the intake. I'd like to get rid of that but whatever works huh! Now I germinate seeds and post some pics. I am striving for 1-ounce . Thanks Scrub and JimH4LPert. I have'nt posted pics of my case yet but very soon. I got Skunk/Haze seeds for free when I bought some fem easyryders so here goes..I'd love any input I can get. I do understand what you were saying Scrub because I tried everything you said plus studied up on your Pc fans thread..Just got worked up I guess getting this thing going


Grow like nobody is watching
BC, the Antec Tricool is .24 amps on max. It's 79cfm and 30db. I think this would be the fan you have.

PS my cab is over 76 and it's lights off.

BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
SrubNinja, the power adapter supplies 1 amp of power..About the 120 fans, there is absolutely no info on the fan itself other than ANTEC 3 speed..thats it..thats all.. I am using 2-40 watt 2700k plus 2-23 watt 6700k..if I ran all 23 watts instead, do you think I could get 1 more light in? i have lots of space for 1 more..need to post pics tomorrow..thanks

BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
That might be it! So with the adapter having 1 amp of power, is that okay for 3 fans ? Seems to be working well now but I have had the AC on too. A small fan blowing at the intake would help


Grow like nobody is watching
I'm pretty sure it's it. It comes in several flavours - clear, black, different LED colours etc. But there's not many three speed fans around and a search for 3 speed antec indicates it's highly likely to be it.

Yes, a 1 amp supply will power three antecs safely (if we assume the amps are correct). Your 600mA adjustable one won't power 3 antecs, and neither adapter will power all your fans at once, safely. Your 600mA will power 3 of your .15amp fans safely.

BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
I have 2 of the adapters with each one powering 3 fans..2 80mm and 1 120mm..the 80's are .15 amps each for sure so thats .30 amps for two plus the .24 for the 120mm which makes a grand total of .54 amps for all 3....sound okay?what a great help you've been Scrub! Would I be able to cover the intakes with carbon filter like I have done to the exhaust? The light issue is the only reason..I read up on those Ona blocks and you run the chance of your grow smelling like laundry.. but, alas, you can't believe everything


Grow like nobody is watching
And you're running two sets of those three fans, correct? You are fine on the 1 amp, and should be ok on the 600ma. I try to go way overboard on the amps of the power supply just to avoid any chance of problems and so it doesn't have to work hard. But that should be fine, I've run 1:1 amps for long periods no problem.

To check, plug in the 2 loudest fans in the 3-fan set, observe volume and strength, plug in the third fan and see if the loud fans power down a little. If they do then I wouldn't use that adapter. If possible you should just balance the load out more over the adaptors, to be sure.

Edit: btw I am just some guy, not an electrician, so play it safe. Peace and good luck.



4 26w 6500K CFL's.. My first grow.. I'm addicted!! I'm just ready for my plants to get bigger.. watching them 24/7 sure does make the growth seem slower.. lol

PC grows are the shit.. my new hobby fo sho.

BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
Yeah Scrub. I am running 3 fans of each power supple. I checked the airflow like you said and they are blowing like crazy. Should I get another power supply? Each one only has 3 fans but I will if you think its safer. No need for fires. Time to start germination now. Did you use Fox Farm? I live in a small town so I don't know if I can find that. Any opinions? Thanks yet again


Grow like nobody is watching
Hey bro, I'm not sure of the exact overhead you need on the amps. Aerohead (who obviously knows a thing or two) posted his formula once and I think it was total amps of the fans plus 10%. Something like that anyway - perhaps ask on his thread. I'm too stoned to work out how many percent extra you have.

I have a great power supply for my cupboard, I recommend them. 3 amps, adjustable voltage, and only the size of two big wall wart style adapters. I'm going to install a 2.7 amp fan and use it to control the speed. See how I've got just over 10% extra on the power supply? Sweeeeeet.

I grow hydro with coco... I don't know if you can even buy fox farms in this whole country, lol. So I wouldn't have a clue. I use seed raising mix when I use soil, it's pretty generic stuff, no nutrients just sand and something that holds water. Shit, I just killed like 5 waves of seedlings, stop asking me this stuff, lol! :tongue:

Good luck bro, hope it helps.


any soil will do the trick you want a higher concentration of perlite in my experience, always go for a potting mix to make sure there is some in there!

even miracle grow soil can work however it does not have that much perlite, i have used it in the past,,, come to think of it i am using it now ha ha

one thing to consider: nutrients that are built into soil brands such as miracle grow or even foxfarm advertise they last for 3 months (slow dissolving little 'balls' mixed into the soil) try to stay away from these just in case your plants finish before the nutrients do, this will enable you to do a thorough flush!

goodluck and be sure to post post pics of updates

realistik nice clean design and use of space; that digital display looks badass!

I am a bit out of date on the forum and i have caught up however i was wondering if we have ever established a record yield, mine was only about a half an oz after a watercure... which dries the hell out of your buds... i think someone has managed just under an oz at one time what about everyone else?

BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
Thanks ScrubNinja and Jim4LPert for your advice. I've never seen FoxFarm either! The only reason I mentioned it was that I had seen it on other threads. We have a hydro store here(just discovered it) so the owner is helping me to some extent. He's cool. Chronic just like me!! The only thing there is he has these monstrous bags that would last me 50 years in a pcgrow. Hilarious. By Saturday I should be posting pics and germing should be done. I am going to try for an oz but we'll see. I have a 2 gallon plastic shoe box so there should be plenty of room for roots. Once again thanks guys and hopefully we will be chatting for awhile while my grow progesses.

BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
If you are out there Scrub, I went with an adapter similiar to yours. 12v DC 3 amp power supply. No worries about any overheating now. I am installing an 80mm cooling fan up top so I can increase the lights. That would bring my fan count to 7. Hence the bigger power supply.I should have 10,400 lumens and 138 watts before I am through! Thats if 6 lights will work properly. What do you think? Me thinks that should be enough for a 1.44 cubic foot space.
Oh yeah, your cupboard rocks!


Grow like nobody is watching
Thanks bro. I replied here yesterday and now it's gone, so this is the short reply. You should look into higher amperage fans. That way you have 2 fans instead of 7. I don't think I've seen a case with 7 fans before, it doesn't sound like you'd have any room to grow plant matter in there.

Square footage is the one you need for watts/lumens per sq ft. I think you have plenty. Best luck :rasta:

BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
No. I still have, with the fans, 1.44 sguare feet to work with. yeah, higher amp fans will be good. After this grow, I will figure that out. Its amazing all the space I have. I even have a power bar at the side for lights beside the plants too. Sorry I haven't posted pics. Had the flu. will soon though. The case is a huge Lian-Li server I got for cheap. It is brand new plus its aluminum. Before I got the 7th fan, the other ones aren't in the way at all. barely notice them and the new one is going up at the far left top corner so it will not intrude at all. This is an experiment anyways. I am a medical user. a small dresser or shelf is what I will go for next. Pics will help you see.