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passive plant killer

I know how much it sucks when I'm lurking a new forum, and everyone who is talking about what I'm interested in makes references to threads that have been deleted for six years, or keeps calling each other Boring or Bastards.

And I know how much it sucks to hear, "It's all in the thread," when the thread is 258 pages long, and the Wicked Pulse thread is getting on there too...

I'd say I'm up to my ass in it too, and have way too much going on to do a summary thread... but that would just be a lie. I'm just too lazy.

So good luck to all you future PPKers out there--it's really god awful simple. Once you see how simple it god-awfully is. That's the complicated part.
Im looking for pictures of tailpieces that work well...Im getting ready to build more buckets and I want to get ideas of how everybody else does it...

Doesn't coco fall through there? Also my tailpiece is supporting my plant so the bottom is on the bottom of the res... I cut slits in mine and covered the outside with mesh screen and zip tied that in place so coco would fall through... At first I only covered the end but as the coco compressed it came through the 1/4" slits I cut, now those are covered by screen too...


Still Learning
I know how much it sucks when I'm lurking a new forum, and everyone who is talking about what I'm interested in makes references to threads that have been deleted for six years, or keeps calling each other Boring or Bastards.

And I know how much it sucks to hear, "It's all in the thread," when the thread is 258 pages long, and the Wicked Pulse thread is getting on there too...

I'd say I'm up to my ass in it too, and have way too much going on to do a summary thread... but that would just be a lie. I'm just too lazy.

So good luck to all you future PPKers out there--it's really god awful simple. Once you see how simple it god-awfully is. That's the complicated part.

I know, ashes, this thread is a monster. I was lucky enough to stumble upon it when it was only about 20 pages long and have followed ever since. I do not get into the threads / discussions about, ph and nutrients, Jacks takes care of those issues... lighting is simple at a verticle bulb or 10. I re-read the first parts of this thread, and the middle and the new stuff.. it is all, very good.

Education is expensive, whether it be time or money. This thread, and ICMAG, costs us nothing in the way of money. That leaves time.. take the time to read the first 50-75 pages. It is worth reading, ashes. 'Time' is the cost of education here.:tiphat:

Hello, D9.. hope you're well, seeing your new 'process' is in good order.. cant wait for more... thanks.:pumpkin::pumpkin: Happy Halloweenie!!


Well-known member
Doesn't coco fall through there? Also my tailpiece is supporting my plant so the bottom is on the bottom of the res... I cut slits in mine and covered the outside with mesh screen and zip tied that in place so coco would fall through... At first I only covered the end but as the coco compressed it came through the 1/4" slits I cut, now those are covered by screen too...

You cut a 4 inch circle of fiberglass window screen and stuff that down inside the tailpiece on top of zip ties so nothing falls out.
Education is expensive, whether it be time or money. This thread, and ICMAG, costs us nothing in the way of money. That leaves time.. take the time to read the first 50-75 pages. It is worth reading, ashes. 'Time' is the cost of education here

Sorry Snook, shitty post on my part. I'm pretty familiar with this thread; my post was a commiseration with those who see 260 pages of dense tech and inside jokes and wither under the pressure.

It is a good read.

All of the PPK threads listed in Delta's sig are a good read.

PPKs are worth the effort.

I'm off to catch up on Zeke's grow...


Active member
Hey Johnny,
An alternative to the 6" tailpieces (that Lowes were out of...natch) was regular 1" pvc pipe for my scaled down closet sized ppk's 5 quart buckets.
I just got a few 1" slip unions and cut them into 3/16" rings, glued one end for a flange and the other end I (couldn't find the zillion zip ties I already had so I didn't buy any) clipped the ring open so it would fit over the screen that I pulled over the tailpiece with a bead of superglue to hold it all together, let dry and trimmed the excess screen.

Works great with the slight disadvantage that I can't just poke the roots out but I just run the faucet through the tail over a strainer and the plug usually pops right out. Might have to give it a poke or two with a skinny screwdriver, no big deal.

A !0' stick of pvc makes a bunch of tail pieces cheap.

Hey D9 buddy...long time, no see. I can see your doing well. Your Tunnel of Love is a marvel to behold. I'm blinded by science catching up on the pulse thread. The float in the controller bucket is an ingenious solution to 'reservoir creep' from pulsing.

What can I say? Design and execution top shelf all the way. I've been in operating rooms that aren't as clean and well laid out as this.
Truly impressive. A veritable Edison's Menlo Park of weed.

I sure would like to pull up a bucket and spark one up with you and bask in the reflected glow of satisfaction of a job exceptionally well done.

There really ain't a feeling quite like it, eh?
Yeah, I know...Just a tweak here or there...

What's next? a conveyer belt from veg room to trim room? From Edison invention to Ford production line?

C'mon, admit it...You've already given it some thought.

I got to finish the thread and see how this all comes out. See ya round.
Hey D9!

Been a couple years since I checked in and hoo-boy, have you been busy!!! Thanks to your meddling I've only managed two grows over the last two years.

Let me explain - Last time I was seriously on the forums you suggested that I simplify my life and switch to a 1kW light source, surround it with 4 PPKs, feed with Jacks, and then sit back and enjoy the results. I did just that and, well, it has seriously diminished my growing fun. I get around 50 oz/grow and since it is just for me and Mrs. Cactus, I end up only growing about once a year. I grow inside the house and now schedule my once-a-year grow for mid-winter since the near 1,000 watts of waste heat actually provides close to 1/3 of all the winter heating required for our very well insulated, very small house. No sense in wasting all that heat in the summer!

A question for you or others on the thread who may remember:

I have recently used the last of my coco and want to move away from it back to an easily reusable media. I'll probably go back to pure Turface. I seem to recall you suggested that with Turface alone, you might drop the top pulse and only feed from below. Is that still the case? Healthy plants are my goal, not necessarily maximum yield since if need be, I can always run TWO grows a year(!).



No Jive Productions
hey snook! where you been hidin', bro? i know you have pulled off a grow or two since last time we heard from you. how about a progress report? have you heard the new plan? either you give me a thread or 10% of gross production for life.

stagehand099, same to ya! i know you've got a ppk goin' on somewhere now. you know i can be there in about an hour and a half. don't make me come down there to collect!

mrcreosote! well, well, what have we here? you publicly admit growing in a ppk yet i'm not getting any stash from you? i ask you, exactly what kind of shit is this? i've got "associates" in your area. maybe i'm gonna have to tell them to give you a "tune up".

and cactus jack! only 3.125 pounds of stinkin marijuana per light? and again, i'm not getting the grease? i think you better do a thread or you're gonna be talkin to "fat tony" and guido.


No Jive Productions
cactus, i grew the very first plant sub-irrigated only with absolutely no water from the top after the first two weeks. it produced 7.25 oz's.

you can do it and top water a little by hand from your own reservoir just whenever you're home on no particular schedule and grow a bigger one.

pure turface unscreened but washed heavily.

i sure would like to see that 3.125 lb set up in operation. my new light thingy will be ideal for people growing four plants around a light.

good to hear from you!


Still Learning
hey snook! where you been hidin', bro? i know you have pulled off a grow or two since last time we heard from you. how about a progress report? have you heard the new plan? either you give me a thread or 10% of gross production for life.


A while back, D9, you were talking about shooting a rattlesnake.. dont remember if you did or not but somehow, it motivated my 'gun itch'. With your process in place and time on my hands, I bought a couple rifles and a couple more pistols and am back to reloding and shooting.......... >while the girls play, I mix 15 gallons a week for them. 10%!!! Thats it? I owe you more than that... one day I'll get to your neck of the woods for FTF. Grows have been too good. backed off to only 3 plants (from 4). parinoia at moving more.. its so good (rez sssdh & BBCheese) that for many its too strong.. with rep like that, LEO might get too interested. Florida is a PITA with its' cannabis laws.
Keep up the great work.... cu around..


No Jive Productions
i didn't shoot one, i beat it to death with a hoe, and no, i don't mean Magnolia Thunderpussy.

actually, i haven't seen another one since but the guys who cut hay say they run over them all the time.

another bored ppk grower seeking alternative hobbies. reloading can be slow and tedious and requires lots of concentration. the same old story. i've gotten quite good at needlepoint. or is it cross stitching? who the hell knows but it kills lots of time. birdwatching is good. my cats are avid birdwatchers. so i just sit with them sometimes, in the window, watching birds.

since automating, i have no reason to look at clocks anymore so i have taken them all down.

i'm thinking about miniature shipbuilding, in a bottle. it can take years to do one of those.

so now you're growing weed that's "too" good! yeah, i know what you mean. i've got a couple of strains now that i'm afraid to release to the general population.

i guess it's another price we pay to be ppk growers.

so you cut from 4 to 3 around a light. i've been thinking that might be the magic number also. same amount of bud, less plants. i think they would shape better, too.

later on


Hi, my names Stranger and I'm a recovering PPK'r.

Last night my wife confronted me asking " Why are you always with our grow? What happened to that way you were doing it? I only used to see you hauling water to the grow about once a week, now you're in there every day for extended periods?" I was called out, she who must be obeyed is not happy.

Its true, I don't know what happened, all of a sudden I had bato buckets and coco set up all in my tent. I now am in there daily worrying and fighting to keep the ladies happy.
What was I thinking?

No kidding, I am now fighting with my grow, always worrying about one thing or another, and I know my plant numbers are up, my yield is down.

I am building my improved manifold and will be getting back to real life soon.

Please think of me if you ever think about leaving the PPK way of life, its just not worth it.



Active member

I too have a need to eff around, but consider my way:

After 12 years of experimentation, I have no desire to leave something as simple as ppks, so instead, I am attempting to complicate them. Visit the recycled organic living soil thread.

I am building an organic living soil. And I want to water it with a ppk device. Since a much larger volume is required to hold most/all of the nutrients required for a full grow, one must either cram the buckets together for a sea of green, or go with much larger containers. I think a 5 gallon top bucket would be the smallest, but a 10, 20, 50 or 100 gallon top container, or a large, deep, common bed would be the way to go for the size plants most of us grow. So now we are using the ppk as a watering device for a water only organic soil, and keeping the perched water table where it belongs - out of the root zone.

If we can succeed with this, it gets simple again, as many folks on that thread run no-till style. Cut out just enough root ball to plant a new clone, top dress with earthworm castings, compost, etc, (something with a high humus content) and keep running.

Building this soil can be done out of the room, used for outdoor gardens as well, and involve the whole family.

Then we can find a new way to complicate it.

To any new visitors to this thread: disregard this post as it applied to ppk tech, it will just confuse you.

And again to Stranger: when we all get together at the ppk convention, the rest of us will take turns kicking you in the nuts for leaving in the first place - or you can be shunned.
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