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Passenger beheaded on Canada bus


lives on planet 4:20
i knew all those beheadings in iraq will have their consenquences.....especially since they were all over the net....watched a few times...some disturbing shit imo


Just Call me Urkle!!
Yea poor Nick Berg that shit was rough to watch and this bus one sounds off the hook! This world is going crazy! I bet he hadn't smoked any weed he was probably drunk and enraged...


lives on planet 4:20
i guess that's why my wife sleeps in a different room folks....lmfao...i don't want to end up like this poor boy because of my snoring...some say sounds can make people go crazy......like anyone have shitty neighbors?


lives on planet 4:20
in reality there are two subjects they could have argued about and such a reaction followe....the first is over *global warming* and the second is *does greenhouse have original genetics or shantibaba took them when he left greenhose and sold his share of the company to Arjan*....imo


Active member
Back when I was a kid, I worked at Greyhound for a short period. I never once rode a bus anywhere. I saw the kind of people that travel in those busses. Who the fuck is going to sit on a bus for days to get from the East coast > West coast?

:joint: :wave:


lives on planet 4:20
greenhead said:
Back when I was a kid, I worked at Greyhound for a short period. I never once rode a bus anywhere. I saw the kind of people that travel in those busses. Who the fuck is going to sit on a bus for days to get from the East coast > West coast?

:joint: :wave:

many people do it...when I was a teenager (16) I travelled from SouthFlorida to La Jolla California and back twice

sold a bunch of cigaretes and weed while travelling.......cigs were bought from some cubans that stole a truck of it and weed was bought wholesale from a stoner contact I had

my only goal was to travel...sell smokes and weed to cover expenses...and meet chicks travelling on the busses for one night stands .... lol

weed worked wonders on the girls...and I had a blast each time.....this was in 1996 - 1997 so I don't know how Greyhound is now since I haven't been in America for 14 years


sunshine in a bag
Why are people so against the death penalty? Some people just don't deserve to live.

And why should it be in the governments hands?

They should let atheists (such as myself) kill these people. I'd enjoy it.

Take for instance, some guy molests and kills a 6 year old girl. They catch him. I get to take him out, wonderful.

I'd burn his dick and light him on fire. For this guy, I'd chop off his fingers, his toes, then his head.

Some people DESERVE this. People don't just violently murder innocent people and then somehow deserve sympathy for being fucked up in the head.
If they are LITERALLY crazy, or just so fucking out of this world that they need to be kept in a straight jacket, then fine. Take em to the loony bin and lock em up, don't let them ever come out. But if some average intelligence, degenerate mother fucker just kills people for their own benefit or no reason at all, those people deserve death, and nothing less. Why let them live? They weren't forced to kill anyone. They did it because they like to strangle people, they like to tie women up and rape their dead bodies, because they like to rape children and then kill them so they don't get caught and can keep it going.
Sure they might feel remorseful, or even pity themselves. But that's just because they know they fucked up and are going to prison. Hardly any murderers feel remorseful before they get caught.

So fucking kill them, do the world a favor.


Its COOL to DROOL!!!!!!
Thundurkel said:
Yea poor Nick Berg that shit was rough to watch and this bus one sounds off the hook! This world is going crazy! I bet he hadn't smoked any weed he was probably drunk and enraged...
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ WTF??? seriously..yea he was so mad he lopped the guys head off...yesss that just happened

look into this now


lives on planet 4:20
Feyd said:
Why are people so against the death penalty? Some people just don't deserve to live.

And why should it be in the governments hands?

They should let atheists (such as myself) kill these people. I'd enjoy it.

Take for instance, some guy molests and kills a 6 year old girl. They catch him. I get to take him out, wonderful.

I'd burn his dick and light him on fire. For this guy, I'd chop off his fingers, his toes, then his head.

Some people DESERVE this. People don't just violently murder innocent people and then somehow deserve sympathy for being fucked up in the head.
If they are LITERALLY crazy, or just so fucking out of this world that they need to be kept in a straight jacket, then fine. Take em to the loony bin and lock em up, don't let them ever come out. But if some average intelligence, degenerate mother fucker just kills people for their own benefit or no reason at all, those people deserve death, and nothing less. Why let them live? They weren't forced to kill anyone. They did it because they like to strangle people, they like to tie women up and rape their dead bodies, because they like to rape children and then kill them so they don't get caught and can keep it going.
Sure they might feel remorseful, or even pity themselves. But that's just because they know they fucked up and are going to prison. Hardly any murderers feel remorseful before they get caught.

So fucking kill them, do the world a favor.

I totally agree with you...and would like to be the second person helping do these motherfu..rs in.....and concerning the medically handicapped if they kill someone...they should be eliminated also...so no one else dies because of them...period

the most important question....is.....*what if this was your son, father, brother, etc.....who got murdered this way....what would you want done with this fuc..er?

I would want him to die slowly and painfully....period....and I wouldn't care if he was a retard or not


Freedom Fighter
pSi007 said:
in prison, mexican gangs require their members to stab a white guy in order to initiate their acceptance into the gang.

stabbings are normal in american prisons.

Sorry...I just couldn't let this go-- It is utterly false--
I don't know where you got your info, but in the 12 times I have been in Cali state prisons, I have never seen that-- In fact, the South-Side Mexicans (Sur) ride with the Whites...and the Northerners hang with the Blacks--
Most premeditated stabbings are either over dope, or rival gangs--
Not trying to start shit, just trying to keep things "Real"--


Chinese immigrant in bus beheading dined on victim
AFP - 23 minutes ago
OTTAWA (AFP) - A Chinese immigrant who stabbed, gutted and beheaded a fellow passenger on a bus traveling across Canada last week also cannibalized the victim and pocketed his nose, lips and ear, a court heard Tuesday.


Chinese immigrant in bus beheading dined on victim

OTTAWA (AFP) — A Chinese immigrant who stabbed, gutted and beheaded a fellow passenger on a bus traveling across Canada last week also cannibalized the victim and pocketed his nose, lips and ear, a court heard Tuesday.

Vince Weiguang Li, 40, of Edmonton faces a second-degree murder charge in the horrific case.

The victim has been identified by friends as Tim McLean, a young man of 22 years who was returning home to Winnipeg from a job as a carnival worker in Edmonton in Western Canada.

In his second court appearance, Li was overheard saying "please kill me," his interim defense lawyer Randy Janis told AFP.

Prosecutors said he appeared to be eating pieces of his victim when police surrounded the bus on a desolate highway about 90 kilometers (55 miles) west of Winnipeg last week immediately following the July 30 attack.

Li had decapitated the victim and was taunting police and bystanders with the head, the Crown said.

According to reports, McLean had been asleep, his cheek pressed against the window of the bus when his assailant struck suddenly, stabbing him repeatedly in the chest with a "big Rambo knife."

The other 34 passengers and the driver were jolted by "blood-curdling screams" and fled, bracing the door on their way out to trap the assailant inside the bus, witness Garnet Caton told public broadcaster CBC.

"He must have stabbed him 50 times or 60 times," said Caton.

After a three-hour standoff, Li tossed a knife and scissors out of a broken window of the bus, jumped out and was subdued by police, the court heard.

In his pants' pocket, police found several body parts sliced from the victim's face, said prosecutors.

According to reports, Li worked mostly solitary jobs, including delivering newspapers and as a church custodian, since his arrival in Canada in 2004.

People who knew Li said the accused had showed signs of mental health troubles in the years leading up to the attack, but refused help.

His estranged wife told police he'd been hospitalized for four days in the weeks prior to the attack, the court heard.

Li did not speak in court. He nodded yes when asked by the judge if he understood the seriousness of the charge and shook his head no when asked if he wanted a lawyer.

"He doesn't seem to want to engage in any discourse," Janis told AFP after meeting with Li.

"His few responses are non-verbal, there's very little eye contact. Occasionally, he'll nod or shake his head to answer," he said, describing Li as withdrawn.

The judge ordered a psychiatric evaluation of the accused before his next scheduled court appearance on September 8.
Last edited:


southflorida, do you not know what the fock a dateline is? it says OTTAWA. it's the SAME story.

seriously, let's see all these clues:

"A Chinese immigrant"

"bus traveling across Canada"

"Vince Weiguang Li, 40, of Edmonton"

"west of Winnipeg"

"Li worked mostly solitary jobs, including delivering newspapers and as a church custodian, since his arrival in Canada in 2004."

Seriously, learn to read :-D


~Resident Puck Bunny~
nycdfan042 said:
chinas fucked up...he was all high on bear bile and went nuts~! i heard

What does China have to do with this, besides that's where he immigrated from? There's crazy people in your country too but I don't go around insulting the whole country for the actions of one.....

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