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Parents visiting from out of town, um...



mom, dad, well, remember when it was your roof and I had to abide by your rules? Well, this is my roof, and though I love and respect you, this is who I am, this is what I do.
Good Luck!

Green lung

Active member
jeeze man you only got a 600w.......just lock the door and tell them you have a roomate........................you know obviously clean up, use air freshner ect.


i just broke the news to my folks. I presented them a plan/belief that they could not argue with. My parents HATE DRUGS...bottom line. But when I told them, and showed them paperwork and even my room, they cooled down a bit. They had no idea that I could turn an extra bedroom into a pot farm and do it right under their nose without them knowing. I was surprised at how well it went overall. It was getting to be a pain to answer the "how's work?' questions. Now I can say "I'm about to harvest some fat ass nugs mom, wanna looksee?"

love it

My pops, who is anti everything, told me he reads in the paper every day that "they" are ripping pot farms from peoples houses, he said it was in that days paper or the day before. So I grabbed the paper because by all means, i wanna know too!!! To my surprise, all I could find was articles about legalizing the dispensaries and making them more legal by changing the city ordinance/zoning laws. It was a slam dunk!!!


i just broke the news to my folks. I presented them a plan/belief that they could not argue with. My parents HATE DRUGS...bottom line. But when I told them, and showed them paperwork and even my room, they cooled down a bit. They had no idea that I could turn an extra bedroom into a pot farm and do it right under their nose without them knowing. I was surprised at how well it went overall. It was getting to be a pain to answer the "how's work?' questions. Now I can say "I'm about to harvest some fat ass nugs mom, wanna looksee?"

love it

My pops, who is anti everything, told me he reads in the paper every day that "they" are ripping pot farms from peoples houses, he said it was in that days paper or the day before. So I grabbed the paper because by all means, i wanna know too!!! To my surprise, all I could find was articles about legalizing the dispensaries and making them more legal by changing the city ordinance/zoning laws. It was a slam dunk!!!

they sound pretty damn reasonable to me? sounds like a very easy persuasion...

what was this paperwork you showed them?

i live with the parents and i'd love to convince them to let me grow in the basement.


High Grade Specialist
dude thats awesome i wish i could tell my parents too but it would propably end in a shitstorm.
so i just find excuses not to invite them over but it has been like a year and they really wanna visit me now. so i gotta get the current harvest in, take down the whole cab and grant them their wish im running out of excuses lol


New member
I suggest coming out of the grow closet. I have a much better relationship with parents since doing so. My dad is going to have to sleep in a room with a secret jardin buzzing all night long when he comes to visit next month, I think it is hilarious. Can't wait to see his face.


they sound pretty damn reasonable to me? sounds like a very easy persuasion...

what was this paperwork you showed them?

i live with the parents and i'd love to convince them to let me grow in the basement.

I sghowed them the paperwork from the dr. I told them my plan and what I do with the medicine. They probably hate it really, but there's no point in them protesting me and ruining our relationship. I went to their house a few weeks ago specifically to break them the news. My dad was calling my mom at work telling her.."you better come home, Dusto needs to talk to you...." It was epic.

The reason I had to tell them? My wife was getting tired of lying about stuff to them all the time. It was causing strain in me and my wifes relationship. So we were arguing one day and she brought it up....again...so I just said fine, I'll go tell them everything. So I did. I also feel better about my relationship with my parents now too, as I don't have to hide/lie about stuff anymore. HAhaha, and when I borrow my dad's tools I don't need to lie anymore.


sunshine in a bag
my mom just harvested some buds a week or so ago.

it's going to be tough to break it to her one day that i smoke the marijuanas.

Prof Sublime

Hard working pothead
Just play it cool and tell them there is nowhere to sleep in your APT and, getting a hotel room will be a better idea. Even offer to pay half the room. Double check your light leaks, n smells. Then have a great time with your parents!


I see a "My parents jacked my grow" thread coming.

You know it's a gateway drug, how you gunna feel when mom and pops start speed balling.

Moms turning tricks and pops is robbin banks.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
I'll bet you never told them what to stock in their liquor cabinet, turn about's fair play and make sure to tell them so as soon as they open their yaps if that's what happens.......

el Dream Reader

If they are very anti weed, I hope that they don't think jail will help straighten you out. I don't know your parents so only you can decide what to do. I would hide the stuff, rule number one: Tell No One! I've learned this rule the hard way.


I sghowed them the paperwork from the dr. I told them my plan and what I do with the medicine. They probably hate it really, but there's no point in them protesting me and ruining our relationship. I went to their house a few weeks ago specifically to break them the news. My dad was calling my mom at work telling her.."you better come home, Dusto needs to talk to you...." It was epic.

The reason I had to tell them? My wife was getting tired of lying about stuff to them all the time. It was causing strain in me and my wifes relationship. So we were arguing one day and she brought it up....again...so I just said fine, I'll go tell them everything. So I did. I also feel better about my relationship with my parents now too, as I don't have to hide/lie about stuff anymore. HAhaha, and when I borrow my dad's tools I don't need to lie anymore.

That's pretty cool. My parents are fully aware I smoke, but not that I've started growing. Although the grow is guerrilla, I did have a number of clones in PC cases for several weeks, and i'm still living in their house.

The girlfriend, who was aware of what I am doing wasn't initially impressed and said it was disrespectful. Fortunately, I can reason with her and explain how it wasn't how she thought and they could get into no trouble for my actions.

I wish I could do the same with my parents, but with my Mum being a complete safe-head, not touching anything illegal, or a cigarette in her life, somehow I don't think she can be persuaded. To her, the law is right. It's not like I'm a medicinal user, I just love the stuff and how it makes me feel, so I guess I could say it makes me feel "better", does that pass for medicinal? But how many medicinal users really "need" it?

I'm going off-topic. Stop there.

Brother Bear

Simple kynd of man
ICMag Donor
The girlfriend, who was aware of what I am doing wasn't initially impressed and said it was disrespectful. Fortunately, I can reason with her and explain how it wasn't how she thought and they could get into no trouble for my actions.

Unfortunately for you, your girlfriend was right :yes:
Best advice is here IMHO

Lock the door, and tell your parents you rent the room to a friend for storage, and don't say anything more about it.

Cookie monster

I'll bet you never told them what to stock in their liquor cabinet, turn about's fair play and make sure to tell them so as soon as they open their yaps if that's what happens.......

And dont forget to throw in the whole "as long as your under my roof" speech...:)


I would go the lock the door bit if my folks came because their very old school & lots of air fresheners cause they would freak & since their in their 80's it might kill them on the spot. But I really like the gay pedophile one had me rolling for a while.

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