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Parents visiting from out of town, um...


I haven't seen my parents or any of my family in years, directly because of this very thing
Even being legal, they just would NOT understand
I've sought their approval for so many years now and NEVER gotten it so finally one day they came over unexpected and I was trimming with a big pile of weed on the living room floor:shucks:

It turned UGLY real quick but my longing to seek their approval vanished too

Like I said, I haven't seen them in years
Its THEIR loss cause I am a loving caring human being who just happens to grow and self medicate:dance013:

Good for you man, way to stay strong. I've done way more messed up stuff in my life as a kid that my parents have gotten over. This shouldn't be that hard in the end.. Been thinking about it, I let them know SB1449 passed out here and they were happy about that. As long as they know I most likely wont get in trouble for it, I think it will be alright.


dude thats awesome i wish i could tell my parents too but it would propably end in a shitstorm.
so i just find excuses not to invite them over but it has been like a year and they really wanna visit me now. so i gotta get the current harvest in, take down the whole cab and grant them their wish im running out of excuses lol

You sir truly feel what I'm going through.. :tiphat:


When are they suppose to arrive and what are your plans as of now?

They wanna come for christmas, and that's around the time I'll be harvesting. It's a huge relief that SB1449 passed and I sent them all the info on it. It will be a bigger relief if 19 passes (from a legal stand point) I don't want to start a 19 yes/ no argument by any means. Just from being able to say what I'm doing is not illegal by state law.

With these two passing, I think it will actually not be all that hard to just flat out tell em what I'm doing.


If they are very anti weed, I hope that they don't think jail will help straighten you out. I don't know your parents so only you can decide what to do. I would hide the stuff, rule number one: Tell No One! I've learned this rule the hard way.

This is the thing, they know I used to smoke and I've smoked around them and they saw that I was normal and didn't do anything weird. I'm pretty responsible. They haven't ever had a problem with me smoking, I guess growing is like this whole new level.

Should be cool as I said above if the laws pass. They usually only care at a legal level and don't want me in trouble.


Growing in an apartment is already stupid if you ask me but thats your choice. Just tell them not to go into that room. Again even if everything passes just a heads up your landlords can still toss you the fuck out and call the feds.
Good for you man, way to stay strong. I've done way more messed up stuff in my life as a kid that my parents have gotten over. This shouldn't be that hard in the end.. Been thinking about it, I let them know SB1449 passed out here and they were happy about that. As long as they know I most likely wont get in trouble for it, I think it will be alright.
Thanks but that would be wo-man.
My parents also knew I did the herb too.
They could probably turn a blind eye to this part
The growing part is a whole new level. It seems that many people assume that if you are a grower then you are a dealer. I'm not really sure what was going through their head. I'm old enough to be a grandmother myself and finally came to the realization that some things are just not worth fighting over. I'd spent most of my life pleasing my parents and discovered it didn't bring me a lot of joy. I was constantly seeking their approval. Finally after this i discovered that i was always putting their opinions about important things concerning my life, above my own.
It just wasn't worth it to me any more.
I also finally decided that i wanted to have 'peace' in my life instead of proving that I'm right. Sure I miss my parents, but I have a lot more respect for myself and inner self confidence.
It was a turning point in my life which was greatly needed.
I just didn't think the lesson would be from my own parents :tiphat:

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