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paper towel germination?

first things first...i apologize if im posting this in the wrong area. and if i am could someone please point me to the right direction....i put 3 seeds in a paper towel and the paper towel into a baggy to germ. but its been 4 days and there has been no sign of anything...is this normal? how long does it usually take to germ this way? and would anyone recommend any other way to germinate theese faster?


That's the best way imo. As long as the paper towel is damp and not soaked, you'll be fine. Just give it a few more days and they'll pop. I've had around 90% success even with seeds over 2 years old.


You started them in a barren Moon Sign.....

Take them out and put them in dirt tonight or rapid rooters or whatever you use....may not be too late....It's a wonderful planting sign today and tomorrow! Good luck.

Indica Jones

Active member
IMHO cheese cloth is the best to germ in, without a doubt. It is a material that will breathe without drying out.


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
I too have been having problems with this method. Not sure where the error is occurring yet, but the last 6 beans have not germed using this method (the gory details are in my journal linked in my sig).

What are the most common reasons for failure using this method? Maybe I can spot our mistake?

Indica Jones

Active member
Start seeds in a small glass of water(a shot glass is perfect). Add Hydrogen Peroxide to water at about 5%. Soak for a 24 hour period. Drain and then put into your cheese cloth and ziploc.

Providing enough warm is one of the major issues. If it is just a few seeds...............place the ziploc on top of your PC. Not over the vents of course, don't want cooked beans. As long as the bag is sealed, it shouldn't dry out.
another option if youre still keeping them in the paper towels is to lightly stratch the seed with your fingernail a little film should stat to come off, that works for me almost 100% of the time. also heat is very important. i keep my seeds next to the xbox (which is always on for some reason) and they will usually sprout in less than 24 hours


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Whatever they'll do in paper, they'll do in soil (or rockwool, rapid rooters, jiffy plugs etc) with the added benefit of being planted and safe. All the paper towel provides is greater danger of rot, mold, starvation, disease and breakage.


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
Whatever they'll do in paper, they'll do in soil (or rockwool, rapid rooters, jiffy plugs etc) with the added benefit of being planted and safe. All the paper towel provides is greater danger of rot, mold, starvation, disease and breakage.

Yeah, I tried putting them straight into soil after the 24 hour water soak and nothing. I'm seriously ready to give up on beans and just go all clone (but I know I won't, because I don't trust what came out of someone else's garden not to bring me disease and pests).
i will try the soak in the shot glass with a few other beans i have....and i will put a couple in soil and see which of the three sprout first (the three are still in the paper towel), and i will put them on mycomputer or under my lights to keep them warmer....which do you think would be better computer or lights? (2 26watt cfl's and 1 23 watt)



GOOD LUCK! :joint:

I have just "aquired" 4 more beans from a undesclosed friend....

they consist of....

1x super silver haze

2x purple nurple

1x trainwreck (pheno #1)

what do you guys think of these strains in a 75 watt cfl grow to veg until april when i move them outdoors?? any reccomendations on a cheap cab idea cuz i just have it setup in my closet in the open atm.....thank you in advance!

Peace & Pot


I had some SSH beans that were 2-3 years old. It takes me a while to go through a pack of seeds because I pop one, grow it out and rinse/repeat.

I knew they were getting old so I tried popping a couple last week and nothing. I tried again with the remaining 3 but this time I put them on top of my TV and stereo, whichever was on. This time all 3 popped.

Could be a cowinkydink, but it's winter here and I personally think the heat made a big difference. They got pretty warm too, at least 85-90f.

I almost always use the paper towel method. I agree it's probably better to just stick them in dirt straight away but I like to see them pop. :p
ok so i went to put 4 seeds in a 24 hour soak and they consisted of....

1x trainwreck

1x purple urkle* (it was urkle not nurple, lol. i was really stoned...i apoligize)

and 2x purple haze

but the two haze seeds sank to the bottom what does this mean?


Sinking doesn't mean anything much...don't sweat it.

IMO, it's best to stick em in the dirt, pop a shop lite over em and let em rip.

I don't like soaking in shot glasses, etc. I think it causes more problems than help, but that's just my opinion. I'm old school germinator type.....I usually have 100% germs when using proper moon signs to germ in! Have fun & good luck.

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