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SR71 Strainguide and Clones

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There's 3 pests in subject here..

strawberry mites
root aphids

Of these 3, we can confirm that the Bluesky mothers have had or still do have the root aphids. I have heard this from multiple sources, and S4vvy is a reputable dude. So, if you are purchasing mothers, do a close inspection and let them know. Clones will not have this problem, so don't worry about them in the 6packs.

We can also confirm Thrips on the clones, as my bubblegums I purchased 6 weeks ago are badly thrip damaged at this point, 42 days of bloom. They were the only plants in the room to have them, now most everything has them to some degree. But in all honestly, this is more of an annoyance than a real pest or problem... like fungus gnats, not that big of a deal.. but some people will freak out over a single ant in their room. A quick neeming on purchae would have solved this problem, but I was negligent.

Now the strawberry mites are something elusive and I have seen no evidence that these are on folk's plants, or that they have come from bluesky. I wish we could have more info on these, so plz if you are experiencing these strawberry microscopic mites, let us know all you can.

I want to separate the issues here, becuase many newer growers that have plant problems will imedatly blame them on the place where they came from... Do your homework folks, and keep several ounces of prevention at hand to avoid the gallons of remedy.

Seems to me that their clones are still rock solid, and if they closed up shop they would be soarly missed. Just clean up your clones when you buy them, and make your own healthy mothers!


But in all honestly, this is more of an annoyance than a real pest or problem...
I totally agree...I dealt with thrips 4 times this year and they are very easy to control and eliminate.


Bulldog11 said:
8:30am? What time does the place open up? You just sit around in Oakland for over an hour waiting? During this time you must have cash on you in order to pay for the clones, sounds like a jacking waiting to happen, but I hope not. Anyway, what number did you end up getting and what cuts? Peace

i got there at about 8 25 and, to my utter surprise, i got #5 (i had expected something higher). as a matter of fact, when they opened at 9 there were only 6 of us in line (it was a monday). anyways, i picked up some hks and some BUBBLEBERRY which looked in terrible condition but im hoping it will pull through. If any one has any info on that strain, feel free to pass it along!!! my 6 pack of hks were all incredibly well rooted (reminded me of the old sr-71), but the guy in front of me got 2 6 packs which had absolutely no roots poking through :(, so be wary of that.

I talked to the guy and he said he was pissed about the rumors of government created mites and other nonsense he read on this thread. So far, my 2 week old hindu skunks have completely recovered from thrips and are looking good...
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yeah they still got great clones it is just the mother's plants that have the problem. my WW widows i got 3 weeks had a thrip on it but spray it with organicide and now they look great now, no sign of pest problems, in their defence they do tell you to quaritine for a week on their menu before put into your garden.
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Active member
what about diatomaceous earth? thinking about trying diatect v. Its $20 us and its pyrethrin & diatomaceous earth in powder form. I could use it to water my soil and use it to dust my plants or mix with agri-2 and foliar spray. I got some spicyjack going and mites love the jack. Ive been dipping them in neem bath weekly because they are small clones and its easy to do and I want to make it as unattractive as possible to any critters.


my WW widows i got 3 weeks had a thrip on it but spray it with organicide and now they look great now

cool thread wish I was a patient so I could check out sr-71, maybe in the future. I can vouch for organicide, it works great and you can use it in flower to an extent. Thrips are easy to kill with organicide. I would hate to have the root aphids, aphids suck ass period. But man I want that pk!!!!! the Hindu skunk looked bomb as hell too guys. PEACE
caligreen said:
cool thread wish I was a patient so I could check out sr-71, maybe in the future. I can vouch for organicide, it works great and you can use it in flower to an extent. Thrips are easy to kill with organicide. I would hate to have the root aphids, aphids suck ass period. But man I want that pk!!!!! the Hindu skunk looked bomb as hell too guys. PEACE
organicide is fish oil high nitr. wouldnt use it in flowering if there were other things to use


Yeah, I would have to agree with you on that, I just got some cuttings. I dipped them in neem oil, just be careful how much you use because some of the weaker ones dont make it. I lost 2 cuttings... But the neem is well worth it, everyone should do it. I'll tell you one thing every other place Ive been 2 have pest problems far beyond sr-71, either that or the strains arent even the real strains at some clubs.. So, Sr is still looking good.. Sometimes its hard to get rid of things, so as a consumer I guess you either get a areoponic cloner or keep going to Sr-71. Problems arise with mass production!!!

darthvapor said:
what about diatomaceous earth? thinking about trying diatect v. Its $20 us and its pyrethrin & diatomaceous earth in powder form. I could use it to water my soil and use it to dust my plants or mix with agri-2 and foliar spray. I got some spicyjack going and mites love the jack. Ive been dipping them in neem bath weekly because they are small clones and its easy to do and I want to make it as unattractive as possible to any critters.


That deep chunk looks like some Kill Bill.. I'm glad Sr-=71 put their limit down to 48.. Sometimes after 5 people they all would be gone except for the stragglers!!


glad to see you are now talking good sense clark420 :p

long live oaksterdam, they are real warriors for the cause.

just use neem!


The Purple Kush is awesome!!

The Purple Kush is awesome!!

I just finished drying the P.K. and now I have some the best bud I have ever grown! The only downside to me is the yield, I was hoping to get more than I did. I saw earlier on this thread that some growers experienced some powdery mildew problems, well you're not alone! Mine also had powdery mildew, it was a nuisance but I was able to finish my flowering. I wonder if this specific strain has this problem. This was also my 1st run on the P.K. so I am hoping my next run will yield better, as I will make a few changes.

Thank goodness I cloned them and kept a mother!! My clones were bought at the end of October and I didn't have any pest problems like what I am seeing these days with Blueskys cuts. I am gonna run P.K. again and then maybe try that Hindu-Skunk that looks very nice and with a nice yield!

Thank you Bluesky!! You guys are my heroes for getting us these elite strains!!



Active member
Mmmmmmmmmmmm..... Frosty, purple, hairy nuggets. The quality is no doubt there but what was your yeild and with what wattage.




What kind of system were you using where is the rest of the plant?? LOl, looks like one piece.. I usually get 45 grams a plant when using C02 when flowering at 7-8 inches, that is if you get the jumbo cuttings!!

birdbrain said:
I just finished drying the P.K. and now I have some the best bud I have ever grown! The only downside to me is the yield, I was hoping to get more than I did. I saw earlier on this thread that some growers experienced some powdery mildew problems, well you're not alone! Mine also had powdery mildew, it was a nuisance but I was able to finish my flowering. I wonder if this specific strain has this problem. This was also my 1st run on the P.K. so I am hoping my next run will yield better, as I will make a few changes.

Thank goodness I cloned them and kept a mother!! My clones were bought at the end of October and I didn't have any pest problems like what I am seeing these days with Blueskys cuts. I am gonna run P.K. again and then maybe try that Hindu-Skunk that looks very nice and with a nice yield!

Thank you Bluesky!! You guys are my heroes for getting us these elite strains!!

man those budds are killer guys! I had a major problem with my pk mom, turns out she had everything listed on this subject! all but the so called super bug! she did have mites tho that being said i gave her the chop!I manage to salvage one clone from her, that being the case i paid 70 bucks for it lol, whata waste of money! not only that but it gave my entire room bugs which was never a problem at my place! im kinda pist but hell what am i gonna do? i still got tons of respect for blue sky but damn im thinkin now i would of been better off! Whatever tho! much love to them and what ther doing for our comunity! stay strong guys i really hope things get better!


Active member
my pk did not like the outdoors. Nowhere near the quality of the indoor pk I did. The widow from sr however loved the outdoors and sometimes grew 2 inches a day
I'm on day 61 I will let it go to 63/64 days. This stuff sure is frosty. Also experienced PM but late in bloom only. I'm using a little Co2 water with aspirin to keep it at bay.. Very Minor PM.


Active member
Whats up with bluesky lately? Does just the mothers have bug problems,or does the clones have hem too?


there's no problems kinger, some people just blowing things out of proportion.
just use neem like you would do with anything else from an outside source.

but the motherplants, yes.. be careful with those...
they are being sold for a reason. (old age/poor health most likely)
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