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paper towel germination?


Yes. Monday is a Full Moon, which is a favorable time to plant (along with a new moon) You'll be fine.

I germ all the time in paper towel inside ziploc baggies (other seeds too, not just mj) and I've never had a problem with the method. And I've been doing it for over 9 years (I started gardening young)

Anyways, I can't get why all the problems. Oh, I DO use a heat mat. And I DO pay attention to the moon phase.

Good luck.



Nope, no good planting days again until 14th. 14th & 15th are about as good as it gets! It does help....you're not fighting against the moon when you germ!


LolaGal, I thought it was favorable to plant at new moons and full moons. What am I missing.

And wicked, it's not full until Monday, look at a Moon phase calendar.

I'll check out your grow too.



Active member
i dont plant by the moon or anything but some people on these forums make things more complex than they need to be. seeds need moisture, warmth, air and darkness. put the seed in a damp, not wet paper towel, on a sponge, whatever you want. as long as it holds moisture. then you put that papertowel or whatever you went with in a plastic ziplock bag, a bowl with a lid whatever. as long as it can breathe or you filled it with some air before closing it. then put it in a warm dark place. i usually put mine in the linen closet on the top shelf or on top of my kitchen cabinets. then come back and check in 24 hours. you should see the shells have cracked and maybe even a taproot peeking. wait like 8 more hours if you have the taproot peeking before planting the seed. if it hasnt sprouted in 3 days with this method its not going to sprout, just throw it away. when you plant the seed as long as the taproot isnt over an inch long then just poke a 1 inch hole in the soil. drop it in there orientation doesnt matter, roots always grow down and push the top of the plant up. lightly cover with soil or whatever you use. then lightly water to moisten the soil you dont want to drench it at this point because you can still lose it to rot. in a day or 2 it should have broken the surface. if not you put too much water and the root rotted away.

alternatively you can put it in a cup with soil 1 inch down. water it well make sure it dranis. then cover the cup with something to keep the humidity in, but make sure it can breathe. you should see it pop surface within a week. 5 days usually.

ive never tried the whole soaking in a cup, using peroxide, blah blah blah method because the good old fashioned paper towel method i learned from my 7th grade teacher has always worked.
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Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
We finally succeeded with the paper towel method! We now have 3 new Blue Mystic sprouts.


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