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Panama x Bangi Haze


Got these 4 Panama x Bangi here, started a few weeks back. Seeds are regs from maybe 4 years ago. They're already starting to smell which is always a good sign. Grew out a few Bangis 5 years ago and enjoyed them very much with their lemon aromas and after going through the posts in here I'm excited to grow these out. I have a couple other plants in here as well, the plan for this little run is to hopefully get a male or two and try my hand at making some seeds for fun.


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Well-known member
PBH01 Panama pheno is jarred up. Hung dried for 14 days at 15degC/62%. Really loud lemon and incense terps with a bit of black liquorice/wood spice. It’ll be interesting to smell changes during the cure with this one.


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ACE Seeds Breeder
Thanks to you @Greencedar for such great pictures and detailed updates on your amazing grow :tiphat: you can be proud!

Female 1 looks from here more Panama dom in the flower structure with bigger calyxes, although it's an expression with more leaves in the bud. The other 2 look more Bangi Haze dom with such small Congolese calyxes, really impressive flower structure on these 2 of unbeatable flower/leaf ratio, enhanced by hybrid vigor.

It's challenging to surpass this hybrid in the realm of super sativas when it comes to incredible yields, bag appeal, flower density, and the quality of terpenes and effects. I highly recommend Panama x Bangi Haze to growers seeking sativa seeds that consistently deliver the best in big amounts.

Harvest looks and sounds superb :smoke: enjoy!


ACE Seeds Breeder
Just harvested Pangi pheno 1 at exactly 10 weeks of 11.5/12.5 (i think thats the panama leaning)
Strong aromas..and i mean really strong. Temps were around 20-22 for whole flowering so i think terpenes are very well preserved then boom!

Whole house reeks of vanilla floral incense

My mom walked in

"Did you buy an expensive perfume and sprayed the whole house?"

"No mom i harvested the first plant".

Then she stayed and helped with trimming.

Some mother and son bonding while trimming pangi. Good times!!

Congrats also on your harvest @george7 🙌 Beautifully organically grown! The first two pictures in your post 505 clearly exhibit Panama influence in structure, resins, and it seems terpenes as well. The one in the third picture has a more balanced flower structure between both strains.

I'm glad you are pleased with its loud and complex terpenes, even seducing Mum to join for the trimming 🥰.— family together enjoying our beloved plant, love it!


ACE Seeds Breeder
Got these 4 Panama x Bangi here, started a few weeks back. Seeds are regs from maybe 4 years ago. They're already starting to smell which is always a good sign. Grew out a few Bangis 5 years ago and enjoyed them very much with their lemon aromas and after going through the posts in here I'm excited to grow these out. I have a couple other plants in here as well, the plan for this little run is to hopefully get a male or two and try my hand at making some seeds for fun.

Thanks for joining us with your 4 regular seedlings @BooBeats :) Glad you wanted to give Panama x Bangi Haze a try after a good experience with Bangi Haze. Panama x Bangi Haze is a major improvement over Bangi Haze, especially regarding yield, potency, and even for a louder, more complex incense-like terpene profile.


Well-known member
Thanks for your insight Dubi. I went back and edited my past posts to correct the pheno mislable.

Have you noticed a difference in effect between Bangi/Panama phenos?

I smoked a few joints of PBH01 this weekend before it went into the jar. It was really smooth smoke already. The effect was soaring and it was hard to keep a smile down for the first 15 min. No paranoia like I've experienced on some plants when testing buds "off the vine".

I was smoking Super Malawi Haze all last summer and a few times things got pretty trippy (no ceiling). I was worried I was going to miss it a lot but I think PBH is going to be a killer summer companion this year!

I'm hoping PBH02 has the best effects and is the keeper but time will tell. PBH02 and PBH03 were chopped this weekend. PBH03 was slower to finish (she had a few white hairs here and there at chop).

I thought 02 and 03 might be panama phenos because of the reflowering traits...


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Active member
Freshly dried buds of pangi ready for curing.
First impressions regarding aromas , burned some with a friend, went outside, then entered the room again after a while. The room smells like a mix of incense, chocolate/musky and mint. Amazing and mind blowing aromas


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Well-known member
Have you noticed a difference in effect between Bangi/Panama phenos?

I smoked a few joints of PBH01 this weekend before it went into the jar. It was really smooth smoke already. The effect was soaring and it was hard to keep a smile down for the first 15 min. No paranoia like I've experienced on some plants when testing buds "off the vine".

I was smoking Super Malawi Haze all last summer and a few times things got pretty trippy (no ceiling). I was worried I was going to miss it a lot but I think PBH is going to be a killer summer companion this year!

I'm hoping PBH02 has the best effects and is the keeper but time will tell. PBH02 and PBH03 were chopped this weekend. PBH03 was slower to finish (she had a few white hairs here and there at chop).

I thought 02 and 03 might be panama phenos because of the reflowering traits...
hey @Greencedar, @dubi

Sry for my wrong guess of phenotypes. Im still kinda new in the game of genetics and the passing of traits.
I went with the spear shaped form and the ‚other‘ smell greencedar was talking about. I didnt look much more for other traits, like size of calyxes because it resembled the two different phenotypes i had, where one smelled very much like a bangi haze i grew before and had a more slim, spearshaped flowerformation and faster flowering time.

I hope i am learning from that :) I have to dig deeper in genetics and learn more about phenotypical passings in f1 generations as i am not sure how the expressions show in the offspring. Correct me if if i am wrong (again :)) but I am pretty sure it is always a mix of traits from the parents, yet leaning more to the one or the other side.

Enjoy your flowers!


ACE Seeds Breeder
Thanks guys 🥰 Makes me very happy you are enjoying so much with this F1 !

@flaw.less.finish both have the Central American vibe with those pistils, but flower structure shows more Bangi Haze influence, especially in the second female.


I flipped the 4 Pangis around 10 days ago and all turned out to be female. I went 1/12 with a Malawi pack last year so it's nice when it goes the other way too haha. That being said I had planned to try my hand at chucking some pollen on some branches, which is why I flowered them this early but that will be for another time as I have many other plants in the veg tent. The two bottom plants with similar structure are Island Sweet Skunk. The Pangis are starting to show some trichomes on some leaves and the rub smells like incense and pencil shavings early on. Excited to see what they turn into



Well-known member
All 3 plants have been jarred in the cold room (15degC) for over a month now and buds are stable at 61%.

PBH01(first to finish)
At the moment this one is my favourite. It yielded a bit less and has a bit more leaf ratio than the other two.

Effect and taste are really good on this one. Also the smell is more complex and up my alley. When you crack the jar you get the lemon woody incense thing that is present in all the phenos but this one has a bright coffee and slight gas smell that the other two don’t.

The classic citric hazey incense comes through in the taste and halfway through the joint you get this awesome liquorice/chinotto (cola/rootbeer/Italian brio soda) taste that is quite full. The smoke is very smooth with a dry cool rich texture.

The effect is super clean, soaring, and gives you the perma-smile thing where you feel like you’re high in highschool trying not to laugh. Really hard to keep the giggles at bay. I’ve had similar effects with Green Mountain Mexican hybrids although they are a bit more blissful where this is more exciting like you’re about to go over a hill on a rollercoaster. The best thing is that even though you are this high flying you don’t lose your words. You can hold a conversation and there is no intoxication/sloppiness. The opposite of the other two phenos. It also make your feel really good about yourself and the world similar to low dose mushrooms. Really confident with that “all is right in the world”feeling. A special treat in a world with so many issues.

PBH02 (longest flowering)
This pheno has lots of lemon and incense aroma and comes through in the taste fairly well. It has more columbian green onion/cedar similar to some Green Honduras Haze phenos I’ve had but those notes are most aroma not taste. It’s a sweeter smoke and very dry (less creamy/full than PBH01)

The effect is quite potent and dreamy. I haven’t tried Panama on it’s own (I have some seeds) but I think this pheno matches the Panama effect’s description. It’s similar to malawi where after a couple hits your mind is all over the place. I can’t finish words let alone sentences. Extremely fun and engaging but not really social. This would be amazing smoke if you had a bad day and want to get rid of invasive thoughts and go to a happy psychedelic space. No paranoia.

PBH03 (finished between 01 and 02)
Very similar to pbh02 with less of the green onion note. The most incensed of the group. The high is very similar to 02. I think that 02 and 03 could use more jar time before I can give an accurate response. I feel like they are still developing so I’ll check back down the road.

I just grabbed a pack of regs. This is one of my fav aces strains so far and will be worth hunting a male down the road for further explorations.

Awesome work as usual Dubi. Glad these gals are big yielders because I know what jars I’m reaching for.
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