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Pakistan Yarkhun @ Mriko

Buddah Watcha

Well-known member
So far I got 2 males, the nice trifoliate ended up being a male ;(

P7 is a female which is nice! some havent really showed yet, but should in a day or two...


Green Mujaheed
Greetings & Love!

Thanks for the welcome guys, feels great!

I don't want to hijack this beautiful thread, so I'll post soon some "Mriko Returns" one in the well wishes section soon, so as to answer your questions and say hi to everyone.


Buddah Watcha

Well-known member
Hey fellas, long time no talk :) Hope things crusing over there for ya! I ended with 3 fems, a few weeks into flower by now, some got a bit over jammed in between the jungle here lol, but they cruising! I got a bit of the trifoliate pollen, and will try to polinate a few...

but broda, the Pakik x CN look amazing, I ended with I think 11 out of 12 fems and there is one of them that is just think colas that smell like grape haribos its just amazing, already frosted the fuck up... I think they around week 5 of flower, most of them, they all ultra vigorous! I havent been able to snap any pics, life been crazy busy but next week should have some time for myself and the ladies for a nice photoshoot! Best vibes y'all, and welcome back Mriko!


Hey fellas, long time no talk :) Hope things crusing over there for ya! I ended with 3 fems, a few weeks into flower by now, some got a bit over jammed in between the jungle here lol, but they cruising! I got a bit of the trifoliate pollen, and will try to polinate a few...

3/7 Pakik fem is not good for smoke but not bad for the trifol popo chance! Noted thx! ;) Let's hope stable females now...

but broda, the Pakik x CN look amazing, I ended with I think 11 out of 12 fems and there is one of them that is just think colas that smell like grape haribos its just amazing, already frosted the fuck up... I think they around week 5 of flower, most of them, they all ultra vigorous! I havent been able to snap any pics, life been crazy busy but next week should have some time for myself and the ladies for a nice photoshoot! Best vibes y'all, and welcome back Mriko!
Great news with your F1 congratz Buddah Wa'!
I look forward all that! :biggrin: @++

Sunny wibes Mriko, see you in end August dac!


Active member
Hi ,

Nice, very nice... I put pakik in my list with AfroSweetMango, and as we said never two without three, Mriko F3's Yarkhum would probably like it in the garden;)

Buddah Watcha

Well-known member
3/7 Pakik fem is not good for smoke but not bad for the trifol popo chance! Noted thx! ;) Let's hope stable females now...

Great news with your F1 congratz Buddah Wa'!
I look forward all that! :biggrin: @++

Sunny wibes Mriko, see you in end August dac!

There was a 4th lady, which turned out to be a lady boy and pop nanners all over the lower nugs 2 weeks ago, I think it was 7, got the chop...

Yesterday I tried to make some crosses with the P1 trifoliate pollen, not sure it will work or not, I also tried to backcross one of my Pak x CN4, the Pak dominant one that smells like haribo :p

Anyways, gonna go snap some pics now! will try to post em today


Hi Buddah Wat' cha va tout roule? I looking forward the up bro, good luck with your reproduction too!

@Tcherno, thanks for your interest! Kenavo!

Here i start my F3s harvest, they will be available in July i think... And there will be a special money donation with them and for Mriko and his NGO revival project. 1 euro per seed to help Nouristani tribes culture and Kalash people. We both think about it and the help project, more info and details later. Also Mriko still have another Yarkhun "Ouest coast" line from the other side of the Yarkhun river valley. The line already worked and shared is the "East coast" one. So repro project of the Ouest and in the same time let's try the cross bridge possibility with the East will see! :huggg:
They are old seeds, cross your fingers dac!


Buddah Watcha

Well-known member
Thats awesome man! Good to hear! i wouldnt mind donating a few bucks for a good cause!

Sorry for the lack of pics, my computer went to shit and wont start... have to use a really old one, but will try to make it happen when I get a chance!

I ended with 3 different phenos of Pakik f2s, one very short, with no stretch, one stretchy one and one in the middle, they about mid way into flowering, just starting to get interesting now! I need to do some squeeze and sniff on them ladies to see what the terpenes are like for each one, I know one reminds me of my old pheno smell, we will see how they finish up!

My Pakik x CN4 are looking great too, a nice mix of phenos, #7 that smelled a bit like grape haribo candy started to change the terps, not as sweet as it was before but still very good, a broad spectrum of phenos and terpines on them, from cocoa to candy to metalic glue, they all show lots of vigor, a few phenos might come down in 10 days or so... others a bit later, they didnt all go to flower together some went 2 weeks or so later...

anyways, sorry for hijacking a bit wih the pakik x cn info :p back to the Pakik talk!

I also need to inspect them a bit better to see if the polination worked, i THINK i saw a few retracted brown pistils where I tried to polinate in a few of them so I will end at least with a few seeds!

the peshawars were a fail, I got a few clones and will try to run again, basically I put them in flower with the other ones, but they were so shaded and I think they got waterlogged and the roots had a hard time developing, so they were all weak looking and 3 weeks into flower they didnt even have started developing flowers... Will try again once I clear some space in the room...

peace out, Ill try to get some pics up soon!


I ended with 3 different phenos of Pakik f2s, one very short, with no stretch, one stretchy one and one in the middle, they about mid way into flowering, just starting to get interesting now! I need to do some squeeze and sniff on them ladies to see what the terpenes are like for each one, I know one reminds me of my old pheno smell, we will see how they finish up!

Mmmh all smell and feel good! :)
Is there something new funk fruity aroma?

I also wonder if the short pheno has some vigor or not with second branching? Let's wait the pixpix thank you!

Buddah Watcha

Well-known member
Hey broda, the tall one is my favorite by far, has a very similar smell to my old Pakik, the small one doesnt have much vigor, I think I went a bit too hard on my new soil mix, I added stinging neetle to the mix which it has too much nitrogen for some of the landraces, so it has a bit of clawed leafs, not much branching on neither of them...

Bad new the middle pheno showed a banana on the top bud, It was a single nanners, so I just plucked it off... no biggie...This one I coudlnt get a good wiff yet, havent started developing terpenes... I do stress them a lot, between overwatering and the high temp and humidity, and the far from perfect grow room, defoliation and supercropping, they get a beating, I also added another 100w of LED right on top of these girls, cuz they were in the corner of the room and were barelly getting any light for the first week or so :D

Sorry for the pix, its hard enough to find some time to go see the ladies at night, but I will manage to get them pics up sooner or later. I suck sorry :D Ill try to get them up by the end of the weekend, I promise lol

peace :)


Ah i would have been surprised if there had been no recessive landrace intersex ^^ let's hope your tall one will be stable. And it is also good to stress them (a bit!) for selection, good job! Ok now keep cool bro just a shot before the cut and it will be nice thanx, and same vibes with your F1 congratz again! :huggg:

Buddah Watcha

Well-known member
Ok, bad news, the short one started throwing out nanners... oh well, i think its definitely from stress, I placed the plant outdoors and hopefully it will be able to finisha bit more... Still 2-3 weeks left though and it might start revegging... we will see!

So as promised here is a dump of pics!! The tall one (#3) is definitely my favorite, I should attempt to take a clone and reveg it, it might be worth it! Yesterday while I was moving her to take some pics I got a really deep skunky funk coming out of her, however I couldnt smell it on a nug squeeze...

Here are the shots..

Both of them:






Buddah Watcha

Well-known member
#5, not much smell on her, more of a flat top, instead of the arrow shape from #3



Peace and once again, sorry for the delay Roms!


Ahh thank you for the shots Buddah'! Beautiful light!

I can see all paradoxes of the lineage and all the difficulty to stabilize something good from its two sides X18 and Yarkhun... Hopefully aromas being motivating despite its sex fragile probability... Anyway it's a young genetic with just few good and different ones to fix for now! F3s will see... ;)

Good game bro thanks again and good finish/sniff them dac! :biggrin:

Buddah Watcha

Well-known member
Bro, the tall one smells so amazing, similar to my old pheno, however, with a bit of funk to it! very terpy for sure! The smaller one, still not much smell yet... hopefully it will pick it up!

How long do you usually run them for? 9-11 weeks? They around day 60, but looks like at least another 2 weeks!

Im loving some of the phenos of the Pakik x CN, the 2 phenos with the hybrid look have an amazing smell, citrusy very complex! Also found some cocoa smells, garbage, stink bug on a few of the other phenos! Very nice!



From these last pictures i would say a bit more 3 weeks to complete! With 12 plafond total...

Your citrusy specimens *Cabeca Negra should be special potent, be careful! :biggrin: Enjoy amigo

Buddah Watcha

Well-known member
I hope so :) I also got some nice Headbanger x Cabeca de Nega, those are almost at the chopping block and looking amazing! I think another few days and the quickest phenos can come down.

I need to clone the tall pheno, i know its late in flowering, but I think thats better than trying to reveg after harvesting, I had some shitty results on my last reveg attempts... any tips are appreciated! the smells coming out are just amazing, sweet floral loud as shit, very similar to the first pheno but I think this pheno has more resin and smell!

10-12 weeks, we are almost there, I think we are at week 8, another 2-3 weeks for sure, however I remember the last run the pheno I had was really quick, I think it was done at 9 weeks, I had to chop it down at week 8 if I remember correctly, and it was already beautifully ripe with swollen calyxes, the other pheno I had, which had the spear shape was def a week or 2 behind...