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Pakistan Chitral Kush

Ras Pablo

Well-known member
More Pakistan Chitral Kush, anoter time big thank's to CannaBiogen and ACE :tiphat: so appreciated !




Salud !! keep it pink :)


Woooow,amazing.... love the contrast. Parece fruta del bosque. Beatiful plants, interesting cross.:good: But you still owe us a closeup pic :)

Ras Pablo

Well-known member
Pakistan Chitral Kush x DTC99 from Dutchgrown. These are her plants that she is breeding and will have seeds for us.


I think this is not Pakistan Chitral Kush x DTC99; just pure Pakistan Chitral Kush girls pollinated with that DTC99 male isn't it, not the hybrid?

As always charlie's garcia Pakistan Chitral Kush is loved by everyone who try it....it's normal I'm in love with it to.





Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
those are Pakistan Chitral Kush that have been pollinated with DTC99. They are seeded. No hybrids have been grown as far as I know. I fixed the title of the pic so people don't get confused.

charlie garcia

Some nice deep colours there :)
Hope hybrid gets its best and tasty smoke to enjoy


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I hope the hybid keeps those deep colors as well. I can always just get some of the Pakistan Chitral Kush and look for those. Nice work Charlie .


I just love PCK! Here's some pics I recently snapped.....
(Canon EOS 50D, 60mm macro lens, macro ring light, tripod + remote shutter release)

Hola Charlie y Dubi,
esperan que usted no importe de que caigo adentro aquí e incluyo algunas fotos de las hembras de PCK. Soy así que feliz tenerlos, gracias ambos por todo su trabajo en traer PCK a la comunidad creciente. ¡Tengo expectativas muy altas!
¡Mucho amor y respecto a usted ambos! ¡Abrazos y besos grandes a usted ambos! Su DG del amigo :huggg:

This is a slightly lighter colored PCK, exhibits a bit more trichome production than her more intensely colored sister....stunning nonetheless and worthy of inclusion in the pollination by DTC99.


charlie garcia

hola DG, hope life is treating you well and happily busy with your projects. Thx for chime in and tell us about some results with the PCK. You can see plenty of personality in this indica. May your projects turn great and successfull madam. Am sure :)
thx for telling in spanish :) good one :thank you:


hola DG, hope life is treating you well and happily busy with your projects. Thx for chime in and tell us about some results with the PCK. You can see plenty of personality in this indica. May your projects turn great and successfull madam. Am sure :)
thx for telling in spanish :) good one :thank you:

Hola charlie!
¡Oh sí! Le consiguen definitivamente personalidad, entre muchas otras cualidades. No puedo dejar sonar redundante al decir no tengo nada sino gran respecto por su trabajo, sino que lo digo porque es muy verdad y lleva el mencionar otra vez. Usted trae la genética estable sólida para que otros criadores y los criadores de aspiración trabajen con, tan bien como para que los cultivadores apenas crezcan con. Veré que usted y el dubi ambos reciben las semillas de todos mis híbridos que contienen sus genéticas, si usted quisiera tenerlas.
¡También estoy utilizando la ululación del 'Destroyer'… en la estructura y el número de los sitios del brote en éste!
He estado revelando mis proyectos próximos a través de un hilo de rosca en mi foro llamado las ojeadas del chivato. Sé increíblemente ocupado usted es pero quizás si usted tiene una parada del momento adentro allí y ve lo que tiene todo el DG cocinar.

Mis apologías en mi principiante procuran en la lengua española, esperanzadamente usted pueden entender, él son las mejores que puedo hacer actualmente.

¡Abrazos grandes!

Su amigo, DG


Active member
I've got 2 that i popped last week growing right now. I'm VERY excited about all the possible crosses that might come out of these....Plus, I just love the way these look and grow.

charlie garcia

too much DG, thx, we feel fine in our skin and happy to know some jobs may be useful to others as well. I understand all and every line we release can be improved with better selections and hybrids give its best in other hands. Is our hope and gives reason to our job
Ill try and look around your threads DG
as said, very best luck
best vibes


Hello everybody :wave:

Wow Dutchgrown, amazing pics !!

My 2cents not as beautiful however, with some shoots around 60/68 day of flowering. Smell is really nice, fruitty like cherry, slightly sour for the moment i guess. :yay:

and others a little closer :bump:

bye bye :jump:

Ras Pablo

Well-known member
Amazing pics Corium!! :) Thank's for sharing bro! It's always a pleasure see you Chitral girls:)

Hello everybody :wave:

Wow Dutchgrown, amazing pics !!

My 2cents not as beautiful however, with some shoots around 60/68 day of flowering. Smell is really nice, fruitty like cherry, slightly sour for the moment i guess. :yay:

and others a little closer :bump:

bye bye :jump:

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