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Paid Vacation anywhere. Where to go?


I fly a lot and have a reward system with most airlines. I have gotten free things a couple times (Week in a nice resort in Hawaii one time) for my rewards.

This time I got an email that told me I can go to Europe and mentioned Barcelona Spain as an example. I can go to many of several places in Europe, Mexico, Costa Rica, etc. It is 5 days at a 5 star resort all inclusive for two people.

I am trying to decide where to go and I feel like a kid in a candy store. Having a hard time making a decision. Barcelona sounds cool, but so does a lot lot of places. It is cold here and I should go someplace warm.

I do not have a steady girl friend right now, just dating. I have to decide who to take of three different girls and they all know each other. I am afraid I may be in a de facto relationship with one of them if I take one.

You think I should take a guy and go looking for chicks at the resort? I bet that is a better idea than taking one of these chicks I know. I am not ready for a relationship and I bet if I take one It will become one.


Active member
Don't take sand to the beach brother.
lol....unless shes just a friend and doesnt mind you gettin together with other girlfriends you might meat:D elsewhere....hell its a free trip for a female so maybe take one thats "kosher" with what your tryin ta do and if you dont have those types of "friends" then like bob said "no need to bring sand"...m2


It's funny I am arguing with one of them right now. All this really petty stuff about me not acknowledging her facebook page. I don't do that crap. She is trying to change me or train me. She always says things to me and I never answer her post. It is almost like I have to do all this extra stuff for her to make her feel good about herself. I never even bothered mentioning the trip to her yet as that would have just made it worse. She hung up on me and I bet she is just steaming that I didn't call her right back. The holidays are here and I think the only safe thing for me to do is get out of town alone.


Yes, I am an American and we are not allowed to go to Cuba. Not supposed to smoke weed either. If an American wants to go to Cuba they just fly to another country first and then to Cuba. Cuba is a sexual playground I heard hmmmmm.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
It's funny I am arguing with one of them right now. All this really petty stuff about me not acknowledging her facebook page. I don't do that crap. She is trying to change me or train me. She always says things to me and I never answer her post. It is almost like I have to do all this extra stuff for her to make her feel good about herself. I never even bothered mentioning the trip to her yet as that would have just made it worse. She hung up on me and I bet she is just steaming that I didn't call her right back. The holidays are here and I think the only safe thing for me to do is get out of town alone.

Definitely grab your board shorts, leave all that nonsense behind, and hit the sandy beaches of Cuba.

Dawn Patrol

Well this is some bullshit right here.....
She is trying to change me or train me.

They all try, it's part of their DNA.

It is almost like I have to do all this extra stuff for her to make her feel good about herself.

High maintenance - run like hell!!

The holidays are here and I think the only safe thing for me to do is get out of town alone.

All right, you're coming to your senses. Now you've got the start of a good plan, you just have to pick the right destination for YOU.


Okay if I go to Cuba I have to do it on my own. Delta is not paying for that. I don't even know if they have any 5 stars in Cuba. It is not as easy as you might think. I have to look at where the airline and it's partners fly and then see if Marriott has a resort there. So I have to fly with Delta and their partners and I have to stay at a Marriott or one of their partners. It reminds me of a rubic cube when you throw in the chick factor and getting the time off from work.


nice!!!!!!!!!!!!Can't wait to see city and ocean pictures.omg the music!!


That freaking chick called back and yelled at me for not calling her back after she hung up. I didnt' answer her call, that is what I heard on the message she left. She said OMFG about 17 times. Oh look, she is calling again.


Parker Schnobel
That freaking chick called back and yelled at me for not calling her back after she hung up. I didnt' answer her call, that is what I heard on the message she left. She said OMFG about 17 times. Oh look, she is calling again.

Give her my number,867-5309 j/k


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
I didnt' answer her call, that is what I heard on the message she left. She said OMFG about 17 times. Oh look, she is calling again.

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