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I found this at a normally serious news web site. I thought it was hilarious! :)

22 November 2009

DEA officer stops at a ranch in Texas , and talks with an old rancher. He tells the rancher, "I need to inspect your ranch for illegally grown drugs." The rancher says, "Okay , but do not go in that field over there," as he points out the location.

The DEA officer verbally explodes saying, " Mister, I have the authority of the Federal Government with me." Reaching into his rear pants pocket, he removes his badge and proudly displays it to the rancher. "See this badge? This badge means I am allowed to go wherever I wish..... On any land. No questions asked or answers given. Have I made myself clear? Do you understand? "

The rancher nods politely, apologizes, and goes about his chores.

A short time later, the old rancher hears loud screams and sees the DEA officer running for his life chased by the rancher’s big Santa Gertrudis bull......

With every step the bull is gaining ground on the officer, and it seems likely that he’ll get gored before he reaches safety. The officer is clearly terrified. The rancher throws down his tools, runs to the fence and yells at the top of his lungs.....

"Your badge. Show him your BADGE!"


haha, woulda been a better ending if that DEA officer ended up impaled on a fence.

i'm not one for supporting the death of an innocent,

but these assholes deserve it. imprisoning (pretty much putting them to death?) people for the rest of their life..over a plant. piece of shit DEA agents will have to answer to the higher power at some point.


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
Funny story, as for DEA agents..they are just doing their jobs. People just like you & me.
When the laws they swore to uphold change then they will leave you alone. It's not personal only business. I wish NO harm to any man no matter what, unless it's defending myself or a loved one. If they take your plants then you can always start new ones. I also don't agree with people whoring out pot plants for pure profits and growing 100's or even 1000's in a warehouse and then cramming their commercial chemical fed non-loved BS generic cash cropper strains down medical users throats.


Funny story, as for DEA agents..they are just doing their jobs. People just like you & me.
When the laws they swore to uphold change then they will leave you alone. It's not personal only business. I wish NO harm to any man no matter what, unless it's defending myself or a loved one. If they take your plants then you can always start new ones. I also don't agree with people whoring out pot plants for pure profits and growing 100's or even 1000's in a warehouse and then cramming their commercial chemical fed non-loved BS generic cash cropper strains down medical users throats.

What the fuck are you, a cop?

how dare you say "they're just doing their job"...yeah, their job of ROBBING PEOPLE OF THEIR LIVES, their money, their FREEDOM, their wife, their husband, their CHILDREN..sometimes even killing them.

And they're "just doing their job"?

How about i make a new job. All people who think "just doing their job" is an excuse to do whatever they please, need to be killed with a machete slicing them in half, starting at the tip of their penis.

Your turn!

I, unlike you obviously, have experience in dealing with high up drug dealers, and i personally knew a DEA agent. i've seen the shit they do first hand. don't speak about something unless you know about it. you asked for such a harsh response with your insensitive response. these "agents" have a brain. they have the ability to make a choice. they choose a paycheck, money, over a fellow human being.


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor

Wow, I am going to pray for you my friend because anger will get you nowhere in life.
I am not a cop sorry but I know many people in very HIGH places, like myself right now as soon as I finish this fat joint of some green frosty while I laugh at your misguided & juvenille reply. I do however have my concerns about your interest in the tip of my penis. Kinda gay bro.

They are just doing their jobs, hard to accept but that's reality. We are all human, all life is equally valuable. These other humans you speak of also help rid our streets of killer drugs like meth, coke, & heroin that DO destroy people's lives and corrupt our youth while putting their lives on the line to earn a shitty salary. You did'nt mention that part did ya? The finger needs to get pointed at the law makers, not the enforcers. They are like the worker bees for the hive, don't blame them.

It's my opinion and I am entitled to it, same as you. No harm done. Smoke on brother, it's going to be legalized soon enough for everyone I think so we won't have the subject matter much longer! :joint:

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
^ya I wouldn take a job, that involved ruining massive ammounts of peoples' lives, and rob people blind, while being protected by the biggest mafia ever... the US government.


european ganja growers
funny story is going to turn into full blow war about DEA..chill out guys....smoke more and CHILLLLLLLLL ..........:Bolt:............just laugh,,,that story was funny as

but yeh i woulnt take a job than fucked up peoples lives............

keep it green


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
I sure as hell would'nt take the job either but there are two sides to every coin in life. Take it from someone with more experience than you might imagine. When you can appreciate all sides in any situation it makes life & laws easier to navigate. Don't navigate your life or beliefs based on anger & hate. Here in Cali we have had law enforcement PROTECT OUR RIGHTS & our plants. The tide is turning for us all, our time has come to be on the "good" side finally. When the DEA can focus all of it's energy on the real bad guys dealing hard drugs that do ruin lifes and families then this country will surely be a better place. Until then they are doing there fucking job and they for the most part leave us medical users alone. We also are'nt greedy money motivated thugs growing warehouses full of weed. I wish only the best to anyone growing our favorite plant but some people simply have the wrong motivations which makes us all look bad.

"but do not go in that field over there" lmfao it was a funny ass story btw.
Must have happened sometime, somewhere. Mooooooooooooooo


european ganja growers
i hear ya bro...but thats a different story/ thread/day.......this day where all just laughing at the sight/thought of the DEA officer sprinting away, and a daft farmer shouting get ya badge oot.......... please dont distroy my mental thoughts of this story....

keep it green


I'd just like to point out the hypocrisy regarding the legal status of drugs other than weed being spewed by cannabis users, medical and non medical alike. It blows my mind.

Funny ass story though.

Cookie monster

Great story, kinda reminds me of the youtube video where the guy goes to take a dump in a field and this horney donkey keeps trying to screw him.


What the fuck are you, a cop?

how dare you say "they're just doing their job"...yeah, their job of ROBBING PEOPLE OF THEIR LIVES, their money, their FREEDOM, their wife, their husband, their CHILDREN..sometimes even killing them.

And they're "just doing their job"?

How about i make a new job. All people who think "just doing their job" is an excuse to do whatever they please, need to be killed with a machete slicing them in half, starting at the tip of their penis.

Your turn!

I, unlike you obviously, have experience in dealing with high up drug dealers, and i personally knew a DEA agent. i've seen the shit they do first hand. don't speak about something unless you know about it. you asked for such a harsh response with your insensitive response. these "agents" have a brain. they have the ability to make a choice. they choose a paycheck, money, over a fellow human being.

yikes, talk about some serious misguided anger. Take a step back and think a little deeper...


the Lion is going Guerrilla...
I sure as hell would'nt take the job either but there are two sides to every coin in life. Take it from someone with more experience than you might imagine. When you can appreciate all sides in any situation it makes life & laws easier to navigate. Don't navigate your life or beliefs based on anger & hate. Here in Cali we have had law enforcement PROTECT OUR RIGHTS & our plants. The tide is turning for us all, our time has come to be on the "good" side finally. When the DEA can focus all of it's energy on the real bad guys dealing hard drugs that do ruin lifes and families then this country will surely be a better place. Until then they are doing there fucking job and they for the most part leave us medical users alone. We also are'nt greedy money motivated thugs growing warehouses full of weed. I wish only the best to anyone growing our favorite plant but some people simply have the wrong motivations which makes us all look bad.

"but do not go in that field over there" lmfao it was a funny ass story btw.
Must have happened sometime, somewhere. Mooooooooooooooo

You know, being a Nazi was "just a job" once too. I guess there's another side to that coin? By your logic, you'd totally be a Nazi sympathizer and saying that shit isn't out of context whatsoever. I could elaborate but I'm going to let you think about it yourself.

It seems to me that there's a lot of growers out there that hold disdain for anyone that grows for a profit or doesn't fit their moral criteria, even to the point that they would wish the fucking cops down upon them. Is this a product of just being pissed off because they had to pay 200+ a zip? Guess what? We've all been there at one point in our lives. Guess what the most of us did? We started growing. Nobody is "forcing" anything down anyone's throat. It's so damn easy to get a medical card in California and either grow yourself or designate a trusted caregiver, let's say a family member if the medical user is disabled. Even if you aren't in a medical state, you have the choice in whether you want to take the risk in growing, or deal with the market prices.

Don't blame "unethical and greedy growers for it." Blame prohibition. Cops enforce prohibition, along with the class division. The most of them are nothing more than dogs of the state who don't have the capability to act or think for themselves. And ha, nothing personal? Have you seen how rambo some of these cops getting during a bust?