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Can It All Be So Simple!
i made a lot of bubble with my outdoor trim and used the 5 bag set ( I couldn't imagine using the 8 bag set The 5 bag set was time consuming enough) I didnt get any bubble worthy of calling FMCD

i dont like bubble (well the bubble I made) a much as sum quality made hexan oil!!!
i do not recomend smoking this while driving as u will cough your your fucking head off after a deep hit....and your eyes will water up to the point u wont be able to see

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Just got done making it. I'm really happy with the results as far as quantity goes. I've been dry sieving for about 15 years and wanted to try the bubble thing. It's drying right now. I ended up using 8 bags. Not as bad as I thought it would be.


Active member
cf: ahh, thanks, figured it was something like that, but it gave me a weird sensation. lol.


nice pics of all the bubble and goo, you guys really need to smoke that concentrated stuff to get stoned now? the high that much different then just smoking buds? i can't imagine going any higher then i go on my couple hits, one two many hits and my eyes would be half open, can't tell if i'm dreaming, awake or what not, and drift back and forth between sleep and awake, right on the edge of sleep state. i'm sure a hit of that goo would just make me go to sleep in 3 minutes :1help: , lol.



Careful, I just had my bullshit meter recalibrated
Benny that some good shit right there!!!!!!!!
Sheet, you serious? That stuff looks nasty! Does all bubble come out lookin like that? I don't know if I could smoke that. Guess I'll stick to my crappy paint strainer method, and maybe make a DYI keef tumbler some day when I got enough on hand to tumble LOL. Excuse my ignorance, but what is FMCD?


Vin- FMCD stands for Full Melt Clear Domes - it is from very pure Bubble that bubbles up with very clear domes. Top O the line when it comes to hash.

Nice Stuff there Benny, thx for sharing.


Can It All Be So Simple!
not bubble this is oil
hexan oil
hexan is a solvent u cant pick this shit up just anywhere now days
u do a quick wash then cook the hexane off

from this bud


I am sure that Hexane would be interesting.

I have never used that, or butane, or any type of chemical extraction method. Same way as I don't mix tobacco with herb, I have a problem with adulterating Jah's work with our chemicals.

No offense Benny. I know many of us love the stuff. Just my opinion.

WineMan--You can achieve FMCD with a light dry sieve. you just have to be sure and not molest the scuff too much. The goal is to get trichomes only. no plant matter.



What's up everybody??

I'm from PA and I was wondering what I should do to start my first outdoor grow this spring.

I've read a lot about growing, but it still all seems so overwhelming. I plan on using bagseed, and growing it out of the ground. I am going to plant the seeds right into the dirt, rather than sprouting them indoors. Has anyone had success with these methods? Also, any other information would be very, very appreciated.


Careful, I just had my bullshit meter recalibrated
Thanks for explaining all that guys. I'm still a newb when it comes to some of the newer stuff/terminology. Sorry I dissed on your hash Benny, but I don't know if I could smoke something that made my eyes water to the point I couldn't see LOL. Must mess you up pretty good eh?
Bisco420 There are a few here that grow outdoors, but there's a whole section of the forum dedicated to outdoor growing. You'll get more complete answers to your questions there I'm sure. Not trying to run you off though. Wecome!


Vin, go to Dick Blicks or another art supply store and get a silkscreen. You can get it already in a frame. This will work 100% better than the paint strainer. Very easy, cost anywhere from 10-25 bucks depending on size. I've used these for years. You can also buy the silkscreen without the frame and make your own kief box.


Careful, I just had my bullshit meter recalibrated
Red_Nine said:
Vin, go to Dick Blicks or another art supply store and get a silkscreen. You can get it already in a frame. This will work 100% better than the paint strainer. Very easy, cost anywhere from 10-25 bucks depending on size. I've used these for years. You can also buy the silkscreen without the frame and make your own kief box.
Red_Nine: Thanks for the tip. I had planned on pickin' some up some day when i have more on hand to sift and making both a DYI keef tumbler and a nice stash box w/a screen in it like I've seen around. I love wood working and DYI sheet. Can you (or anyone else) give me an idea of what sizes of silk screen I'm gonna need?



This my old way of doing things

but i want to start working with this one

any tips all info is welcome :rasta:


Active member
i just read this on norml web sites, nj medical marijuana is up again for vote/review in june 08, think about sending in a letter to support it. maybe some of our tri-state brothers and lurkers can help us out and send in some email letters too, they are automatically generated it seems, and sent to their email. base it on a trenton zip code if your not from nj, 08600,601,603,604,605.

last time it was up in 2006, even montel williams showed up in trenton to speak on its behalf. maybe this year it may pass, who knows? gov. corzine already said he will sign it into law if it hits his desk.

nj the east coast cali?




Active member
Hey guys, i'm glad to see everyone is doing well in the tristate!

xOOx - good news! i hope there are enough level headed individuals out there so it passes this time! I would love to become a caregiver!!!!!

Anyway, anyone going outside this year? i've been thinking about throwing a couple outside!

I'll leave you with this - some Fruity Juice from good ol' PA!
I'll get some better pictures of it in better light, i was taking it in a dark area. Picked up a zipness. haven't tried it yet but i'll do a smoke report!!

- SubN


Hey Sub, I have some of that Fruity Juice sitting here as well. Got it from a friend of a friend of a friend of a.....lol. Anyway, it reminds me of the Grape Ape I sampled. Let me know how you like it. And that looks better than what I got, but mine is pretty good. Pretty sure it's hydro with chem ferts and not much flush, but I could be wrong. Still, the grape taste comes through pretty noticably.


Careful, I just had my bullshit meter recalibrated
SubN: I posted the outdoor question a few days ago. So far WeldFlash is the only one who chimed in a page or so back w/a pretty substantial outdoor line up. What you thinking about putting out? No indoor grow yet?