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Hey all...

Hey all...

Well, its an unknown bag seed...I started with 14 plants and between the males and selecting the strongest this is my second generation crop..here are some pics...don't pay attention to the date..I get tired of resetting it everytime my batteries go dead and it happens a lot..

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BFL--agreed about that Highly Identifying Tattoo.......

Vintner--Do not throw Lifesaver off your list. It is really good smoke. I just don't believe that Marijuana of any type has a true narcotic effect (meaning pain killing)
on the other hand, my wife has migraines and swears by herb....doesn't stop the headache, but lessens the effects and my wife does not feel sick to her stomach

inject truth--i did some math, and the lifesaver and MF are on about the 30th generation of clones......loss of vigor MY ASS

Red Nine--You big stoner....I have not had that laugh my ass off feeling since I was 17....closest think was a few years ago when I quit for a drug test 30 days later smoked and the paranoia meter was off the chart

Philly Pride--We are all REFUGEES



JIP, I hear that. Same thing for me. I stopped a few years ago for awhile and when I first smoked again, it was crazy,lol. Makes me want to stop for a week or so, just to clear my system some.

Philly, looking fantastic bro. I knew way back when that you had it in ya. Way to rep the Tri State.

Vin, I have to agree with JIP on the narcotic affect of bud. I've taken my share of narcotic pain pills for my back and no smoke comes close to helping my pain like the pills do. However, there are strains that can help. I find it best to find the most potent strain you can. It doesn't so much take the pain away, as it takes it off your mind. I've tried some strains that others swear by for pain and got no relief, and others I loved that I was told would not help. I think it depends on each person, the amount of pain your in, and how you react to each strain.


Active member
red_nine: you know, it's my holy grail right now. it works, and i can't seem to build a tolerance to it. not to say i can't build a tolerance, commercial i was puffin (and it looked like you guys buds, pro i mean) pretty much after a week of my hitting it, it wasn't lasting very long, and vanishing completely as if i haven't smoked at all 1 hour later. this one never quite leaves you fully, 8 hours later, you can still feel a little fuzzy in the head. the day is definately not going to be a clear/straight one if you smoke it in the morning.

bfl: i'm much better today, i slept good last night, piffy assisted, the noia' is gone for now.

ptway4: wtf? :nono: 3rd that jiped, wrist tat = no no, nobody learns man, nobody learns, nice plants tho

vintner: we are in the 2 hit wonder club! we can start our own little thread now, lol. the key is moderation i think, never let your tolerance build. one stoning a day or every few days, and not all day. first high of the day is always the best, and you can't get that again until a nice rest. take breaks too, a week or two in reality to dry out and just come back to earth. are you the same with alochol? (your wine) i'm not a big fan anymore of alcohol, but i will drink it socially. haven't really been alcohol intoxicated (shit faced drunk) in a looong while. 3 beers or 2-3 glasses of wine would give me a nice buzz for sure. but the crash makes me ill. why would you want to drink and feel full, when 2 hits can put you way past an alcohol buzz, and happier too (another reason why big alcohol wouldn't like this product to be legalized, competition sucks for sure). but you know, some can drink like fishes and not even appear tipsy, bottles of vodka, etc. so i guess it's the same for mj. you got your herbaholics just the same, lol.



Active member
Hey Guys Red Nine jumps over to the New England thread from time to time to say Hi, just thought I, would do the same.


Careful, I just had my bullshit meter recalibrated
Thanks Red. Nice healthy looking plants Philly and pthway4.
x00x: I take small brakes from smoke and drink also. I don't get the same day after affects from my wine. This is more than likely do the the fact that home wine makers can keep the sulfite content of their wines pretty low. I have a tendency to mix booze and smoke in small amounts. Not very often though. Mellows me out more, and lasts most of the eavning.
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Hey everyone..

Hey everyone..

Here are some p to date fotos of my ladies....the little ones are blueberry and a mystery Afgan from humbolt grower. They grow ever so painstakingly slow!!!!!!!!



Active member
thanks Red. When the lights go on tonight I'll take some picks of the PTK. I know your interested in them. Peace


Active member
vint: will have to try some low sulfite wine one day, maybe it won't give me the sick head/partial headache feeling when it wears off. are there any on the market? or only home made?



peter...you'd know I like to see them for sure. That's one strain that has been on my list and eluded me, but I havn't seen much grown. More of an idea of what the strain might be, going by the name and a few things I've heard. I'll have to do a search on it and see what I can find. I know Tom Hill has put out some really good stuff over the years.


Peterpan are you the oldman surfer famous for winter snow ice shots


If you know that one, you go back a little bit.



Active member
jip I'm an old f##k for sure but not that one my friend. I do like to surf. Red Nine, this is my 1st grow in 2yrs so I, only popped 4 PTK to see what all the buzz is about. So far I have 2 males, 1 wild pheon that didn't do anything so I, whacked it and one I hope will be a female.

this is one of the males at 9 days into flower. Red I, really don't know what to do with the males because I don't have a track record with this strain so they could all be bunk pheons. Plus I have another 3 packs to play with. I kept buying them on the bay when everyone was going after the deep chunk for 300.00 a pack. I hope you guys don't mine the post if you do I will delete it.


No problems posting at all peterpan. We like to see pics around here. If you can collect pollen, maybe save it for another time, or maybe cross it back to the best female you find. Or just chop 'em. I don't have anywhere to keep males seperate, so I just chop 'em. But when I find a strain I really want to work with, I'm gonna seed all my females to see what comes out of it.


Careful, I just had my bullshit meter recalibrated
xOOx said:
vint: will have to try some low sulfite wine one day, maybe it won't give me the sick head/partial headache feeling when it wears off. are there any on the market? or only home made?

You have to read the lables. There are very few, and I don't know any names, but a few vintners advertize low or no sulfite wines. If you live in PA, just ask one of the state store employees.


Philli in the house!!!

Philli in the house!!!

Thats the old school...holmesburg, graterford, the round house and all...oy I don't miss it....but I am in the same state these days!!! Enjoy and good to see the east being represented..



Welcome Peterpan,pthway4 Hello everyone.Lots of nice pics.Here are a few pics of my Blue Cheese.They are around 6 weeks.A lot more pics in my diary.



Amish that cheese is gettin frosty bro! Nice shots and hows the stench from those?

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