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That silk screening alright stuff? Or is it better to buy the bubble bags? I'll ask in general, cause I'll be damned if I can find who posted that silked trim.


Active member
nice smoke report on cf's bud! and that purple wow. that's really purple, i might think that it had some kinda gross mold on it if i saw that in person. i think i've smoked a bud of this stuff in the past month or so, looked very similar, dark looking bud. really FUNKY taste on inhale. like two flavors at once, one normal weed taste, and one odd perfumey like flavor, like if you inhaled some perfume fumes after a spray of the bottle in the air. throat tickling. maybe it was just bad bud, the high was very short lived, came on strong & quick, then poof clear head. and if you smoked too much, sickly headache.

now you have to test mine next! ok that was too forward eh
-> philly: i hope it wasn't me with the questionable ?'s -- sometimes i forget that the hobby has to be kept on the dl. lol. ps your pix look great, looking forward to that ssh finish and report out of all of them, because i think that may be a seed purchase in the near future. is it mr. nice's or greenhouse?

mjcuresall: nice pic. fast flowerer huh? only 14 days! i'd have to wait at least 30+ or more for that.

stonedteacher: i know what you're feeling i recently had a similar scare myself, contemplating tear down at the moment (maybe its been done already?) most of the time this is just normal paranoia that comes with the hobby. i'm suffering from it myself.

keep it green tri.and safe. i'm close to harvest, and my paranoia meter is at 90%, sorry if i spooked anyone. looking out the windows now. once its chopped i'll feel better.



Hey folks been awhile since I've been able to get back here and post, looks like I've missed alot and that F.U.C.K.E.M. is in full swing and thats a great thing! You guys are rockin the house! Here's some pics of the Molokai Frost x Hawaiian Sat. that I'm smokin right now. LIttle bit of purpling to this bud as well but this sh!t has got the kick to it which makes it a real nice smooth smoke. The cross is from Motarebel and grown by a close friend of mine out in the Rockies.

ON another note I just transplanted two Vortex Females this morning and have two other that havent shown yet. Two males got the axe this morning. Peace and Keep It green Tristate!


Careful, I just had my bullshit meter recalibrated
Bearfootlove said:
i can't wait till the day i always have some on hand

vin - i did do a bunch of reading man
thanks for the info and links i am saving it all
however i think it must wait till summer time
or when i can find more time without kids up my azz
you will know when i start though
cause i'll have a bunch of questions lol

mjcuresall - :respect: i like your little lady friend
looks just as good as anything i've grown at that point
don't be so down on your self
the point is your GROWING !! and not talking about it
keep the seeds planted friend
^Way to pass around the love BEAR! Here's hoping that day will come soon for you my friend.
I'll be around when ever you're ready bro. You wont need a lot of time. An hour or so here and there. Except, as I've mentioned before, on bottling day when you'll need 3-4 hours of peace and quiet. I don't even answer the phone when I'm bottling. LOL
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Bearfootlove again.


I am having some problems right now. talk of an east coast cup has brought out the chest thumper in me. I am trying to take some shots of my gear. problem is the flash is resulting in everything coming out white.

is it my background? or do I need a better camera that I can turn the flash off??? I am knocking this stuff out when my wife is not around....

also, Vintner, your sig has been killing me for a while. I love Blues Traveler, but you should spell Moto with two t's (motto) sorry brother and maybe that is not what you meant and I don't know what the hell I am talking about.



Careful, I just had my bullshit meter recalibrated
jipedestran: Thanks man. I'm a terrible speller. Do you know the song? I love it and live by that line.
Your pic problem might be your back ground if it's light in color or has a glossy finish. A dark sheet or blanket draped over a couple of chairs makes a nice back ground. You could try taking your pix w/the lights off, or standing back further from what you're trying to take pix a of. Or tape something over the flash on your camera. I'm sure you've seen a lot of pix on this site. Any pic will do. No disrespenct meant to anyone. My pics aren't all that great either. I'm greatfull to have a digi cam, cause it's fun to show off your wares. Bring it on bro!
Last edited:


Careful, I just had my bullshit meter recalibrated
Right back at ya!

Right back at ya!

:respect: And a huge thankyou to all of my Tri-State brethren who've been giving me rep points over the past months. I just went to my user CP and found all your friendly comments and well wishes. I didn't even know that page exhisted (SP) LOL. A couple of you have mentioned something about "turning it on". I have no clue what you're refering to. :bat: I'm cracking open a botted of cranberry wine :friends: and burnning a fatty in honor of each and every one of you. Stay safe all, and always keep it green. You TRI-STATERS ROCK! :jump:


Careful, I just had my bullshit meter recalibrated
Nice little stash box SILVER BACK.
Actually the cranberry wine was undrinkable, and I ended up dumping it. It was about 3 years old. It was definately better the last time I tried it, though it had me thinking of paint thinner then too LOL. Some you like, some you don't.


Patriot Father 2a Defender /Breeder
What it is Silverback guessin' ur PP homie!vetty nice grow!!How's everyone here?
Geisha ne one?

more flower pics to come just threw some pbp & carbo load to help the cause!!!!!!keepitpimpin'pimpin........Mm


Active member
Welcome aboard, SILVER BACK!

What strain is that you're growing in that second pic?

What MOneYMiKe said-- are you Philly's organic buddy?


allright.....in for a penny, in for a pound

lifesaver, she has been going for 5 years

my morning stash-trimmed Mothers finest and some pure MF dry sieve

close up of the MF hash two weeks ago that piece was half a golfball

my favorite---Mothers Finest Sensi Seeds (again she is from a six year old girl)

close up of nice piece of MF in the winter she is just sooo sooo sticky




Active member
Tri-state. Refuse to lose. After having several issues in the beginning, things managed to turn around and produce a decent harvest.

Oh, and east coast canna cups? they happen :joint:, just got to be in the know :rasta:

Philly - that purple beasty is impressive, as a hardcore devotee of the church of M39 :muahaha:

Red - thats a lot of hash! A+++

Money - that is the only seedling pic that ever did anything for me. it looks like a mushroom!

Bearfoot - you crazy!

JP - Nice nugs. Have you noticed any problems from keeping mothers that long? Sure doesnt look like it.

Silver back - awesome kif box.


Active member
welcome silver back!

jiped: it can be a little tricky to get the pics, there is a macro mode (the flower) for up close, and some cams may have super macro. sometimes it washes out with flash, there's also different modes of white balance you can use like if your under fluro, or hps, to take the weird coloring out, usually just snap many shots until you get a good one, lol. also you can try macro mode, from maybe a foot away, and zoom in, but not up to the digital zoom, so the flash has more of an area to spread out to. with the lights off, the flash may reflect off the trichs like diamonds.

but here's the important thing!! google "exif farm" it's a free utility that removes the exif data from inside the .jpg. when you right click it from explorer and then clear the exif info before you upload. exif info contains your camera type, date time taken, and other camera stats. some cams store serial #! the pics u u/l'd show your camera brand. it's not that big a deal, but you know, better safe then sorry. just looking out. nice pix btw!

there's other security things here that concern me right now, that i've stumbled on. i'm curious and paranoid myself, and i don't want to spook anyone into a frenzy, so i haven't quite figured out what to do yet.



xoox thanks for the information. at first I was taking pics on a white plate....did not work at all.

inject truth---

no problem at all with the age. Funnier and an even more classic growers myth, both the LS and MF are from clone. i don't keep mothers. I take cuts, then I put the plant I took cuts from into flower. while flowering, i veg those cuts. flowering done, take cuts again, and repeat. old myth is that you lose vigor with continued cloning.....bogus. I promise.


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