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Great Job CF as always you really rep the east to the fullest, yeah I have noticed the thread has slowed down recently, I think a lot of regulars get peeved by the Newbies/Strange People PMs asking for things and posting questionable dated pics or strange LEO questions . . . . it is not hard to smell a skunk; I think it is best to ignore the questionable and build with those with good foundation Here are Cocktail Franks Finest about to be transplanted into 4 gal ready to be flowered this weekend ya dig

Bubba Kush
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Active member
Hey Fellas!
Sorry for the leave of absense.

Everything's looking great, i've been keeping up on everyone's gardens, checking in from time to time.

CF shit is looking frosty. Lovin it!


stoned teacher

Pics are real nice and good to hear all is well
I'm not posting much cause I don't have much to say except hi thanks and best wishes... Lotsa cool pics and it's great to see the area represent.
I could have pics...nothing special though that compares to that kindness... I have plans for things to get much better "soon", but sometimes soon in growing time is a few months.


SUB! Great to see your back bro. And yes Philly, I've been getting PM's about guys wanting meds to be shipped out to them! Ridiculous question about wanting things that shouldnt be even thought about being asked. I could see it if I offered but to ask is a nono! :spank:

CF, your plants are amazing bro, I can almost taste the goodness there. And your pics are ranking right up there with some of the top posters on the site. Shine on! I'll swing by your hotdog stand here in a sec and give ya some props there too. You deserve it with that shit bro. :joint:

Reality, your plants are looking much better, did you raise your light up some? :wave:

Philly, those roots look like theyre eating well. Looking forward to some bud porn from those beauties. :rasta: Hows the mango doin???

I'll be updating my own stuff here in a few days when things get real intresting. Little budlets are formin and I'm gettin excited again! :jump:


Active member
Thanks for the welcome, Weld.
I just gotta get my post count up so i can PM inquiring minds who want to know some details of what i went through.

How's everyones outdoors doing? weather has been up and down lately!

I missed all you guys, for real. lol

As far as i'm concerned. There is no garden at the moment. everything has been taken care of (aka cleaned up and stored) in light of certain security concerns.

- SubN


We're here for ya bro, been wonderin myself whats been keepin ya away. Glad to hear ya got eveything under control though.


New member
Hey guys, just wanted to introduce myself, i'm from the glorious tri-state area a and these are my outdoor purple powers i have going right now from femaleseeds. The pictures were taken on october 4th. They are a bit of an experiment. I grew them under an old 70 watt hps light for veg since early july and due to poor planning issues on my part didn't get them outside until september 3rd. I'm hoping for a dry october and maybe i'll be able to pull these babies just a tad early and have some nice halloween bud. Already took a tiny sample and the smoke is trippy.

Edit: why does it tell me to remove the links for the photos that i have clicked on from below in my gallery? How do i post these pics? In the meantime, just click on my gallery link. The only pics i have uploaded are the purple powers
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Lookin good everyone!

93phils - Welcome to the forums!:wave: I believe you need a 50 post count to be able to upload from your gallery in a post..


New member
well...that's extremely frustrating...that being the case, i guess if you guys wanna see my tri-state purple powers just click on my gallery, they are there. On a side note, does anyone think they have any chance of finishing any time soon considering how late i put them out? They started to flower immediately so i assumed if they needed 7-8 weeks of blooming they should be done right around halloween if the weather stays fair. How much of a concern is bud rot in our area?


Careful, I just had my bullshit meter recalibrated
93Phils: Purddy! I'll keep my fingers crossed that the weather holds so they can finish up. Are those from Nirvana?


Just wanted to say "hi" and intro myself a bit. I've been growing outdoors in our lovely area for a while, just started serious indoor growing about a year ago. Had some great success, haven't bought weed in a long, long time. I will admit to trading weed with friends to try some strains I've never had before, but no buying beasters or brick for me!

Anyways, glad to see the amount of people in our area who grow/enjoy cannabis. Later.



New member
Vintner - Those are Femaleseeds' Purple Power

They really do have a deep purple to them and the bud i sampled got me pretty blitzed already. I'll put more pictures up soon. As some of you guys know, it stormed last night. How concerned should i be about rain at this stage?


Careful, I just had my bullshit meter recalibrated
Welcome Scruff. I have to agree. It always amazes me to see the quality and quantity of home grown in these parts.


93phils said:
Vintner - Those are Femaleseeds' Purple Power

They really do have a deep purple to them and the bud i sampled got me pretty blitzed already. I'll put more pictures up soon. As some of you guys know, it stormed last night. How concerned should i be about rain at this stage?

Not sure about your area, but once the front moved through, it's now dry and sunny, if cooler here. I'd be really concerned when it's 40's/50's and raining for days with no chance to dry, more so if the buds are large and/or dense. Be safe.
