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Weld- that Jacks Cleaner looks real good bro!

Red-Nine- had said he was starting up a new job and would be very busy but I am sure he will check in soon, the BUBBA has him stuck in the matrix lol

I will have updates on the babies later this afternoon I have been moving a little slow from knee surgury but I will have my 2 megapixel pics up of CF's !@#@#$@@ jumping hybrid vigor seedlings along with two monsters a God Bud and Blue Mystic. I will get pics up of the lovely Mango later this week she is at 25 days flower and looks like a 55-60 dayer but we will see she is at a top secret red tape location along with 3 others but I will emerge with more details later this week on the Mango and others, The seedlings are DYNOMITE #$@# the REAL BUBBA short short short super super squat dank dank dank
that looks real nice CF here are some pics of your offspring and some clones sorry for pic quality
Wonder Diesel x ABK

Bubba Kush

All the seedlings

God Bud

Blue Mystic


New member
Hey dudes what's up...weather report says it's supposed to rain on thursday and friday, so i took one of my 6 purple powers early (6 weeks flowering) as a precautionary measure. She'll be an uplifting racy high i'm sure since i pulled her early but i wanted to make sure i got something for my efforts in case shizz hits the fan with a terrible storm this weekend. The plant i pulled had mostly all red hairs, but i didnt get to check the trichomes for cloudy or amber color. Can't wait to harvest the rest of the girls. I'm stilling planning a Halloween harvest so i'll post some scary pics when i pull the plants from their rotten zombie graves. Muahahahahah.
Morning all and thank you for the Kind words and they are directly redirected to the man himself CF

WELD Whats happening bro? the Mango is doing well I had to move it over to my second grow because of space limitations with the seedlings the MANGO is at 27 days flowering today along with 3 g-13's and a ? Haze I will have pics up later tonight. I haven't been able to monitor the Mango the way I wanted to because of knee surgury but I am back on my @!#$& and will have the Mango Rocking and rolling along with the others asap good morning Tri State
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Careful, I just had my bullshit meter recalibrated
Amish: :tongue: <<I'm Drooling over those buds. Great pics man! Especially the last one.
Philly: Plants are looking fresh! Some of you more experienced growers seem to like to keep your plants small and in smaller pots. Rational? Quick turn over? More bud? The ability to run multiple strains at once?

Stupid Q?: Can some one tell me if it's possible to bookmark this thread so that I get regular updates w/out having to post in it at least once a week.

Safe harvest and growing yall. Hey Zombo!!! any harvest pix?
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Active member
Excellent pics guys. I'm looking forward to how those seedlings turn out Philly. I'm awaiting the day i get to set up my shit again and go to town on those awesome seeds that i received from the man who was generous as hell(thanks CF!)

You guys are makin me so jealous cuz i can't have anything running for a while now.

Although i do still have a Speed Queen i threw outside to see if i could get anything off of her. She's in a spot that only gets 4 hours a day of direct sunlight so she's not that big. Probably will yield less than a quarter but for now that's better than nothin!
If it's gonna rain thursday and friday i might have to treck out to the spot today and see if i can take her down for drying.

Amish - It looks like CF's vaporizer is a whip-style. It has a ceramic heating element that glows red and as you pull on the whip it pulls the hot air passed a screened chamber that allows you to fill it up with grinded herbage. The small ball end is the end you pull from, the other end with the cyclinder has a sphere shaped end. correct me if i'm wrong CF, but inbetween the sphere shape and cylinder should be a screen, you can fill it with weed and press it down. I've smoked from whip style vapes a lot.

Sorry i don't have any eye candy for you guys. I would've but i tore everything down.
Sour diesels would have been righteous by now as well as a keystone that was looking very healthy along side an OD. :badday::badday:

- SubN

cocktail frank

ICMag Donor
howdy fellers,
sup w/ those last place eagles?
yee haw

my ssv is a whip style.
im just learning how to master my new weapon. :muahaha:
it rocks.
a pick of the element,

now the whip,

and you see i always rep my team,


i got some eyecandy over at the hut, seems i spilled my suger bowl all over the place earlier

great shots guys,
keep it green!!


Active member
Representing the Garden State!
JLP's SD iblxOG bx1

Me and a friends bong on 4/20/07 in NYC

Trimmed Hindu Kush split top colas

Dried Hindu Kush nug

Dried BOG's Lifesaver cola


Careful, I just had my bullshit meter recalibrated
Nice pix all. Dr. No: I've heard that live saver is good for arthritis pain. True?
Afternoon All, CF the Eagles are in last place because of coaching decisions, namely punt return problems against Green Bay and Head Coach Meltdown against the Giants letting Usi pile up 6 sacks! please give me a break 12 sacks total in one game! We will be in 1st place in the NFC where we rightfully belong by week 12!
Hey Weld The Mango is really rocking and rolling a truly pleasing aroma,
Mango at 27 days of 12/12

G-13 at 27 days of 12/12



Nice plants Philly! Its going to be a good Xmas at your house this yr bro! As well as mine......lol


Active member
Vintner- I don't know how good of a pain reliever Lifesaver is since i didn't have pain at the time of smoking it, but BOG said it'll cure what ails you.


Active member
Don't Call it a Comeback.....

Don't Call it a Comeback.....

Hey Fellas!

Wanted to pop back in and see what y'all have been up to. Very nice work goin' on in the DelVal.

Spoke to SubnoizeKid recently. He's maintaining and seemed to be in pretty good spirits considering the circumstances. Let's all say a prayer for him and I hope to see him back in action soon.

Well, I got off my ass and jumped back in the game recently. Many thanks to Zombo, who was instrumental in making my return a successful one. I plan on making a few changes in my setup, so stay tuned for updates. Here's a pic of the girls getting accustomed to their new surroundings. The cups are still labeled, so the front row is evident, second row is Rhino Horn on the left, and the other 4 are PIMP sisters. In the back are Bubba Kush, SSSDH, and Double D. I'm taking another stab at maintaining mums, so for now the dirt stays.

Well, I'm off to continue my pursuit of world domination. We'll overgrow this place eventually, but for now let's keep our part of the 3rd Rock green. L8r.




Active member
Hey Baked, i'm glad to see you're back up and running!
and what a great lineup you have.
I am doin well, like you said, i am in good spirits.
it isn't possible for me to have a garden at this point in time but once i get through the system for my lil charges i should be back on my way.
apparently one of my good friends got caught with some ish and decided that instead of taking the blaim for their actions they refered the assholes to me.
they caught me posessing and i took the necessary precautions to make sure it doesn't happen again, even if that means cutting off all communications with those around me.

I just want to take this time to put out a reminder to all your Tristate Greeners to be careful, always cover your ass and always make sure you don't tell anyone about anything that you do. I know it almost goes against our feelings of the love and the want to spread the wealth but you always, no matter what, have to cover your ass.
Most of my hard work is gone now and i have nothing to show for it simply because i hooked a friend up. So lesson learned, take my advice because you don't wanna go through that shit and i'm lucky i got what i got.

Well enough of the sour note, this board is about the good things in life. How is everyone's outdoors this season?? the coolness should be bringing out some purpleness!!

- Subnoizekid