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Active member
The way i set up the last grow was i connected the cage fan in between the hood and the filter. The fan pulled air from an intake past the garden, and cooled the light as it was exhausted into the scrubber. I made sure that all the joints were sealed as well as possible and i didn't get an issue. I can see it becoming a bad thing if your filter started to kick the bucket.

Most filters will come with a pre-filter that you put on the ouside as to block any debris from clogging up the carbon. If you pull from the fan and push air through the scrubber you should put the pre-filter inside as to minimize clogging debris.

A lot of applications require you pull air from your garden and push it into the filter. A perfect example would be the micro-grows and smaller personal use cabinets. Most of the time there is only enough room in the container for what you need - plants, lights, containers. So you have to mount your odor control externally which requires you to pull air from the cab and into the filter.

That being said, I'm going to try to get the filter in the cabinet and cool my lights with out-of-the-box air this time.

- SubN


Active member
np dapimmel!

i didn't put any holes in the lid. i just closed the jar airtight w/the water n' budz in it, no smell..didn't know you were suppose to leave holes in it? i remember cooler thread just closing it and clamping it closed..no breather holes.. why would u want the water to breathe? the unwanted ingredients would disperse into the water (of course the thc is not water soluable so it stays).. but the unwated stuff isn't.. if ur punching holes to let it breathe might as well just air dry no?


Brother Bear

Simple kynd of man
ICMag Donor
just wanted to say "HEY NOOBS"
welcome to the thread :wave:
its nice to see guys in here looking for the knowledge, and not a free handout
i seriously hope to see you guys sticking around the forums here :yes:

that said, have some pix :moon:





Brother Bear

Simple kynd of man
ICMag Donor
yo, and we seriously need to get more pictures in here
seriously guys, plaster the walls like you live here :yes:



Rosin Junky and Certified Worm Wrangler



These are some sour bubbles I got in a freebie pack. Pretty frosty. Cutting them down in few days.


Active member
click on your link it'll take you to a full size image. Right click and click on copy image location.
Paste that into "insert image"


- SubN


I've been trying as you all can see. Do I need a specific number of posts to list images. Tried the ICMag Gallery. It tells me to just drag the image to my post. I'll get this worked out. Any tips appreciated. IP I tried your suggestion but there is no copy image .

I'll figure it out. I have alot of pics.

Get the Bioniccam from Amazon $30.00. Target wants $79.00. Even comes with a USB card. Great investment and great for kidz too. Just make sure you wipe the trichs off. My pics were taken a 100x and 200X. You could go a little further to 400x if you'd like. This thing even does movies. I have no need for the Radio Shack scope now.



Sorry for wasting everyone's time I have tried everything. And I'm not stupid. I managed to get the photos up earlier in smaller format but Mr. Pedestrian tried to help me. So it must be the number of posts I have. I'm just trying to be a member of the community and want to show my stuff.


dapimmel...Let's see if I can help you. Click on the Post Reply button. Put the cursor where you want the pic to go and click on Insert at the bottom right of the page where it says My Photos. Right underneath the Smilies box. Now, you'll see my first pic is thumb size, and the second is full size. Look at the string of words I have posted below this paragraph. See towards the end where it says thumb? Just delete the word thumb and it will make your pic full size. That's how I've always done it. You can put as many pics as you want in, just take the word thumb out of each one. If you want to see if you did it right, just click Preview Post, then you don't have to keep posting until you get it right. Hope this helps. Let me know if it doesn't.

