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spadedNfaded said:
Man i haven't been here for a couple days and look at all this Tristate drama!!

Jersey - like everyone said. You gotta make us respect you, you can't just up and ask for it. Nor can you ask for a connect on the internet. That is just BAD business my dude. Horrible. I've done a couple grows but i'm currently out of the loop due to some legal issues. I don't pretend like i'm the shit around here and i've been here for a couple years. I certainly don't pretend like i deserve to be in F.U.C.K. E.M right now either.
Philly was right to react like that. If you spent some time looking around this website you'd see that people send out a lot of respect for eachother cuz we're all in this together. Anyone who pops a seed and cares for it in their home is part of this family and until you do that, you're just not in it. Yet?....

OGRefugee - what's up my dude. I hope everything's well with you!

Inject - Awesome pics, nice selection!!! I can almost taste that Chocolate chunk. MMM!!

MoneyMike - nice banana OG'er keep that pollen around!! Maybe cross him to a hindu kush? og kush? Bubba even??

UBER21 - i got my eye on those DSD's. I wanted to put in an order for those. I would kill for some of that pollen cuz when i get the almighty Shire back - i'd love to make some strawberry diesel haze!!

BAKE - what's up my dude!? hit me up!

- SubN

SpadeNfaded........I will deff keep that in mind If I come across a vigorous male plant in my grow........Need to preserve these babies as Rez is done with anything that has Strawberry in it.......... :rasta:

Bearfoot sweet ass looking buds in those jars......yummy looking.....lol


Active member
great job bearfoot!

a yield like that, as potent as they look, would probably last me a couple years! even with gifting to close friends.

looking good injectt, mjcures!

day 44 for me is this monday. mine doesn't seem as advanced as injecttruths though, but maybe it will surprise over the weekend. 3 more days. lol. will post an update then to check it out.

some of the calyxs are starting to get pretty swolen, the lower ones. the smell has changed from a skunky funkish chemical into a more minty/skunkish menthol similar to vicks vapor rub, love the smell of that stuff. a nose tingling cool smell. getting there!

i swear you can catch a small buzz from just sniffing a bud, leaves me with a 15-20 minute euphoria slightly dazed and energized feeling after a good wiff.

anyone else ever notice that with their girls? during the last harvest i caught a light buzz from the fumes that she was stinking up the room with. had to step back and take a few deep breaths, my eyes were starting to tear a little.



Hey everyone.These Blue Cheese are developing a very strong aroma all ready.I am looking to upgrade my filtration system.I was thinking of getting a Canfilter 50 and a fan combo.Any one have any experience with any thing like these.The price at Hydro farm is like $425.Let me know.Thanks,AF.
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What up boys? I havn't been able to log on the last 2 days. I thought the site must have been down. Who knows. Technology is great sometimes. We take the good with the bad, right?

Amish, I use a Phat filter and a Vortex fan. That's the best brand I've used so far. A little pricier, but they use a different carbon than most. You've seen what I've grown, and I can stick my nose up to the exhaust and smell absolutely nothing. Just clean air. I was shocked to be honest with you. Best piece of mind ever. Just keep researching, hopefully you get a few more responses here. Does your room have negative air pressure? For it to work right, that's what you need to do. Not very hard. By doing this, no air can escape the room without going through the filter first. Outside my room you can smell nothing. Open the door and it hits you like a truck.

A quick story. When I was cash cropping we either didn't know about carbon filters or they weren't on the market yet, I'm really not sure. At least for this purpose. I believe they were originally made for hospitals and large commercial applications like restaurants. Anyway, I was flowering 400-600 plants at a time, with no way to kill the smell. At one point I was growing a skunk strain that just reeked. You want to talk about paranoia. If I would have had filters it would have been a whole different story. Those days are long gone for me, I don't even own a scale anymore. I think I aged 20 years during a 3 year period. This was before the days of OG even. The amount of info available today is just amazing.

Amish...You may know all this, but for those that don't...Measure the cubic feet of airspace in your room. I like to be able to exhaust the air in my room every minute. Right now my setup can exhaust the air twice a minute. This may be extreme to some people, but I have the setup down pretty well. My room is 4x7x7=196cubic feet. My fan is 475 cfm(cubic feet per minute) My fan can exhaust 196 cubic feet of air 2.4 times a minute(475/196).


Good times fellas just got my pack of bigbuddas cheeeeeeeeese this morning from sboo.....can't wait to grow these babies out........yum yum.....


Active member
There you are Red! Good to see you back!

Everyone's gettin Cheesy I see, and Im no different. Just got a clone of Big Buddah Blue Cheese from a friend. Its on!


Cheeeeeeese ftw................couldnt let these go by again on me..........oh no....lol


Red ,thanks for the reply,I will check out the Phat filters.As for the cheese I prefer it blue.Adding that blueberry did wonders to the taste and aroma.


Active member
hows it going everybody? i see a lot of people running the cheese! once i get my new cabinet set up i'll be growing out the cheese big buddah gave greenhouse to work on.
a little while back i posted the first half of my harvest, and heres the rest!
the strain is arjans haze3, and true to the description it provides a soaring sativa high from a verry compact plant.
this one i vegged until it was 18" tall and it finished up at 30"
grown almost totally organic, i used various guanos and molasses to feed. enjoy!

full harvest on a cardboard platter

this is by far the chunkiest cola i've grown yet


AmishFarmer said:
Red ,thanks for the reply,I will check out the Phat filters.As for the cheese I prefer it blue.Adding that blueberry did wonders to the taste and aroma.

I guess to each is own on that one Amish......I stayed with the original as I cant imagine cheese with blueberry in it.......yuck......... :jawdrop: jk...lol

Hope it goes well for ya a few that went to the dam and sampled the original cheese from bb said it was really good....didnt see to many reports on the blueberry version.......though......Have you tried both versions Amish? Would love to hear your opinion on them....Anyway props for your grow brother.... :smoke:


UBER21 said:
Hope it goes well for ya a few that went to the dam and sampled the original cheese from bb said it was really good....didnt see to many reports on the blueberry version.......though

From what I've heard, BB entered the clone not a plant from their seeds. So in the dam, everyone was smoking the original clone. I've heard mixed reviews about the plants people have grown from seed. I think it is a plant that needs alot of selection to find that "one".

Pseudo...You have the original cheese clone? As I understand thats what Arjan has from BB. Keep us posted for sure.

Everyone keep in mind, people don't like Arjan and as soon as BB linked up with him, the rumors are gonna start flying. This is the only thing I hate about the cup. Just more politics as usual. If you spend any time reading the greenhouse threads, cup threads, etc. you'd think you were back in high school,lol.


I see thanx Red for clearing that up......Well hopefully I can find that cheesey sativa'ish pheno from my pack......Regardless I think I will be in for a treat with the cheeeeeeeeese or Queso as they say in my native language...hahaha
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UBER21 said:
I guess to each is own on that one Amish...Have you tried both versions Amish? Would love to hear your opinion on them....
Yes I tried both when I was in Amsterdam a few months ago.I tried the cheese from several shops.People said it was good cheese,didn't do much for me.Now the Blue Cheese thats a different story.As soon as they would open the container you could smell it.Kind of a funky Boo Berry smell,ya know the cereal.The best tasting and smelling of my trip.Not the strongest, but my favorite.As you can see,I tried a few kinds :joint:



Active member
Red_Nine said:
From what I've heard, BB entered the clone not a plant from their seeds. So in the dam, everyone was smoking the original clone. I've heard mixed reviews about the plants people have grown from seed. I think it is a plant that needs alot of selection to find that "one".

Pseudo...You have the original cheese clone? As I understand thats what Arjan has from BB. Keep us posted for sure.

Everyone keep in mind, people don't like Arjan and as soon as BB linked up with him, the rumors are gonna start flying. This is the only thing I hate about the cup. Just more politics as usual. If you spend any time reading the greenhouse threads, cup threads, etc. you'd think you were back in high school,lol.
haha i wish i had the original cut. the seeds i have are whatever arjan ended up releasing to the public, so we will see and i will definitely keep you posted. personally i'm not invested in the politics of cannabis, all i can say is the haze#3 i just grew kicks ass, grew exactly as described and was a yielder to boot!
AmishFarmer said:
Hey everyone.These Blue Cheese are developing a very strong aroma all ready.I am looking to upgrade my filtration system.I was thinking of getting a Canfilter 50 and a fan combo.Any one have any experience with any thing like these.The price at Hydro farm is like $425.Let me know.Thanks,AF.

I have to agree wholeheartedly with REDNINE those Phat Filters are priceless and really do what they say I mean NO ODOR, I have used CanFilters in the past and they do the Job but just not as well as a Phat Filter and in terms of Fans the Vortex absolutley crushes the Cann in terms noise and productivity, but hey just my 2 cents.

Great Pics everyone

Amish-now thats what I call sampling! :jump:


Philly Thanks for the info.I have been checking online and I can only find smaller ones,like 10#.The can 50 has 42# of carbon.Where did you guys get them from?I like Hydrofarm because I can just go get it,no shipping,but if I am going to spend the money,I want the best.Amsterdam was great.I think about going back everyday.It's not that the weed is that great or anything.It is the freedom.Freedom to be a smoker and not worry.Nothing better than going out to eat,ordering dinner then rolling a joint waiting for your food to come.Sitting at a bar drinking and smoking.Man,I miss it.Now I'm depreesed.I better go smoke that last chunk of hash I've been saving.