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ozone generator vs. can fan?


i would really like to hear some one who has owned both say if they prefer an ozone gen. or a can fan? my room is about a 1000 cu ft.:listen2:


Active member
I really liked the ozone generators I used (in-line being vented out the peaks of the attic). The only thing I didn't like about them was that they are like any other electrical thing you buy, they go bad and once they are set up it can be a pain in the ass to check them everyday so for the peace of mind I'd recommend the carbon if it's a good one. I have a phat philter I like it but when I did my research I heard the socks ones suck big time.

El Toker

I use an ozone generator. I've used carbon filters previously. I like the fact that I can look at the generator and know if it's working properly, whereas the CF is more a matter of guesswork.

The ozone generator requires zero maintenance whereas changing the charcoal in the filter is a messy job that I don't enjoy. Activated charcoal isn't cheap. I can only get it off e-bay, as none of the local grow shops sell it. (The local grow shops do offer a refill service, but they really take the piss in charging a small fortune and saying that it would take a few days.)

The ozone generator does a lot to protect against pests as well.

Ozone generators can be a health hazard, but it's simple enough to use them safely. Ozone has a very distinctive metallic smell/taste that is easy to recognize. It's easy to tell if there's too much ozone in the air, because the smell is very strong and unpleasant long before it gets to toxic levels. It has such a short half life that it is mostly gone 20 minutes after the generator has been turned off, so if you're really worried about your health all you need to do is take a deep breath, go into the grow area and turn the generator off, leave and come back in twenty minutes.

You do have to be careful and not put it right next to a plant because at very high levels it can damage the plant. I place mine at the top of the grow area in front of a fan. This disperses it around the ceiling and then it slowly falls more evenly onto the grow area. (it's heavier than air).


Active member
I've never met anybody who has died of ozone, I have seen plants get ozone damage so there's no doubt it's harmful. Personally even though I don't believe ozone is as dangerous as many would have us believe, I have enough doubt and worries that maybe 10 years down the line I'll have more asthma that I didn't want to use it in my room. Can't be worse than cigs though, so if you smoke go for it.


you can't replace a filter with a ozone generator. an ozone gen is used to clean up any lingering smells outside your grow room, or to be put inside the ducting of carbon filter to help making sure that there are no smells exhausted outside or into another room. it does not replace a filter, only helps it.

El Toker

you can't replace a filter with a ozone generator. an ozone gen is used to clean up any lingering smells outside your grow room, or to be put inside the ducting of carbon filter to help making sure that there are no smells exhausted outside or into another room. it does not replace a filter, only helps it.
It does replace a carbon filter for me, under a 1.8 KW grow, and does the job as well as if not better than a CF. There is very little smell, even in the middle of the grow area just before harvest. Obviously this depends on the output of the O3 generator and the size of the grow area, but the same is true for a CF.


It does replace a carbon filter for me, under a 1.8 KW grow, and does the job as well as if not better than a CF. There is very little smell, even in the middle of the grow area just before harvest. Obviously this depends on the output of the O3 generator and the size of the grow area, but the same is true for a CF.

to each there own. but i would not recommend this. do you still have an out take? doesn't the air exhausted smell? using an ozone gen in your grow room, if not done at the right levels can be harmfull to you and your plants. they are not designed to be used inside your grow room.

Bud Bug

I've never met anybody who has died of ozone, I have seen plants get ozone damage so there's no doubt it's harmful. Personally even though I don't believe ozone is as dangerous as many would have us believe, I have enough doubt and worries that maybe 10 years down the line I'll have more asthma that I didn't want to use it in my room. Can't be worse than cigs though, so if you smoke go for it.

There are no recorded instances where some has died from ozone exposure but every time you smell ozone its already doing damage to your nose. The ozone is reacting with the cells in your nose aka killing them. Same reason a lot of people get headaches at work when they sit next to a lazer printer. Its from the ozone.

I know of one instance where the grower was venting his room's exhaust next to his dog house. Later the dog died from lung damage.

El Toker

to each there own. but i would not recommend this. do you still have an out take?
It's more complex than that

doesn't the air exhausted smell?
There is no smell, inside or outside the grow room.

using an ozone gen in your grow room, if not done at the right levels can be harmfull to you and your plants.
You could say the same for almost anything you use in the grow room, light, heat, nutrients, CO2, phDown etc.

they are not designed to be used inside your grow room.
The one I have was, in fact I saw their stall at a local hydroponics exhibition a few months ago.


It's more complex than that

pls explain. my room and most others has an intake and out take. unless its a serious ghetto grow.

not sure where you live but i live in a built up area. if i didn't have my carbon filter running 24/7 i would have been nicked a long time ago. a carbon filter is a must especialy if your growing something like cheese. this stuff goes through walls. an ozone gen on its own wouldn't do the job. No chance.

El Toker

pls explain. my room and most others has an intake and out take. unless its a serious ghetto grow.
Nothing mysterious. I have three air cooled hoods. Air is pulled in circulated through hoods and extracted without having any contact with the air in the grow area. I have a single intake into the grow area with an inline fan. Sometimes, when it's very hot I use a portable aircon.

not sure where you live but i live in a built up area. if i didn't have my carbon filter running 24/7 i would have been nicked a long time ago.
I live in a densely populated area in the outskirts of a city. LEOs patrol daily all around the area on foot. My next door neighbours are god fearing, straight laced and active members of "Neighbourhood Watch". They would dob me in in a heartbeat if they had the slightest suspicion that I was growing, and then boast about it.

a carbon filter is a must especialy if your growing something like cheese. this stuff goes through walls. an ozone gen on its own wouldn't do the job. No chance.
I know that's not the case because an ozone generator is doing the job perfectly well for me. There is absolutely no smell at all outside the grow area. Exactly how much experience of using 03 generators have you had?

I have a 1.8 KW grow in week 6 of 12/12 right now. I am controlling the smell, along with pests and funghi, solely with an ozone generator. I don't use a CF. I have grown a lot of very pungent skunk strains using ozone to control the odour.

I've also used carbon filters and know that they can work well, however, that doesn't mean that they are the only thing that can work well.
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i use an ozone generator and i like how simple it is. i used to have it in my ducting vented outside but i have my room sealed with a/c now so i hung it on the wall. personaly i dont think its a health problem since you can tell the side effects beffore your hurt. also i have mine set up so it only runs 12 hours a day when my lights an big fans on so it doesent really build up.


A respected member of this forum recently said the lamp type of (duct) ozone generator needs its lamp(s) changed every six months to be fully effective. (Lazyman prefers the corona discharge type because of this.)
Is this the experience of anyone else here?

From the Big Blue instructions:
"Ultraviolet ozone bulbs have an effective life of from 14 to 18 months of continuous use. Ozone output begins to diminish after about the twelfth month and the bulbs should be replaced."

(I thought I read nitric acid could be a problem when using the corona type--that's why I bought Big Blue.)
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Bud Bug

A respected member of this forum recently said the lamp type of ozone generator needs its lamp(s) changed every six months to be fully effective. (Lazyboy prefers the corona discharge type because of this.)
Is this the experience of anyone else here?

From the Big Blue instructions:
"Ultraviolet ozone bulbs have an effective life of from 14 to 18 months of continuous use. Ozone output begins to diminish after about the twelfth month and the bulbs should be replaced."

(I thought I read nitric acid could be a problem when using the corona type--that's why I bought Big Blue.)

Yes the UV bulbs normally should be changed about every year depending on usage. You can tell when they don't work as good anymore, its just takes longer to smell the ozone and its not as strong out put as when they are new. Also try not to touch the glass as the ozone will etch the glass where oil from your skin is deposited.


i know someone who used a smaller uvonair ozone generator which he used to use then he went and got an even larger one as he bumpe up his grow of the same brand he would vent them through a winding duct as it needs time to mix with the air to clean it.they were damn expensive this was over ten years ago they definitely produced a ton of the ozone stink but they did not do the trick. perhaps to be effective you have to use them blowing over the whole room before it gets vented out but if you're working in the room alot this isnt a good idea. or perhaps they need to be ducted into a box type setup where it can mix with the air for longer to be effective. carbon filters are far cheaper and more effective.standing outside and he was able to smell ozone and other stink along with it where it vented out it was a miracle he wasnt detected as this was in use for over a year.


I've had a Big Blue for a few months now and I am never going back to carbon. It kills the smell 100% and I've got some real stinkers (sour d X's) right now.

Carbon filters slow my airflow down too much. The big blue doesn't need a mixing box or a long run of duct.