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ozone generator vs. can fan?



I have no idea how harmful ozone is but my brother-in-law has one going in his office and has for several years now, running 24/7 and he is in great health.

On the other hand, when I got the Big Blue I plugged it in to make sure it worked. While it was on I took a sniff from the end of it's housing...I burned my nose and I had that ozone smell in my nose for a good 48 hours.


There has to be a balance here,can you just have it on a timer to 'kill' the smells for say 10mins every 45 mins,or something like that?


Active member

There, I said it. One single exposure to ozone will not kill you. It's the prolonged exposure over a period of time that's going to cause cell damage/mutations. It's like breathing chlorine gas. It's toxic. Our hemoglobin is designed to carry 2 Oxygen molecules, Ozone has 3. Each Fe in the hemoglobin can only carry 2 O atoms. To make O2 from O3, 1 O molecule has to be broken off... And what does the extra oxygen molecule do? It oxidizes your body. Neat, huh? Do some real research if you don't think O3 is toxic. Conjecture on internet forums should be taken with a grain of salt. ;)

City Twin

I've got an O3 Gen running about 3 feet from me. 24/7/365. Been using them for years. I spend 8 or more hours per day in proximity.

Look into "Ozone Therapy" for the other perspective.


Active member
There has to be a balance here,can you just have it on a timer to 'kill' the smells for say 10mins every 45 mins,or something like that?

The proper way to use ozone is to let the O3 accumulate in an area that the grow room vents into, (say a lung room or the beginning of your ducting) and then that air gets exhausted outside. Whether you leave it on a timer or let it run continuously depends on the air exchange I would assume.

Personally I use my O3 generator to clean my carbon scrubber and help it last longer. Supposedly it get the dust out of the pores of the carbon... Reactivating it. idk, I just run in every now and then for 15 mins... I have no odor problems with my scrubber.


Active member
I've got an O3 Gen running about 3 feet from me. 24/7/365. Been using them for years. I spend 8 or more hours per day in proximity.

Look into "Ozone Therapy" for the other perspective.

Ozone has a capacity to oxidize organic compounds Oxidize- to break apart molecules using oxygen, and the human body is mostly organic,[10] and has well-known toxic effects on the respiratory tract when present in smog.[11][12] In medical use the gas — produced from medical grade oxygen — is administered in precise therapeutic doses, and never via inhalation, and advocates claim it has holistic health benefits.[13]


But I don't drink tap water either.
But you drink that same tap water the bottled companies bottle and sell you at a higher cost? the same water! most likely dirtier than CO water.
you have been duped along with all the rest of the mass mind.
They do nothing different than what the city water companies do to clean water. Most do nothing, a few filter their water through a carbon filter that's all.
Biggest SCAM since the 80's when it started. LMAO
Home carbon filtered RO water is good enough for me.
It's my Life,and I'll be here as long as the Universe allows me. No matter how much you try, when the Universe says it's time to go, it don't matter how much fake food exercise, or whatever you do, YOU DIE.

I do like Lazyman and run a ozone room, plus I scrub the air in the grow room with a can filter, it's the only way to do it safe.


Active member
Irritation, decreased respiratory capacity, weakened immune system from prolonged exposure... Sounds like a recipe for illness to me. If you're not venting your ozone outside, you might not be sick yet, but it will happen. Then while you continue breathing ozone while your sick, you won't be able to heal like you normally would.

I truly hope nobody gets the idea it's ok to use ozone in an unventilated area because there haven't been and direct deaths by ozone... what a joke.
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I found that using ozone aswell as CF was the best way to go . They both have their merits and also their drawbacks , if i had to pick just one method tho (because of limited funds) i would go with a high quality CF like a rhino filter .

Portable ozone units are very useful tho as a pre or post deodorizer and also if you need to control odour in another area of your house , like say you do some trimming in another room for instance . Also there is always the fact that you have a back up odour control should something go wrong with your CF system.

If you have real smell problems cos of a particular strain you are growing i would recommend the standard ex. fan / CF system with ozone and also the use of a dump fan in the grow room . A dump fan can also help your air circulation around the plants aswell as helping to control odour.
A pic can prob explain a dump fan better than words so check out my high tech diagram ;) LOL



Regarding the safety of ozone gens , there was a smear campaign launched by some of the carbon filter companies along time ago who were worried about ozone taking over from CF's , it was scare tactics and nothing more .

We breathe ozone everyday of our lives and on a hot summers day ozone levels in the immediate atmosphere are surprisingly high yet no one ever keels over or suffers a horrific death from continuously breathing it in .

The effects of breathing concentrated ozone in are not pleasant tho and can give rise to symptoms like watering eyes , nasal and throat irritation but that is all! and these effects are short lived the ozone breaks down very quickly indeed, about 30 mins i believe, and IMO there are no long term bad effects from it, how can there be ? .

If you use ozone get a unit that has adjustable O3 output and with a bit of trial and error you can find the sweet spot where you have odour control but you are not experiencing the minor side effects of concentrated ozone inhalation.

Put the unit up as high as possible in the room so it can work efficiently and doing this will also give the ozone more time to dilute in the air .


. . .
Personally I use my O3 generator to clean my carbon scrubber and help it last longer. Supposedly it get the dust out of the pores of the carbon... Reactivating it. idk, I just run in every now and then for 15 mins... I have no odor problems with my scrubber.
I used to think O3 on the carbon would be a good thing, but the link from JackTheGrower convinced me otherwise.



What Goes Around Comes Around. But Am I Comming Or
I have an diy CF, but me being all thumbs when it comes to diy, its not very effective.
For Christmas i got ozone unit, and before that i had a small wall unit. They work ok but now im gonna setup a sealed lung room that will exhaust out an window.

But I guess my question is. What do you guys do with your used carbon filters?


ozone generator cheaper than a carbon filter? last time i checked an ozone generator to clean a medium sized grow was about 300 and a carbon filter about 200. each last about a year. refill carbon will be alot cheaper than a replacement head on the generator as well.one stinks like ozone and is hazardous one has no noticeable smell. use one if you want i couldnt care less it's your own lungs not to mention the corrossion these things cause all around the grow room. When carbon filters came along these were a thing of the past.


Active member
Jesus I must have a super good one (big blue) because it's lasted 8 years.
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ok say i have an ozone thingy in my room with my grow closet open or closed

will it still nuke the smell before creeping under my bedroom door and ac vent?

will it be safe distance from my plants being outside the grow closet?

Cause i gotta get my odor under control and it seems so simple just to plug an ozone thing in and cruise


Lets see 100 bucks for ozone plug in....150 for fan ,another 150 for carbon filter ,20 or so for ducting and foil tape about couple hours to install ...or buy fan 150 diy carbon filter 50 bucks and tools 30 , and about 5 hours to put it all together

Seeing as how i dont sleep in my room (im paranoid about cat hair and dander from my clothes floating on my buds) im only in thier to water and do some work...15min-1 hour tops....so i think maybe ozone is the cheapest and fastest method

I would love to hook up a carbon but im too poor to go that route