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, The Ghost of
What happened to bean?

Fulltime, really digging those drip works. Theyre awesome!

DAT (who I now associate with Nude Woman in Repose) - Not sure which I like more, the painting or the SLH. Too close to call.

I don't know how you both finish anything. I don't think Ive completed more than 3 or 4 projects since high school. I think I just decide its garbage and then stuff it away somewhere.
Ive got the imagination, but not the talent and skills youre showing.


who knows what happened to beanerz? people come and go ALL THE TIME~ he was a tempermental artist. good bless his soul.
Im feeling very mellow and creative this evening so took some more SHOTS! LOL excuse the pun. Im the orginal OG..
when I take big ole tokes off my SLH blunt people I make heads turn wondering what that sweet lemony smells is.


, The Ghost of
Whoa there, killer! DAT is strapped.

Niccce! That's a lot of SLH. Im jealous. What were your 1st impressions smoking her?


Thank you. My first impression is ...damn she tastes so good.... and WOW, shes mellowing me out...which is odd concidering shes highly Sativa. Nothing near like the head soar like my C99 holy moley that med is SUPER STrONG!!!
. im really liking this SLH mellow buzz and allowing me sit and tap into my creative juices very nicely.
Buds are a bit airy to be expected but damn they are soooo think with sugar its quite impressive. I had a few large buds with grey mold and bud rot... so I was sure to examin all my finished product very very carefully and there were many times when I was looking thinking, is that grey mold..? but it was just very very dense thick trichome coverage that blew my mind.
Thanks for your continued support and encouragement WG!


I am stuck in the shade where there is no sunshine, and I don't want to play with the other kids out in the sun. what u don't know what hurt u yeah, I gnorance is Bliss . Im going to bang my head against the wall. till I FEEL nothing at all. m a Happy IDIOT to keep my mind off you.

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My dear earthling, you do realize that about half the time, I hear what you don't say. That's just the way it is...:cry:


Active member
You guys I found a 'poster' I did of a dude from Jersey, Huge John Bonham fan with a fixation on BonJovi. I call it Bon Johnham.


fukin mind blowing art work FTH, u have got one groovy sick tripped out style . Very original and captivating. I love it !
u keep me very interested and stimulated.


Pistil drawing.// fini or finishing up mostly done . took 2 Fire Balls clones out of the Phototron and fired them up in the waterfarms . Fire in the TENT!!!!!:artist:



thanks! I get soooo worked up when I don't win a photo contest I know I deserve. There is one contest in particular That I KNOW for fuckin sure I should of won. It was like the most perfect picture of some Goats that I took on a backpacking hike. I entered it for a Hikers Magazine photo contest.. blew all the other animal picture out of the freakin water!
. You know all these photo contests are sooo corrupt and its who you know and who you fuckin blow so I will never win cuz im a misfit and and and Outsider till the bitter end. Im still lookin for the Goat Pick to show you. found these in the mix.....
Drawing .. Portrait Las Fingerez 2011 and Self Portrait #69.


, The Ghost of
You got a wild style human. Engaging.

Not too shabby yourself there DAT ;) Pistels gives me aquatic imaginings. I see barnacle covered kelp or octopus tentacles - gonna reach out and give you sticky fingers... it must be bedtime.

You backpack DAT?


Active member
Thank you wildgrow,
And DAT the outsider aspect of art, which I find to be the compulsive, less bag friendly art means its not as universally seen as artistic. Not that it isn't artistic, it just falls outside of the scope of what most people consider 'good art'.
So, no surprise there that your art didnt get picked....'by the judges'.
These people may be 'arty' which has the need to be viewed by others as 'arty' so, they pick some 'technique-fetishist' and call that 'good-art'.
Your drawings rip and are original! This last one almost reminds me of Robert Williams-Apetite for Destruction. Some band Guns and Roses lol used for their first album cover.
I almost want to do a trichome drawing now!!!!!


thanks wildgrow!, appreciate your insight! thanks FTH, I really dig Robert Williams and know his art well. Its really cool you find a similarity with him, never would have thought.. wow! That would be awesome if you did a trichome drawing , so fuckin cool. I would just love that so much. Im sooo addicticted to drawing and painting trichomes its freaky.lol
I do backpack and hike Wildgrow, extensively in the PNW. bagged Zion, Bryce and rim to rim Grand Canyon 3 times this past year.

so here is the Goat Pic I entered. I spent an entire morning shooting picks of a group of goats on the mountain in the Enchantment Lakes WA. To me this one was very very special. They were POSING in model position for me here. And your so right FTH , the goat Photo that won the contest was a technical one.. the photographer some how made the goat charge him and he took a picture and it was NOT that great at all of a charge and not that great of a goat and the background sucked.
I have this photo beautifully framed and hung with pride in my house and it as one of the best photographs I ever took.