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ur funny beanzerz.. I don't know how to make oil and don't want to. I would blow my face off and my scar is bad enough. I
ize want to take my stash to a someone to do the job for me to turn to oil ..and I hear they want 50% of what they end up making! That's as bad as the art gallery for fucks sake. .... Ill just stick to my flowers and bong hits. Volcano too. for now....

u kiddin me I don't give a fuck if I toss a few mega moldy buds, who gives a shit.. I got over a lb out the biotch anyway. I used to be a scrounger like U,lol, , like sayin.. NO DONT THROW OUT THOSE CRUMBS>.hahah.. not anymore.. I got so much weed its like reediculious. take me years to smoke. and its ALL FIRE!

U want my moldy buds I send yo my moldy buds.NO PROBLEMOlmao
I aint done with u yet beanzers. I have to say your painting is fuckin Bomb your naïve touch is what I look for in pure brilliance.. im blown away but ur colour make me want to puke.

Im going to blow ur fuckin mind off the charts next post when u see what just arrived at PO BOX> but im stressed man, totally stressed . I got to finish harvesting my SLH and the bus ride home made me insane. Stuck in traffic one mile for 45 fuckin minutes on a bus that smelled like farts.
Laterz on u lucky bastard makin art 5 hrs a day. Next week I will beat your mark . Fuck the bills..lol

supreme bean

:petting:sorry to hear about ur stress.I used to do a daily bus ride.1 hour plus each way.maybe for 2 years, then i joined the army.Anything to get out of that daily grind.i can still remember the smell of the old london buses .fag ash and damp clothes.
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supreme bean

One time i was on a bus in india.17 hours delhi to manali.bus was slow as shit.people getting on and off with chickens,goats.fresh (decapitated) sheep heads dripping blood everywhere.
After 14 hours,I was going mad.I thought I gotta get off the fucking bus.I look out the window.nothing but trees ,rocks,fuck.Im going MAD.I curl up in some fetus position on the hard wood bench.I feel like im gonna have a full-blown siezure.
We get to Manali.The place is fucking amazing.Pine trees ,mountains.river.wow.
Then i spot the reason i came here.As the bus crawled the last 100 yards,we pass the Police Station.A dope plant some 7 feet across and high.is growing next to the police station.Not the longest bus journey during india trip (6 months)the rest were done on dwugs.Dwugs are your long distance friend.:woohoo: I suppose some meditation technique.possibly played through headphones MAY also have been helpful ie.If theres no
morphine.valium.opium.charas.heroin. to hand.( ! Why not get a small sketchbook and draw cartoons of the other passengers.)

I hate farty bus journeys!
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u crack me up Bean. that bus ride in India sounded so awesomely colorful strangely exotic and disturbing . I can just see you curled up in a fetus position ready for a seizure on the bench but then feeling better...lol disrobing all ur clothes when you see the huge ganja tree at the police station and start to hump it. lol u sound like a fun traveling companion. lmao
Lots of work harvesting the SLH BEAST this past weekend.
I received some smoking HOT clones. One is the infamous YETI, loompa headband, ranked amongst the most devastating smokes out there. It has earned quite a rep and I actually had the opportunity of smoking it at the Seattle Cannabis cup a couple months ago wiith the traveling artist. It freaked me out and I though it was laced with PCP. lol. Hopefully I can manage to keep her alive. My cloning skills are weak. I don't have the proper set up. I use my phototron which is too strong for clones.. so im trying to be creative.
I turned my 4 by 4 tent into a dry closet for my SLH harvest.
Should all be dry by the end of the week and I can start a couple new waterfarms this weekend! One 9 lb hammer was male and one Blue pit was male and I did not lable the clones I took from both of them properly so will have to toss them . Both my FireBalls are Female and took clones from them so they will be good if they survive. My tent looks pretty weak right now.. my dogs are stunted and pathetic.



my current garden and clones in the phototron:blowbubbles:


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Active member
wanted to share a few more art pieces. And my grow but its laggging.
Its been a month over my proposed start date now and everything
keeps happ'nin' to redirect funds! So....I wait and draw and paint.
like a cat ready to pounce at a moments notice....when I'm not nappin'
like a dog.:biggrin:



HEY THERE FTH! great to hear from you and your wonderful art is totally out of sight man!
I really dig your style and its so sexy. love those sexy poses your wife really gets into it man.
There is a lot to be said for not growing for a while . you got more time to focus on your art. Im so over whelmed with my garden its starting to irritate me the time its taking away from my art work. I keep saying.. this is it. no more.. then I order more seeds and then more clones show up.. I should join Mendo420 at Growers Anonymous.

supreme bean

Man,you gotta control yer bitches.I try an keep down to nine.Its hard, sometimes you just gotta kill them.
Drawings looking good dat-how many hours you spend on each drawing?
I look at 50-100 hours per carving.I work out the the price of the work in accord.
I have sold 70% approx of my output.I dont pay galleries shit.
Best customers are wealthy women.Men dont have an eye for buying art.when they make money-thier brains turn to shit.haha.

Like the Art fth..Are you working from memory(good ones it seems).

I like to work from my imagination.
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, The Ghost of
Woo hoo! Look at all that bud :good: New drawing is coming along nicely.

Word to the wise - youll have to cut those yogurt cups to get those babies out when you transplant. The wide bottom wont slide out the narrow top.


Active member
Yo What up DAT and Supreme Bean! Supreme, I just work from whatever inspires. That one more realistic style over the LA Harbor of the ladies, sorry I mean my 'wife' lol DAT, Thats an old 50's Nudie shot that I kind of drew over the top of the map but it was from a photo. The rest is just free forms. I have some of my drawings really remind me of those, in my eyes, very indigenous feeling woman sculptures I will upload some of that§stuff. I call those kinds of ladies 'the mother'. Beautiful stuff! best to all today!


Active member
Yeah human's... can't live with 'em can't kill 'em. Good thing tho', I'm sure I'm on somebody's shit list for some no-good reason. Also Supreme, no matter if I'm looking at my 'imagination of a photo' or my 'inner landscape' its all imagination i hear you about working from imagination, I just didn't get that memo from the nazi art police. I hear what your saying tho....really I do it's just I'm too busy creating to hate. Abstraction has more bag appeal to me as well. I figure if your trying to be photorealistic be a.....drum roll.....photographer! :dance013:
Just one of many experiments where ever my muse leads me I follow her. Because thats where the energy flows....... for me.That was part of my reutilization efforts to use old books, posters, scematics, etc as art.
So let us imbibe and feel good all.:huggg:


LOL! omg that is so McFreakin cool man! I totally dig it. LOL!
UR FREAKIN Fun funny dude. hee hee
I finished me trichome paitning and feel so happy happy happy! YEAH!!!!!


im hangning it up tonite FTH! and take some photos.
SUPREME BEan , NOOOOOOO don't go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! im going to miss u so much, your so cool. are you moving or no internet anymore?

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