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Outdoor Grow In Norway 2011

sol guden

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Tørking tar tid!

It has been 1 day since I chopped "Fruit auto" down!

Now she lies to dry up ...




Cracking show

Love the plants and really love your spot, could be a couple of hundred yards from mine by the look of it!

Nothing better than lounging in the woods with a good smoke.

Hot dry autumn to you.

sol guden



I got the new nutrients today (Advanced Nutrients - Heavy Harvest fall mix)


Was supposed to use the 3-series mix from start.
But because of my indoor set up, I had to buy (Advanced Nutrients Grandmaster lv mix )....



Well-known member
I got a bit worried about the way you applied those nutes Sol Gulden.

Would wanna give it some effort to spread it more evenly still to avoid " hotspots". Would also want to spread it over a larger area, considering your plants, maybe up to one meter away from the stem of your plants.


Well-known member
I don't think it is too much overall, It is just that you create hotspots by having it not devided evenly over the surface.

Might show out in some parts of your plants later on.

Would be easy to improve by just smearing it out with your flat hand in all directions.

Topping it up with compost is a good idea for sure.

sol guden

Ok now I understand what you mean :)

I will try to improve it next time I go there ..
But it is difficult to get them proper spread ..
Because when I water the plants, water flows mostly in one direction .. making everything float in the same place..


Well-known member
yup, I see what you mean, hence the compost topping is a good idea too. It 'll keep the fert grains nicely in place.

Lemme tell you what I do before topping up the soil in order to avoid stem rot...> I collect fine gravel from the communal bin that is normally beeing used to put on slippery roads during winter.

Then I take a 2 liter flower pot, cut out the bottom and disconnect the evolved ring by cutting it once.

I put it upside down over the stem trough the cut and fill it with gravel.

Only after this little preparation will I start topping up the remainder of the surface with compost/wormcastings.

Taping back the cut or removing the flowerpot thereafter is optional, it will also retain it's shape without interference.

Some plants are always more sensitive to stemrot then others. If some of your plants turn out to be sensitive to stemrot too, well, then I hope that this little trick will safe their ass.

Did I mention already that I am totally in love with your spot SG?, damn man, your place looks good overthere, I wished I'd be in the hills like you are but in here it is mostly swamp goddamnit. (pronounce like cartman does) :)

Donno if you understood my little trick to avoid stemrot but if not then just lemme know so I will give myself more effort to bridge it better.

Mainthing is that there will be a thick layer of gravel close to the stem instead of compost.

That way, moist won't cling to the stem for too long periodes of time since gravel does n't hardly posess any water holding abilities.

sol guden

Donno if you understood my little trick to avoid stemrot but if not then just lemme know so I will give myself more effort to bridge it better.

Mainthing is that there will be a thick layer of gravel close to the stem instead of compost.

That way, moist won't cling to the stem for too long periodes of time since gravel does n't hardly posess any water holding abilities.

I understand ^^
I will try it next time i go there.


Very nice update sol, looks like you will have a nice harvest.

Good luck

sol guden

Nice lookin nuggets...but not much of a harvest from her out their huh? Looks great though!

No it was not the greatest volume (ca 30g after drying) ...
The Fruit was harvested 2 weeks early ...
I were eager for some weed so that's why I cut it...

I have better expectations for the remaining plants :D


Well-known member
Still I think that 30 gr at your lattitude is quite nice anyhows.

Considering your climate and difficulty to bring in tonnes of soil, I think you fared rather well on that one SG.

It's been a good summer here too and still lasting.

It's all gonna turn out just fine at your place SG.

@ vSL, That name "Mahayana" in your link cracked me up.

I'ts only one step away from"Mañana" wich could also be a great name for my verry lazy making, home bred indica.

I think I will call my Auto Dubbelfun "Manjana" now. TY :)

sol guden

Yes it is an okay result, this is also my first harvested auto strain.
Would have gotten a better results with a better soil mix ..
it's just one way to master the art on growing, "you have to fail in order to learn"
So now I know that I need a better soil mix for next summer :)


Well-known member
Yeh, gotto start making compost from all kinda interesting rubbish you got laying around aye ;)


I use to store my dirt pile in the animal shed where it remains 18 C above zero during winter, speeds things up.

Nettles are real nice to top it off with, they decompose real quick.

sol guden

Yes i need soil with perlite for the next season..
I just found a shop in the neighbor county, which has everything I need for a perfect result:)

Do you know someone who has tested Canadian auto strains?
I believe that all the genes that come from there, is 10 years in front of all that is in Europe.

I'm going to test out (Brown Dirt Warrior & Solar Warrior Seeds) for next summer.

Brown Dirt

Solar Warrior


Well-known member
I am testing the Iranian auto flower from dr Greenthumb in cannada atm, but it is not an auto at all, just an early flowerer.

It starts flowering way too late for where I live here at 65 N , so I am breeding it with a true auto Dieselryder right now.

What I tasted thus far from the Iranian was totally awsome, maybe the best I have ever had, but would not work for you or for me without it beeing fully auto.

Your aspirations for next year sound verry interesting to me SG. I'd love to compare their strains with my Iranian.

Always looking out for the best.

Gotto watch out with those canadians that they are true autoflowerers.
Hmm, as far as I watched brown dirt warriors video I did not see him using "auto"s anywhere.
Maybe he has them, I only did not know it would be his style but OK, that's just some digging up info away.