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Outdoor Grow In Norway 2011

sol guden

Hmm, as far as I watched brown dirt warriors video I did not see him using "auto"s anywhere.
Maybe he has them, I only did not know it would be his style but OK, that's just some digging up info away.

No, I do not think he uses any auto strains ..
Auto plants are mostly popular in Europe, but the trend has started to spread:)

Vancouvers latitude is on 49.2°N
The North Canadadian latitude is approximately the same as here (60°N)
Therefore, I believe that the plants that are completed by mid-August out in BC. will use 1 to a 1 and a half month longer to be finished here.

I'm going to try out some seeds from Canada till next summer, but I will focus mostly on auto female seeds..
I have some genes from California this summer (Emerald Triangle Seeds).
They were inside for about 2 months before I took them out so i hope they show good results..
I would like to create my own auto strain for the next summer ..
(S.A.D X Early Skunk) or some other indica genes that uses short time flowering

sol guden

maybe .... I have checked some (Hybrids From Hell seeds) they tempted me a little ... if I buy some of those strains, then I'm going to set up a mother plant this winter that I can take cuttings of ..


Well-known member
Outdoors, circumstances are too compromised to get good results out of clones often.

They need a penroot wich enables them to cover an as large surface possible in an as short as possible time span.

Besides, if one goes bad, they'll all go bad.

Growing from seed is like having a class room full of children in front of you: everyone will be different.

Eg, from seed there will always be some that are more sensitive to mold etc. then others. (drought, wet, insects etc.)

sol guden

Outdoors, circumstances are too compromised to get good results out of clones often.

They need a penroot wich enables them to cover an as large surface possible in an as short as possible time span.

I've got nothing to lose, if the plants that are out now will not bloom until mid September ..
Then I have to take as many clones as possible of the finest plants ..
I have good experience with indoor growing, mother plants and keeping clones alive.
But I have never taken ​​clones of an outdoor plant...

But I believe it will go well :)


Well-known member
Ah ok, maybe I misunderstood something, I thought you were going to buy "hybrids from hell" seeds to pop during winter, make clones and then grow up those clones in outdoors next spring.

Taking clones from outdoor plants... exept for the fact that you might contract some typical outdoor diseases and spread them indoors... I think it's the best bet you have indeed.

I did it on occasion and never contracted no disease. Maybe we are too high up north to have all the regular pests most people in south usually get to face.

I do some veggie gardening too, and I am amazed how little plagues we have here realy.

sol guden

That is not impossible but it's just one plant which has shown signs of mold so far ...
The police took my indoor collection, so I have to restart again anywayz :p

I agree! have not had any problems with spidermite or these other common diseases, indoor ...
The one thing I have noticed is the lack of nutrition ...

The only thing that can plague of our plants out here in Norway are:
Bad weather, Plant eaters, Police, Informers, and other A4 personality people ...

I thought about buying 12 (hybrids from hell seeds) ..
Then pick out the finest of the girls to be the mother plant ...
thought to put her up in December so that she remain in growth until the summer comes ...then I can put her out too :D

I never tested to put clones outdoors, but as long as the clones have been indoors in growth in 1 month.
then they get the time to produce a good imunsystem ...


ICMag Donor
Great pics Sol, hope you're able to pull a decent yield before the first frost.

I thought you were using the tarp as a form of light deprivation? Isn't the daylength getting short enough now that you don't need it? Would removing it speed the development of those girls?

Nice that you're not having to fight bugs! I'm sure the deer and other various herbavores are bad enough...

sol guden

I thought you were using the tarp as a form of light deprivation? Isn't the daylength getting short enough now that you don't need it? Would removing it speed the development of those girls?

Yes I will remove it today.

The whole project was a fiasco, do not try this at home ...
Have set up the whole thing wrong,....
I should rather have built a greenhouse where the walls total blocks the sunlight and the roof is transparent.
I believe this would recreate the 12:12 light cycle

But that theory will remain until next year ..

It is still 15.4 hours daylight


Well-known member
Greenhouses here up north are a total fiasco too. I own one ( had more before) but the humidity gets way too high in those for canna and if you vent for it you 'll loose the heat retaining feature.

Walls with a "roll on roof" over it maybe, but to me it became all way too complicated.

I once decided to just start breeding my own strain that actually works.

Long time project but I just quit one strain that I had in the making and am now focused to start doing an other one from scratch again.

Izzz no eazzy. lol

Good luck with all your endeavours SG. I can almost see you thinking :D


Hey Sol, I've been watching your grow since the start and I want to say your ambition and determination is inspiring to me. So awesome to see you succesfully pulling a harvest with the atuos in Norway, the auto's really open a lot of doors for people. Do you still plan to construct some sort of greenhouse before the frost? I thought I read that you had planned to do something like this earlier on in the thread...Because I dont want to be worrying you but by the looks of some of those plants they won't be done anytime in October...Goodluck with everything man, i wish you success.


Well-known member
Concrats on the fruits of your effort SG.

Considering the amount of thrichomes on your bud I reckon that the potency must be there.

But yes I know, the bulk of it may look somewhat disapointing but you must have learned so much this session that it only can go better from now on.

Size of bud is directly related to amount of prime grade biomass that you are supposed to dump on the place, but I am sure you must have figured this by now.

Do you have any possibility to start locally collecting dirt on that spot and biodegrade it with some plastic sheeting on top?

Those sheep there must produce some good stuff too aye, don't they.

As a matter of fact I keep sheep and goats too and their shit and barn litter in combination with bird shit makes for one hell of a good ingredient for compost.

Better then cow or horse dung even !

Considering the effort you have given yourselves to make this one a succes, I am sure you have it in you to contribute even more to our community on the long run.

Thanks SG, you're the man, man! lol

sol guden

Hey Sol, I've been watching your grow since the start and I want to say your ambition and determination is inspiring to me. So awesome to see you succesfully pulling a harvest with the atuos in Norway, the auto's really open a lot of doors for people. Do you still plan to construct some sort of greenhouse before the frost? I thought I read that you had planned to do something like this earlier on in the thread...Because I dont want to be worrying you but by the looks of some of those plants they won't be done anytime in October...Goodluck with everything man, i wish you success.

Thank you. :)
Yes I'm drawing different sketches now, will upload the ideas a little later..
This year's program has cost me more than I will back on the plants :p

But I do this to show the Norwegian people that there are opportunities outside, you just have to practice a bit.

No one is a professional farmer, the first time they set up an indoor grow, it's the same thing with outdoor grow.
Practice makes perfect:)

sol guden

Concrats on the fruits of your effort SG.

Considering the amount of thrichomes on your bud I reckon that the potency must be there.

But yes I know, the bulk of it may look somewhat disapointing but you must have learned so much this session that it only can go better from now on.

Size of bud is directly related to amount of prime grade biomass that you are supposed to dump on the place, but I am sure you must have figured this by now.

Do you have any possibility to start locally collecting dirt on that spot and biodegrade it with some plastic sheeting on top?

Those sheep there must produce some good stuff too aye, don't they.

Considering the effort you have given yourselves to make this one a succes, I am sure you have it in you to contribute even more to our community on the long run.

Yes everything is covered with crystals, so it should work great!

Everything I do wrong this summer, will be improved for next summer:)
By the way, when you create seeds .. Do you then use the male auto plant to spread pollem. or is it auto female plant that becomes pregnant?

I have mixed some sheep faeces with the soil to a plant.
what about Chalking the ground now in the spring? do you think it will improve the pH level in the ground?
I have a friend who works at a farm that has great access to everything I need ... chicken, cow and sheep excrement.

sol guden

Planning Pays Off

Planning Pays Off

Dreams of greenhouse

I have recently speculated on how to build the greenhouse as well as possible
I have many theories I've been wanting to try out but none of them are free ....
I think the best way to build the greenhouse is to use 4 building elements

- Construction Wood


- Soft Vindsperre (wind barrier)


- Moisture barrier fabric

* Most breathable barrier
* Lightweight and flexible
* Durable barrier in abrasion, flexing, and tear resistance


- Plastic Roof


I'm going to begin construction as soon as I have the opportunity.

I plan to use a wind barrier on the sun side wall, cover the largest wall with the tarpaulin. (on the side where the sun never shines)
Put up a moisture barrier on the north and the south wall where the wind blows most ...
I turn the fabric that will be used on the north so it can draw air into the greenhouse, I do the opposite on the south wall.
Then set up a plastic roof so the plants have access to sunlight...
The greenhouse will be 220cm on the highest side and 170cm on the other side.
I do not know what the width or length is yet.
Going to cost me approximately 2000 NOK to build it

This is the easiest and cheapest way for me to build the greenhouse

To Be Continued