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Outdoor Grow In Norway 2011


Oh yes we have good results, big plants, big resinous buds and great high. You really should check out finnish outdoor growing thread, it's in finnish/english but photos should do the talking :D

sol guden

Do you think your non auto strains will finish? How long have they been flowering?

I think they just started blooming, but it's still hard to say ...
Yes, the plants shall be done whether they like it or not ...
I'm going to build a greenhouse around the spot in the middle of September ...
Some of they are going to used up half of October before they are finished ...
I do everything I must do in order to get them done :)


I can tell you right now that your plants wont finish outside if they just started flowering. You need strains that starts flowering in juli, so you can get the most out of the short summer.
You need strains that finish in september in Norway. After that the weather turns shit and you will have mold problems. Lots of it.
Go with auto for august harvest and early danish strains for september harvest.

sol guden

I can tell you right now that your plants wont
You need strains that finish in september in Norway. After that the weather turns shit and you will have mold problems. Lots of it.

That's why I'm going to build greenhouses at the end of Sept.

I do this project so that I can test out the latest genes.
I'm pretty sure nobody has done before, and 100% sure that nothing is impossible ...

People I know both older and younger farmers have such low confidence in the outdoor climate, many live far back in time ..
We have genes nowadays, which is 100 times more stable than 10 years ago ..
I know people of 50 years, very experienced gardeners who say Danish genes are the only plants that finish outside in Norway.
But I refuse to believe in it, until I see it myself ....
I am testing out the theories and myths about outdoor opportunities in Norway, to set a standard of what is fact and not facts :D

If my project with tarpaulin or greenhouse works or not, Then I can check those of my list of outdoor ideas

Mold can become a problem Yes ..
But I are genes that are strong mold resistant, so hope it will go well


Well-known member
Mold resistend genes only remain mold resistend if you continue to select/breed with them for that trait.

Also in "mold resistend" genes will be ones that still contract mold.

Gotto continue breeding with several of the strongest plants of several plots (or one large plot) and discard all those that have shown even the slightest of mold attracting inperfection that way.

It is verry difficult to maintain or create mold resistend material since male plants don't test for it too well, hence, keeping inferior genes floating around will always remain an issue.

sol guden

Mold resistend genes only remain mold resistend if you continue to select/breed with them for that trait.

Also in "mold resistend" genes will be ones that still contract mold.

Gotto continue breeding with several of the strongest plants of several plots (or one large plot) and discard all those that have shown even the slightest of mold attracting inperfection that way.

It is verry difficult to maintain or create mold resistend material since male plants don't test for it too well, hence, keeping inferior genes floating around will always remain an issue.

Yep, I'm aware of it ..
But I imagine that constant ventilation through the greenhouse will reduce the chance that mold occurs, and a way to retain the heat at the same level ..
I thought about covering the ground with "Glava matter"

Which I think protects the ground a lot against the first frost

October is the best month in which we have 12t day sun and 12h with excellent dark night...
which I also expect is the best month in Norway where you get the best results on the plants ...
snow does not usually come until the end of October - mid November ...

will do everything in my power to complete all the plants ...


Well-known member
If you could find a way to lower the humidity you'd be the man. lol

It is not per definition liquid water that causes them to atract mold. It's the too high humidity that stops them from vaporising moist.

Anything over 60% Rh is bad.

Autumns here (finland) are more often then not between 70 and 80 %

sol guden

If you could find a way to lower the humidity you'd be the man. lol

It is not per definition liquid water that causes them to atract mold. It's the too high humidity that stops them from vaporising moist.

Anything over 60% Rh is bad.

Autumns here (finland) are more often then not between 70 and 80 %

Think I'm going to test this method


A couple bags of these in the greenhouse may solve the humidity problem


Well-known member
I doubt, since the combination of ventilation and water vaporizing plants would exaust and overload the system.

Then better try to artificially heat up the place I'd say.

On a personal note, I never try to rescue my plants since I 'm a "survival of the fittest type of breeder".
I don't want to waste my energy on trying to rescue plants, instead better focus my energy on something more substantial for the long run, but that's no critic.

If you feel like making the best out of this grow then ofcourse I am all for that.

sol guden

I doubt, since the combination of ventilation and water vaporizing plants would exaust and overload the system.

Then better try to artificially heat up the place I'd say.

On a personal note, I never try to rescue my plants since I 'm a "survival of the fittest type of breeder".
I don't want to waste my energy on trying to rescue plants, instead better focus my energy on something more substantial for the long run, but that's no critic.

If you feel like making the best out of this grow then ofcourse I am all for that.

Yes but I have nothing to lose if the project goes in the toilet ..
I look at it as a step forward, when I test it out I know if there is any reason to try it again next summer,,,
The tarp project works very well, all the plants below has grown up at least 20 - 30cm after i covered the horizon
I notice the progress already ...
All "Kalashnikova plants" have started flowering so many are not going to be finished until the end of September, I believe ...
But the plants I most want to complete the California Wildfire and Lost Coast OG

I'm going to take cuttings of all the finest plants this week

sol guden

Walk through the woods: Part 1

Walk through the woods: Part 1

Good morning and evening to you all
it's me "Sol Guden"


Back with a new stunning "walk through the woods" 2 Parts update!

I bought myself a new camera, it is paparazzi shots from all corners of my forest.

"High Five"

First I want to brag a little off, my everyday smoke.
Mexican Caramello


First purest shake of course!
Last edited:

sol guden



sweet, Does the length of your growing season ever complicate things due to frost?

The length of the day light, during the summer and fall sux here in norway...
We get the first frost around mid - late sept.
But the snow does not fall untill the end off october.
The daylight is (16 hours) in the beginning of April, after that it only lights up more and more.
Until the end of June when the dayligth is at its max (19 hours)...
Which makes outdoor grow much harder if you want the best genes, to flower..
The climate is changing from year to year .
Seems like the Fall-season is extending from every year that passes.
We do not reach 12/12 light cycle until october ...
It is months which I belive that cannabis blooms best in Norway ...

ps. This is only info for 61 degrees north


Well-known member
Flmao @ your story SG :D But ok, I just waked and baked wich may have add a lill to it ;)

While visiting a public forest cabin here in southern lapland, I once wrote in it's logbook that bears had surrounded the cabin... Our friend had died of fever over night... And that we had to shove him out of the rear window for the bears to frenzy on, allowing us to make it out of the door and run into our car...

None of it beeing true ofcourse ;) :D

Going nice there mate, I'm at 65 and envy the sunlight on your pictures, here we got shit rain all day.
Seems like you re more blessed then me this time around. Keeping my fingers crossed for ya man.

( ah well, what am I complaining, It's all good what the weather is doing, this way I' m ensured of getting a good shot at eliminating inferior genetics. ;) )

sol guden

Flmao @ your story SG :D But ok, I just waked and baked wich may have add a lill to it ;)

While visiting a public forest cabin here in southern lapland, I once wrote in it's logbook that bears had surrounded the cabin... Our friend had died of fever over night... And that we had to shove him out of the rear window for the bears to frenzy on, allowing us to make it out of the door and run into our car...

None of it beeing true ofcourse ;) :D

Going nice there mate, I'm at 65 and envy the sunlight on your pictures, here we got shit rain all day.
Seems like you re more blessed then me this time around. Keeping my fingers crossed for ya man.

( ah well, what am I complaining, It's all good what the weather is doing, this way I' m ensured of getting a good shot at eliminating inferior genetics. ;) )

HaHAHa Funny :D

Thank you ..

Yes, this season is impressive better than last year!
It may be due to the expensive Nurtients ..
I always had faith in "Advanced Nurtients" ...

crossing all of my fingers for a successful harvest