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'Original' Cinderella 99 Preservation Project


A little update.

Thanks to those offering positive vibrations.

For the "haters" and know-it-alls posting how we shouldn't germ in water.... ROFL!

The seeds weren't germinated in water. We've always used a seed soak for ALL of our seeds before planting, and have never had a problem.

We had over 30 germ of the orginals, and have culled a few from those that were not performers. We had some security issues and had to bail on the house where they were growing, but the plants are all safe and will be used for this project when the grower running this project get his setup dialed in at the new place.

Fear not, Cindy will return to the masses.

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Cannacopia said:
Fear not, Cindy will return to the masses.

Cool...been waiting for your project to come to fruition. All these C99 projects going on and been talking up your project any chance I get. Not too worried cause a low key breeder friend's project is almost done and beans in a few weeks but not widespread like hopefully yours will be. Even though I'm getting some of his new C99 beans will still pick up a pack of yours when available and let everyone else I know they've been released.

Here's one of the dads he used in the open pollination...

Also glad I got a bunch of Joey Weed's Apollo 11 beans in the jar...lol.


Active member
This is gonna be good :) The more people working on the princess the better. I would love to try her at some point - for now I have to settle for the fms grapefruit I'm growing which is 75% C99.
So now it's Wally, Rez and you currently working on C99 for releases + probably a bunch I don't know about - this is gonna be good.


Active member
I'm thrilled to hear you are open pollinating her. That is fantastic. Maintaining as much genetic diversity in that line is a noble goal and should be rewarded with some great plants...

I hope you use every healthy individual and allow every male whether early or late an equal chance at reproduction.

Good luck. Looking forward to hearing about your success.


Cool to see open pollenations!!!!

Just like i do for the field stock........
Save as much genetic diversity as you can!
Within a given strain that is hehe..
Anyways i have a bunch of crosses,but lots of F6's from Wallies
pineapple C99 i made resently!!!!!!!
Just do it.


Active member
Just found this one:lurk: .....Hope all is still well and on pace to recreate this wonderful strain...... Please keep us informed. Good luck with this project, it is a noble task to undertake and one that is and will be greatly appreciated!!!

Stay safe, and good health to all.....



Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
I've never had the fortune of spending any time with Mistress C99, but maybe someday I will thanks to preservation projects like this. I'm absolutely fascinated by the preservation projects and breeding projects going on in this community. Big props to you guys!

White Rabbit

Digging in the garden
ICMag Donor
zolar said:
so silently yet with expectations of sugarbuds danced in our heads as we dreamed of a christmas and a shimmering mummified tree of cinderella99 stood in the corner from the floor to the roof with santa cvame back three times for the brownies we left and the reindeerr came back every night till epithany
we'll have a hell of a garden next year....

zolar say that the jungian english profs have forgotten that the ancient landrace archetype of C-99 was Homer's secret chew and created the odyessus rap....

have to start a magic beans fund....

:laughing: lol..... Hey all... whats the latest news?


White Rabbit


Nice project...I'm a bit of a cindy fan myself.


i All, You might want to check Mdanzigs postings here he had some very old seeds and had several great ideas at germing old seeds his were 30+ years old and didn't germ but some of his techniques might work on your.