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Tutorial Organics for Beginners

Hello all, I haven't had a chance to read this whole thread, but i have a few questions.

Can coco coir be used in the soil recipes listed in the first post in this thread instead of other soil-less media? If so do you still add lime?

Can you grow good plants using only coir or promix and the Nute Teas listed in the beginning of this thread? Is it good to adjust PH of the Tea?

Worm Castings are expensive as hell around here($20-28/30lbs), can anyone suggest a way to find a better price for bulk? I tried a Indoor worm Bin before, but there was lots of mites and bugs crawling out of it and lots of mold inside, so I think It wasnt the right conditions.

Can I good sized Worm Bin realistically give you enough castings to use for a small grow with a few lights?


No damn given.
ICMag Donor
Hello all, I haven't had a chance to read this whole thread, but i have a few questions.

Can coco coir be used in the soil recipes listed in the first post in this thread instead of other soil-less media? If so do you still add lime?

Can you grow good plants using only coir or promix and the Nute Teas listed in the beginning of this thread? Is it good to adjust PH of the Tea?

Worm Castings are expensive as hell around here($20-28/30lbs), can anyone suggest a way to find a better price for bulk? I tried a Indoor worm Bin before, but there was lots of mites and bugs crawling out of it and lots of mold inside, so I think It wasnt the right conditions.

Can I good sized Worm Bin realistically give you enough castings to use for a small grow with a few lights?
You didn't read anything, did you?:laughing:


New member
When you read Bongaloid's original posts about his guano mix, it mentions him adding other nutrients to it along the way. There is no mention of that in this thread, so I assumed you consider it a just add water mix. Is that correct?
BurnOne, I did read quite a bit, but obviously not carefully enough. I see that most of my questions were answered on the first page.

senate, did he add other liquid nutrients? I did assume that his recipe on the first page was all you would need as a starting point, using just water.

Do the Nutrient Tea mixes need to have several air stones, and would the worm castings and teas take care of your microbe needs without the need for a separate compost tea recipe ?


New member
Sorry for the really late reply, it's been really hectic around here with hurricane clean up.

1.5 weeks into flowering and the nutes is gone? Which soil mix did you use? There is a difference between act tea's and nute tea's. ACT tea's are for establishing microbes in your soil and a nute tea is for adding nutrients. What nutes did you order?

There is debate on the level of "organicness" of the GO lines but if GO floats your boat why not? I personally never used GO products and never will. What is your plants showing to alarm you there is a lack of nutes?

I used Mix 2 with Recipe 1. I wouldn't say that the nutes were completely gone but some leaves were starting to turn a lighter shade of green. I was talking about a nute tea. I used Liquid Karma to establish microbes and followed the recipe on the first page. I ended up getting the GO box because it was cheap and I wanted to give it a test. I used it for a week but as the leaves continued to yellow I wasn't sure if the GO box was the problem, so I stopped.

Now, 1 month into flowering, a lot of the leaves are starting to yellow and spot up. Some are also curling up and turning a greyish color. I can't tell if it's a nute deficiency or if it's part of the natural flowering process. They're still growing and the flowers are swelling and producing trichomes so I can't tell if it's dying or just using nutrients in the leaves as it nears the end of flower.

I took pictures last night. I'm not sure if I'm allowed to share them on this site?


New member
If using Bongaloid's method, I read you shouldn't put plants in it until they are fully established in veg. Should I just be using any other veg method until then (ie: the fish/seaweed method or the ewc under 1 month tea method)? OR, can I add just some of the guano/kelp meal until they are fully established and then put all the ingredients in? Also, do you need to let the guano mix cook like the blood/bone meal mix? Thanks!
Hi Burnone
Many, many, thanks for refering me to Teaming with Microbes and Compost tea brewing some time back. Awesome reading. It has really changed the way I look at Plants. Can you or any of the other members possibly refer other books dealing with organic soils (compostion) nutrients and so forth which you have found helpfull. (books on organics) Your help is most appriciated. Have a great holiday season and happy growing to all members.


New member
My first foray into a forum so please bare with me. I'm use LCmix #2 and nute #5. I'm into 1st week of flower and the new growth is a lightn\ green. What's my problem? I use EWC tea with LK and molassas when watering . Any help is appreciated. Thank you


New member
I'm a newbie and I'm using LC mix #2 and nute #5 and EWC w/LK and molassas. I'm into the first week of flowering and the new growth is a light green. What seems to be my problem. Any help is appreciated.


FINALLY I can see this last page and these last posts.

Wizard, light green new growth is not necessarily abnormal. It depends on how much is light green, how light the green is, and how quickly the plant is growing. In any event, without pictures and more information it's really impossible to say what could be wrong, if anything.

Neo 420

Active member
Sorry for the really late reply, it's been really hectic around here with hurricane clean up.

I used Mix 2 with Recipe 1. I wouldn't say that the nutes were completely gone but some leaves were starting to turn a lighter shade of green. I was talking about a nute tea. I used Liquid Karma to establish microbes and followed the recipe on the first page. I ended up getting the GO box because it was cheap and I wanted to give it a test. I used it for a week but as the leaves continued to yellow I wasn't sure if the GO box was the problem, so I stopped.

Now, 1 month into flowering, a lot of the leaves are starting to yellow and spot up. Some are also curling up and turning a greyish color. I can't tell if it's a nute deficiency or if it's part of the natural flowering process. They're still growing and the flowers are swelling and producing trichomes so I can't tell if it's dying or just using nutrients in the leaves as it nears the end of flower.

I took pictures last night. I'm not sure if I'm allowed to share them on this site?

My first indoor organics run was the same formula. (Mix 2, Rep 1)
How long did you let the soil set after mixing.? I had no issues with that formula when I ran it. Throw up some pics and we will get you back In order...


New member
FINALLY I can see this last page and these last posts.

Wizard, light green new growth is not necessarily abnormal. It depends on how much is light green, how light the green is, and how quickly the plant is growing. In any event, without pictures and more information it's really impossible to say what could be wrong, if anything.
SeaMaiden- thanks for the reply. I'm sorry but no pictures. The green in not real light or bright and it's mostly concentrated on new growth. I'm thinking maybe an iron deficiency but not sure.


New member



DSCN4821_2677.jpg Sorry about the prior posts with minimal info. This is what I have - I'm growing 3 plants using LC #2 mix and #5 nutes. I bubble ewc/molasses/LK for 18-36 hrs and use it every watering and 1tbs/gal alaska 5-1-1 and NH 0-0-1 every other watering. They have been growing good until I put them into flower. This is the first week. The pictures are the best I can do for now.
This forum is terrific and thanks to Burn One and all the contributors.
Any suggestions are appreciated


New member
The question I am asking is why is the new growth turning yellow? I checked back through the forum and the was a similar post earlier in the forum and Burn One thought it was a nitrogen deficiency and suggested trying adding blood meal to the water for several weeks. I started doing this today and will see what happens. The plants grew extremely fast and the pots are about 1 1/2 gal. Maybe I have to add the 5-1-1 at every watering - I don't know. Any comments? Pictures are in previous post.


It's not turning yellow, it starts out yellow, and this is common in rapidly growing plants. Yours look fine to me. Give it a day or three and the yellow should begin to green up as the plant translocates nitrogen to new growth.

Yeah.. there is literally NOTHING wrong with those plants.


New member
RECIPE #3 (My favorite)
If you want to use guano tea and kelp...

Guano Tea and Kelp:

Seedlings less than 1 month old nutrient tea mix

Mix 1 cup earthworm castings into 5 gallons of water to make the tea. Add 5 tsp. Black Strap Molasses.
Use it to water your seedlings with every 2nd or 3rd watering.

Veg mix-

1/3 cup Peruvian Seabird Guano (PSG)
1/3 cup High N Bat Guano (Mexican)
1/3 cup Earth Worm Castings (EWC)

(That makes the "dry mix". You can make all you want and save it to use later.)

Mix with water @ 1 cup of dry mix into 5 gallons of water to make the tea.

To that 5 gallons of tea add:
5 tbs. Maxicrop or Neptune's Harvest liquid seaweed.
5 tsp. Black Strap Molasses

Use it to water with every 3rd watering.

Flowering nute tea mix:

2/3 cup Peruvian Seabird Guano
2/3 cup Earth Worm Castings
2/3 cup High P Guano (Indonesian or Jamaican)

(That makes the "dry mix". You can make all you want and save it to use later.)

Mix with water @ 2 cups of dry mix into 5 gallons of water to make the tea.

To that 5 gallons of tea add:
5 tbs. Maxicrop or Neptune's Harvest liquid seaweed.
5 tsp. Black Strap Molasses


First off, thank you for the guidance BurnOne, this thread has been extremely helpful. I have a question regarding a substitution for maxicrop or neptune's harvest in the recipes for kelp meal and fish hydrolysate. I was considering adding 5 tbs. of each to the brew. Would you recommend giving this a try or limiting the addition to lets say 2 tbs. of kelp meal and 3 tbs. of hydrolysate, rather than 5 tbs.? Thanks ahead for the help!


New member
It's not turning yellow, it starts out yellow, and this is common in rapidly growing plants. Yours look fine to me. Give it a day or three and the yellow should begin to green up as the plant translocates nitrogen to new growth.

Yeah.. there is literally NOTHING wrong with those plants.
Thanks for the reply - hopefully everything will be ok.