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Tutorial Organics for Beginners


Sativa Tamer
In my limited experience mites have only been an issue when identified too late. My guess is that if you catch them early and spray neem frequently enough to kill and disrupt breading for successive genations you can knock them back to the point of not being noticable. My advice is to keep an eye out for them and use appropriate preventative measures. I inspect my plants periodically and I use neem preventatively in veg and early flower. I can't claim that I'm 100% spider mite free, but I can't find them or detect any mite related demage so they are well under control if present.

:noway: Neem is not just for preventing, it's also for eradication. I've gotten rid of spider mites with neem before. I sprayed the entire plant with neem top, bottom and stalk two to three times a week. I wiped down the inside of the cab with bleach twice a week. Neem won't kill the eggs but if you break their breeding cycle by being diligent and careful you'll win. Are you washing your hands before handling your plants? Do you have other house plants where the mites are hanging out? Do you clean your grow room and house regularly to prevent re-contamination? Do you go to the park then wear the same clothes/shoes in the grow room? Organics doesn't have a silver bullet solution, but the ocd/rituals do pay off if you do it right. Once you do these things enough it just becomes second nature, you can totally do it! Keep growing!

If you "invite" all bugs into your grow area you won't have a problem. I thought this sounded silly at first too but you can achieve a predator/prey balance in your grow room just like in nature!

Others in this thread can attest to this method better than i can... all i can say is that it worked for me. I have lots of bugs in my room (several types of spiders too) and i have zero noticeable damage to my plants.... it just works!! If i find a bug in my house i gently escort it to my grow room. (Much to the shagrin of my wife) lol

I would do several heavy applications of neem at 3 day intervals...once you have the infestation under control open your doors to nature to hopefully achieve a balance. Don't fight nature!


Active member
I thought I'd share where my organic recipes I've used here have taken me...... for what it's worth.

For flower I use a properly built LC#2 (with Pro-Mix). Wet it with a 4 to 1 ratio of water/EWC Tea with @ 1/2 cup of gypsum dissolved in a 5 gal bucket sprinkled with Azomite.

I water as needed using Neptune's Harvest in 1/2 amounts always with a couple tablespoons of a good kelp per 5 gal bucket. Spray neem with a touch of epsom salts weekly for the first 4 weeks or so.

So far I've found this to be easy and no fail, no matter what strain I've thrown at the mix.


I thought I'd share where my organic recipes I've used here have taken me...... for what it's worth.

For flower I use a properly built LC#2 (with Pro-Mix). Wet it with a 4 to 1 ratio of water/EWC Tea with @ 1/2 cup of gypsum dissolved in a 5 gal bucket sprinkled with Azomite.

I water as needed using Neptune's Harvest in 1/2 amounts always with a couple tablespoons of a good kelp per 5 gal bucket. Spray neem with a touch of epsom salts weekly for the first 4 weeks or so.

So far I've found this to be easy and no fail, no matter what strain I've thrown at the mix.

Do you do something different for veg?


Why did I buy nutrients for like 270 euro when I can do this! I have startet a vermicompost anyway and gonna learn all about organics this is much funner!


I have some questions after reading this..

Should I mix LC’s Soiless Mix #1 with RECIPE #1 for example ?

And where do I get Canadian Sphagnum Peat ? I Think I have this at home. I bought it about 2 years ago in a pet store for mushroom growing. But I dont remember the name of it but it looks like Canadian Sphagnum Peat I think by looking at pictures online. Here is a picture of my "Canadian Sphagnum Peat" :

EDIT: I personally think this is the same because I've heard from swedish organic growers before that they use this in their soil.
If it doesnt say peat moss on the bag then i doubt it is.... you can get the stuff for a couple of bucks almost anywhere.

Don't cut corners to save a couple bucks.


If it doesnt say peat moss on the bag then i doubt it is.... you can get the stuff for a couple of bucks almost anywhere.

Don't cut corners to save a couple bucks.

Thing is I dont dont know where to get peat moss but when I search on the net for "torv" wich is peat moss in swedish the same thing comes up. And organic growers use it in their gardens. I remember it was really cheap when I bought it. So its not really a money isssue, hehe.

EDIT: There is diffrent kinds so I have to find this one somewhere online I guess.


They should have it at any home improvement store, garden shop, anywhere that sells soil should have peat moss.

Well then its the same for sure. I sometimes get confused by all the names in english because im not familiar with all the ingredients. Not even in my own native language.

Thanks for the help :)

Found alot of other ingredients aswell today, soon I will do a little organic grow for a start :)


New member
Just wanted to thank everyone on here for their great advice on soil mixes... I was having all sorts of issues with my grow, until i whipped up a soil mix using the recipes from the OP... now, my ladies have taken off and look healthier than i have ever had... so big props to you all!


No damn given.
ICMag Donor
Just wanted to thank everyone on here for their great advice on soil mixes... I was having all sorts of issues with my grow, until i whipped up a soil mix using the recipes from the OP... now, my ladies have taken off and look healthier than i have ever had... so big props to you all!

You're why we do this. Keep up the great work.
Damnit......just looked closer at the lime i bought and its "Calcitic limestone" not dolomite!

Can i still use it or should i keep looking for the correct ingredient?

I know this has been an ongoing issue in this forum and i apologize... i'm having a hell of a time finding the exact right lime.... please tell me this will work...thanks again!
In doing some research it looks like i can probably use it but i may end up with a magnesium def..... also it seems i should use slightly less calcite than i would of the dolomite.

Correct me if i'm wrong...thanks for any input!


In the receipe with the bllod meal, kelp meal and bone meal ... which ingredients need to be "broken" to give nutrients?

I would like to add maybe 1 or 2 ingredients in my pro-mix/ewc mix but I don't want to "cook" my soil for now...

Where I can buy dolimite lime online?

Mix epsom salt directly in soil is ok?



StrapAssasin -

Just take your own advice :)

Don't cut corners to save a couple bucks.[/quote]

Just go get some quality dolomite lime. If you want to recycle your soil dolomite will be far more beneficial to start with.

StrapAssasin -

Just take your own advice :)

Don't cut corners to save a couple bucks.

Just go get some quality dolomite lime. If you want to recycle your soil dolomite will be far more beneficial to start with.

The problem isn't cost, its availability. Not planning to recycle my soil and i can't get dolomite locally. I can only find it online in 50 lb sacks...shipping makes that impractical.

I can get a granulated dolomite in smaller packages but that isn't the correct ingredient either.

If i supplement with magnesium down the road I imagine i will be just fine. I'm not that concerned about it after doing my own research but i would still like approval from burnone and the like.

thanks again for your time.


Amazon has all sorts of organic ferts and dolomite lime in 5lb bags as well. Also don't have to spend much to get free shipping either....