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Organic amendments and fertilizers in Canada.


OrganicBTI on eBay sells Gnatrol WP at 100% mark up from bulk. Relatively quick shipping. I have to double check but I believe there is a discrepency between Gnatrol recommended dose and what is printed on the ziploc.

Doing a test order for Kontos, I'll update in a few weeks.

For BTI Vecotbac from a agri wholsaler or Gnatmax from MicroMaxx in Kelowna.


Dipshit Know-Nothing
ICMag Donor
Then don't buy it.

This is a supplies sourcing thread, regurgitated partially understood theories the domain of the Organic subforum. They use that bunkum argument for pests too, but little birdies tell me what they spray when half cocked ideas run headlong into reality.

If you were going to zero in on something, go back and look for the reference to Kontos.

Patchouli oil it is not.

For BTI Vecotbac from a agri wholsaler or Gnatmax from MicroMaxx in Kelowna.

I don't believe I can do the first but I'll check out Gnat Maxx. Not so stoked on the lack of information for their line but maybe that is on my end.


Then don't buy it.

This is a supplies sourcing thread, regurgitated partially understood theories are the domain of the Organic subforum. They use that bunkum argument for pests too, but little birdies tell me what they spray when half cocked ideas run headlong into reality.

If you were going to zero in on something, go back and look for the reference to Kontos.

Patchouli oil it is not.

I don't believe I can do the first but I'll check out Gnat Maxx. Not so stoked on the lack of information for their line but maybe that is on my end.

Don't discount Micro Maxx with lack of info on their site. If you want good answers talk to Tim about the products. Some of their products are packaged up with other manufacturers.


Dipshit Know-Nothing
ICMag Donor
If it works it works, and I hate paying shipping from 'Merica The Great.

I just like to nerd out and compare ITU.


Active member
Destiny Soil systems is pretty spot on.. Not sure if iv ever mentioned them here before.. Pre cooked soil+tea+ top dress + pure water = some fine ass buds.. they have that recipe on lock down


Active member
anyone have a source for diatomite rocks (larger chunks preferred) that isn't Reindeer's Natural Plant Food?


Dipshit Know-Nothing
ICMag Donor
It is overpriced.

There's a soil mixing yard in Langley or the like that can source just about anything. In cubic yard and pallet quantities. Found it while looking for rice hulls. I had no need for that amount, but I can find it again if you like.

Welcome Harvest will order specialty products if you charm them. Suffice it to say, I don't even try. I finangle a friend to bird two stone while he is over there.

Edit: Napa Part #8822 is made of chunk DE as I recall. May be available in Canada, I've only seen Americans reference it for soil mixes.

Double Edit:

Rice Hulls


It is in Langley. Sometimes memory serves.

3.3 cubic yards
185 picked up or appropriate freight charges.


New member
Anyone able to find Crab shell meal, neem cake Basalt rock dust in Canada for sale. The closest place I've been able to find is KIS organics in Washington.


Dipshit Know-Nothing
ICMag Donor
Neem Cake - Reindeer Natural
Basalt Rock - Any quarry of said rock. Gaia Green sells glacial rock dust.
Crab - Gaia or maybe Welcome Harvest if you ask nice (I believe they can source 22kg).


Well-known member
I got crab shell and fish bone in smaller quantities but had to order from and Ontario website. Ill try to dig up which one.

Tynehead Tom

Well-known member
hey fellas , in the clone only thread it was suggested by helpful members to check out treehelp .com for spinosad products in Canada. Did that and found they stock Monterey's garden spray with spinosad and Jacks powder with spinosad.
I don't wanna fug with powders and need a liquid treatment for recurring thrips in my mom room. Problem is, treehelp.com is in the US and it says the Monterey's is not available in Canada.

I really would prefer to shop within our borders so can anyone steer me in the right direction for a liquid product with spinosad in Canada? message me privately if you prefer.


Dipshit Know-Nothing
ICMag Donor
Did you try to punch in your information? I'm fairly certain it said that last year. Also just signed in and made it to one click from a sale.

I can check the expiration on the bottle I have if that fails.


Hi all:)

Still looking for basalt rock dust. Found bio-rock by McInnes Natural Fertilzers in Quebec, but they don't seem interested in shipping to BC. Anyone had any luck?


Also … wondering about small quantities of PBF Organic Rice Hulls. As mentioned earlier by Pangea and Mikell, West Creek Farms sale size is 3.3 yards, but nothing smaller.

Really hoping someone has found a place to buy the 50lbs PBH organic rice hull bags.:)


Dipshit Know-Nothing
ICMag Donor
Gaia Green has glacial rock dust. I see I already said that.

Have yet to see smaller rice hulls. Perhaps another grain hull is easier to source up here.
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