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Oregon Outdoor Auto Grow 2010


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Well I def. hope I'm wrong!!!! it was a fair guestamation...I just started mines and I'm hoping to get near 1oz dry...:dance013:
I would have to concur. Auto's needs lots of light 'hours' in order to develop their full potential. This is why most grow them indoors with a min. of 18 hours light per day. Although I could be wrong since the sun is more intense than a bulb being used inside so you might hit the oz mark per plant. Def. will be watching this.
Uptosumpn- I hate to make predictions but I think 1/2 oz per plant is a decent goal on a first run on genetics and a new site.

Samson- On making the hole. whats your fly over like? If your not getting much direct fly over. If thats the case then feel free to open it up a bit more. Also we know how cops like to wait until harvest time to bust. So even if you get spotted I be you are able to pull long before they think about trying to hit. Those stories hit the paper in august and sept. Will will have smoked that shit up long before then.


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Uptosumpn- I hate to make predictions but I think 1/2 oz per plant is a decent goal on a first run on genetics and a new site.

Samson- On making the hole. whats your fly over like? If your not getting much direct fly over. If thats the case then feel free to open it up a bit more. Also we know how cops like to wait until harvest time to bust. So even if you get spotted I be you are able to pull long before they think about trying to hit. Those stories hit the paper in august and sept. Will will have smoked that shit up long before then.

Shit, I have never seen one fly over that area, I was out there today and opened that bitch up like a soup can :) Without being more specific about my spot, its just a patch of vine maples in a pretty empty forest floor, right at the base of a huge hill, that is growing back trees after being logged 15 or so years ago. Its pretty dense around the edges but open in the middle. I basically went to the south facing part of this patch and my spot is right on the edge.

Enough on all this light talk though, I need to get some MFing sun up here before I can do anything, it hailed at work today while I was out smoking, fucking May 5th and it hailed at 500 feet. Homer, your shower project needs to be done soon, I picked up some good mango haze today but now I wont be able to sleep lol.


i wonder worry too much about light hours as long as they get 5 hours or so of direct light i guarantee they will grow. unfortunately of all outdoor grows ive seen of autos the only ones that grew large were ones in pots im guessing because they were kept more moist and the soil was loose so the roots could grow easily. this will be an interesting grow to keep an eye on because the soil sounds really good just make sure it gets alot of water especially in the first month.


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i wonder worry too much about light hours as long as they get 5 hours or so of direct light i guarantee they will grow. unfortunately of all outdoor grows ive seen of autos the only ones that grew large were ones in pots im guessing because they were kept more moist and the soil was loose so the roots could grow easily. this will be an interesting grow to keep an eye on because the soil sounds really good just make sure it gets alot of water especially in the first month.

Yea the soil out there is very loose and outstanding, plus I added 3 bags of Ocean Forest, big bag of perlite and some other secret goodies to make the soil as loose and full of good stuff for the plants. I dug pretty deep, probably 3 feet down and the spot is 3 feet across in some spots. So for my 10 little girls, that should be plenty of soil. I am going to follow a feeding schedule I found on here, should I hit them when a dose of grow the day I put them out? Or wait a week and give it to them when I come back? I should be able to get out there once a week for 8 weeks to water and take care of them.
You last watering under the light make sure to hit them with some grow. Once you plant them in the hole I would think they should be good for atleast a couple of weeks with what you put in the hole. Feed weakly weekly.


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I am only planning on a week under the light. I haven't even popped the beans yet, not going to let the weather fuck me. Its a hell of a hike to my spot and I don't want to wait too long and have 10 gallon pots strapped to my back lol.
I agree with HS. Open that area up as much as possible should work good then. Even though you probably never seen helicopters chances are oregon state does have them. Just be careful when opening it up and not laying huge trees down.
Good thought buddy, I was really starting to second guess my spot there for a second. Like I said though, this spot is far from full sun but it does get really good light, and ferns absolutely cover the forest floor where I'm planting. But in my spot they were like 2 feet tall, twice as big as the others surrounding them .

Still fighting weather up here, snow level was down to 1000 feet and that's just about the elevation I am trying to plant in this year so I'm just playing the waiting game now.
Well buddy, if things get to far along you know who has another busted up back just waiting to pack heavy plants around. HAHA. On this national day of prayer. We need to pray to the weather gods for spring to some soon. Praise Jebus!!


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Well buddy, if things get to far along you know who has another busted up back just waiting to pack heavy plants around. HAHA. On this national day of prayer. We need to pray to the weather gods for spring to some soon. Praise Jebus!!

LOL yea Homer that's just what we need, the both of us with thrown out backs, stuck deep in the woods lol. I fucked myself up pretty good on the big hike, my back pack and 3 big bags of soil were a lot heavier than I could have ever imagined, thankfully the hike to my spot is long but very flat.

Well Folks, its going to be in the high 60's-low 70's for a week up here now, I think its time to pop some beans!!! There may be tiny showers of rain, but that will just help water IMO. Excited to get this project started. Probably wont post any pics till I go plant them in the ground, I'm going to give them 5-7 days under the T-5 to establish some roots before they go out. :dance013:


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So Listen to this shit...I was out in my room tonight getting ready to germ my packs of auto flowering seeds. When I went to Open my automatic by Big Buddha seeds, I noticed that it was pretty hard to get free, I finally got the basically contact lenses sized bubble out, went to pour it onto a paper towel and it spills. All 5 seeds fall to my garage floor, which is littered with perilite, dirt, dog hair, your basic nasty crap. So I'm thinking $60 bucks and a trip across the ocean for that???

I went inside, hit the roor and got myself composed. I went back out and crawled around on the floor with a tiny LED flashlight, and fucking found three of them. Cant believe I found even one let alone three...I'm still pretty bummed but its better than zero. SO I have all beans in paper towels as of right now.
That sucks... but atleast you found 3 of them so not a total loss. Be careful but don't worry I think every one has moments like that. Hopefully it will work out for you... a male and two females... sort of natural selection made easy.


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So in a wonderful twist of Karma, I found the last two seeds late last night, couldn't sleep so I got real baked and basically went rick Moraines in honey I shrunk the kids and went over every square inch with a flashlight. Love when Karma gives back, especially when it was just me being stupid/lazy in the first place.


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GOM germed and came out of the ground very fast, so far I have 5/5 peaking out of the soil. My big Buddha however is not going so well. They all sprouted tiny tap roots then nothing has happened since then. I planted a few and left a few in paper towels and the growth has just stopped...dunno what happened? Did I just get a bunk pack of seeds?


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All seeds hit the paper towels on Monday Morning. So far my ratios are GOM 5/5 and all of them are up, one is flowering already though. SnoRider 3/3 and all of the will be up and out of the ground by morning. Automatic by Big Buddha 0/5, one looks like it may break the surface but basically a shitty pack of bunk seeds. I messaged the BB mod and gotten no response. Really disappointing.

Here they are as a group, GOM in the back, DR in the front. They have their copper collars on already and will be planting in their outdoor bed around this time next week.




Active member
Well folks they are all now in the ground. After a not very successful attempt with Big Buddah Seeds (seeds were bunk) only grew 1/5 and it shriveled and died once it hit the surface. I have 5 GOM, 3 Dieselryders, and 2 snowryder in the dirt out in my spot as of this morning. It was amazing how many roots some of them already had. I guess this experiment is officially getting started, my first venture in Auto and basically if I can get anything to smoke out of it mid summer when its dry as hell, ill be a happy camper. So 8 weeks from today and I should be able to harvest if I am lucky!!!

When I was out planting this morning a 8 they didn't have direct light yet, but by the time I left, around 9, there were some big strong rays directly on them. The trimming and pruning of trees surrounding my spot definitely helped the cause, so thank you homer and Bluestreakjon for your encouragement there.
Goodluck on you adventure. There is another saying.... that I won't say. But once you go auto you won't go back.

It was amazing how many roots some of them already had.
Its amazing how many roots they get period. AF have massive root systems to be small plants. Just imagine the growth upstairs times 2-3 times with the roots below ground. You could have a foot high auto with roots stretching close to 2 feet.

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