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Retardo Motabon

ICMag Donor
I'm glad you're digging the volcano! For me, I was dissapointed with the volcano. Flavor isn't there even at low temps, all i can taste is whether its cleanbud really, no matter how outrageously stinky the bud is. I found that though the bags keep the vapor active for an extended time, the vapor and smoke still goes stale and makes ya cough your ass off. My biggest issue is how mechanical and junkylike it is to smoke from. Fill the chamber click it in, flick a switch wait for the bag to fill then you suck on a bag. Not exactly an intimate experience with your herb IMO. I do like it for bho though!
for me its but a novelty item in the end. i use it quarterly now, justs sits in a box.
In defense of the volcano, its awesome for parties! Throw a 6 foot bag on there and everyone gets a puff. Plus it looks cool in a 6 foot bag when it fills!
I do really like the full body buzz it gives though.
I know I'll get flamed for this but I think it wopuld be great for anyone stuck smoking shwaggy brickweed. I tried it and the off smells disappeared and it didn't require inhaling a fat joint of particulates to get where ya wanna be.
The volcano along with other vaporizers are definitely great for swaggy brick weed, mids, beasters, & any other poorly finished commercial weed. It turns unsmokeable weed into an enjoyeable high with a nice green taste.


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
how long can the stuff in the bag stay effective? can you reseal it?..a bag could probably last me a week... lungful a night -- but if its contents degrades over time .. then no good.

do you have to fill the bag all the way? or can you just do like a quarter bag of vapor? does it have whip attachments for direct inject one hit like options? does the herb holder/bowl stay airtight and hold its contents fresh over a long period if its not all vaped at once?


The instructions say that you don't want to overfill the bag...just as much as you'd inhale in 10 minutes to maximize freshness. The vapor can get stale and can make you cough a friggin lung out if it's too thick, or if it's been sitting too long in the bag.
There are no "whip" attachments, but honestly I'm liking the bag....
It's very passive and easily inhaled. You can practically push on the tip of the easy valve and get a stream of vapor just by squeezing the bag a bit.
The herb bowl isn't airtight to begin with...it's got a screened opening on the bottom and a screened top that leads upward to the easy valve attachment point.
The contents do appear to say relatively fresh for the rather small period of time I use 'em. 4 bags is enough for me....3 is ideal.....
The tastiest bag is usually the 2nd because you can tweak the temperature to get the best fill...


Old Soul

Active member
Great description access. That is exactly what my first experience with the Volcano was like. That thing can spin your head right off. I too am a heavy smoker, use all day everyday and it kicks my ass every time. It definitely smells but I would say within 10 minutes it is clear. You can fill it as little or as much as you want, but the vapor in the bag will dissipate within 20-30 minutes if you leave it.

Hey access, one more thing. I know what ya mean about feeling too fucked up! I don't necessarily notice a tolerance change with the volcano, but I do notice that over time I can vape the same amount as before, get really fucked up, but can control myself better so to speak. I hope this makes sense. Glad you are liking your new toy.


I'm glad you like your vape access, and it's also good to hear your friend got home in one piece as well!
So, whats the dealie yo? can that thing whip, or is it just the bags?


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
LOL...just bags bro....just bags. Those bags are NO JOKE however. Serious ass smoking apparatus.
Whips get all chimey after awhile....I imagine ditching a bag and poppin' on a new one is gonna be markedly better for taste. Whips can start to pick up that "burnt popcorn" flavor...even if you clean them well. That's MHO from having used a vapor bros. vaporizer years ago with a whip.
As a matter of fact, I think I need a bag right now....:friends:

EDIT: By the way...does anyone have any links to places that sell "other" herbal stuff to vaporize? I'd like to put in some chamomile, or lavender or eucalyptus...
These units are made to use substances like that also...and it may have additional health benefits...especially things like eucalyptus...I can imagine vaping some of that if I had any congestion or a cold...etc. Might do the lungs some good to get some of that holistic and healthful stuff in every once in awhile in addition to the usual fare.


As a matter of fact, I think I need a bag right now...

My volcano bags get bigger and bigger as the months go by, seems the first vape is always tastier, so I make the first bag last!

Retardo Motabon

ICMag Donor
Any natural foods coop should have other herbs. I use essential oils rather than the herbs themselves when adding them. I learned on accident when I was making hash and spilled some tangerine oil on it. Darn tasty cheese it was!


Active member
ahh, this vaping is tempting. i want to try before i buy, lol.. its a big spend for something that might just get thrown in the closet with all the other shit i waste my $ on. lol..

your descriptions make it sound like its not going to be a bad thing at all.. but seems like it may be a whole project/process just to get a simple hit on, rather then just hit the easy button..flip open, poke and toke the dugout. and then you got cleanup and maintenance to deal with, plus the whole look of suckin' on a bag .. hmm, kinda grateful dead nitrous balloons lookin sillyness. im gravitating more to the iiinhale thingy i think.

why couldn't u just be my neighbor access! nothin like a little OPV.. you know other peoplez vaporizerz, yeah u know me

Last night I ripped nice bone of a 2 strain blend....then I proceeded to watch "Heroes" while vaping the entire time on another strain....

oh yeah, did i mention ali larter is even hotter in a haze..lol


Retardo Motabon

ICMag Donor
You can get a digital heat gun with changeable temperature settings for as little as 30$ new. I did that before finding the volcano, the results were comparable and maybe even gave headier hits if I remember. If you aren't into all the apparatus and steps to smoke, bubble bags cost alot less and make a product that will be healthier for your lungs as well.


Active member
yeah i get ya. i have these mosquito repellent things. they are called thermacells, they run off butane cartridges -- kinda like how the iinhale works i guess. i was looking at it the other day, thinking how to rig a bowl to the plate and seal it in, and put a little mouthtip from a thimble, or a loupe with the glass removed.. i can't find the data at what temp it burns at, but it does vaporize the repellant without burning. mite have to rig in a fan, does the iinhale have a fan?


any one wanna give a go at making a cheap mcguyver rip off of the iinhale? theres a starting place.. lol.. think about it, smoke yer weed and no nasty blood suckers at the same time.



deffinetly try vapin before you spend any money x00x,it's not for everyone and it takes gettin used to.
some people just dont like it.
when i was smokin if i had 3 wishes i'd ask for 1,use less.2 get higher off less.and 3 no smoke(need to stay healthy;).vapin does all 3.
the volcano vapes superbly.but vapin is just a process and you can vape with a bulb/heat gun/oven and bin bag!.
but deffo try vapin before spendin.its alot of $ to waste if you dont like it!
:wave:accessndx how does the iinhale compare to the cano?


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
"V" day or "Vaporizer-Day" was officially this Wednesday. I had no idea this device would impact me so severely...
I've been smoking for 2 days exclusively using the vaporizer.
I now nod off like I'm doing bumps of Heroin, while sitting on the couch practically drooling. I wake up, and absolutely feel the continued high and effects hours later.

I got a call from work a few hours ago....asking if I was coming to a meeting that I scheduled at 12:00 PM today....I hadn't remembered at all...and if I didn't get that call I would have even forgotten all the other appointments I had scheduled with other individuals for the remainder of the afternoon.

I've been smoking for years, I've tried numerous strains....and I've done alot of harder things including acid, ecstasy, ketamine, heroin, cocaine, all sorts of pills...nitrous oxide..etc. I'm no lightweight...I may not party like I did when I was 17 or 21....but I'm no slouch these days either.

Nevertheless, my point being that I party rather hard with regularity.....and this Volcano completely has damaged my ability to be responsible....conscious and aware....or motivated...LOL.

Not that I'm complaining. But if you do buy one of these things, I'm making a cautionary statement that it could also cause massive brain damage and retardation...LOL. Enjoy!


i love mine, but the first day or two i didnt care for it since i was not used to it and didnt have it "dialed in".
now whenever i hit the roor, or a bowl i feel like im smoking cigs, its crazy how much of the taste/aroma was lost there.

also, is it me or do you get crazy munchies with the vaporizer?

Retardo Motabon

ICMag Donor
Are you finding you go through more herb ith the vap or less, I used alot more when i first got it. yeah the retardation factor is a double edged sword!


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
I think I'm using alot of weed only because it's novel right now. I literally tried every strain I had access to when I busted it out the first night. That was absolutely a part of the retardation. But now that I've got it relatively dialed in, I can be a bit more conservative. I was also throwing out the bowl after about 2 bags were filled...just because I'm a taste snob. Now I know how to adjust the heat so I can extract the max out without being wasteful.
As far as munchies are concerned; when I've vaped to the point of unconsciousness...no...I'm too "out of it". But when I'm hovering between here and there....I definitely get ravenously hungry....part of that depends on the strain however....

I think the vaporizer deserves a "social group"...LOL. Maybe I should create one

Old Soul

Active member
Hey access, so you have a solid valve, right? How much do you fill your bowl and how many bags do you fill from each? I like to try and only do one bag from each fill so I put very little in at a time because I am a taste snob as well. Are you saving the vaped bud or throwing it out altogether?


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
I've got the easy valve...but I found out that there's a way to re-use the easy valve and even make your own super-sized bag...there's a tutorial somewhere on vapenow.com...
very cool.
I fill the chamber completely....dunno how much weed that is exactly...maybe .5 grams ground? I'd say that's a fair assumption....
I get a good 4 bags off it that taste awesome. By the time you're done with those bags...you're pretty much baked.
I'm not even through 2 right now and I'm all toasty.
I tap out the "used" bud into a container, but I haven't thrown it out yet. Does this stuff have any residual value? Should I be making it into oil or iso or edibles?
My inclination is to say that there must be something still left inside the remaining material...but it would take alot more heat to extract it...
It's not like there's a lack of buds or stuff to smoke...but I'd hate to think I'm just throwing away viable stuff that could be transmutated into something better.
The Volcano instruction manual states that you can even regrind the material you've vaped to expose more of the surface area...and then revape it...
I'm wondering how much is too much however....if the taste is starting to wane....I don't wanna inhale straight up popcorn taste....that's lame.
I like the fruity, sugary...whispy vapor that is really the best essence of the plant...
That's what makes the vape stand out first and foremost.

Well, I'm off to the vaporcave!