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has anyone tried the verdamper vaporizer yet?it looks perfect 50/50 vap/bong must be a fine smoke.heres a pic

they won a award this year,this is a pic from there site.i guess its no good for comercial use but for the home:D
i allways presumed the solidvalve was for home users(people who would take care of em)
when the majority of early purchasers (who were dutch coffee shops )complained about broken solid valves(replaceable parts good for home user BUT more parts=more ware=higher cost.)
they introduced the easy valve 2 part almost indestructable filling chamber with strong but cheap non reusuable bag.its hard to break the base unit but its easy to break the solidvalve.i reckon the easy valve was a direct business response.
if i had a choice i would have bought a solid valve
access the easyvalve balloons are like heat glued into the orange parts so
your not supposed to replace them when they're used up.
storz and bickel went for medical grade when produceing the cano but i'm a dirty old hippy and dont give a shit so i just replace um.i tried takeing the clips off the end and washing the inside of the bags:(.unfortunatly once the resin builds up its very easy to tear the bags

this is the easyvalve insides,thats the valve i was on about.the wire O is the bit where the balloon is welded to the valve.the valve(the +shape) is made of rubber and i guess the pressure of the vapor pushes it shut.no reusable parts though:(
so i use great big rubber bands to hold my turkey bags in place:D


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
Thanks buttyrekka! Yeah, I'll probably buy a "solid valve" if it comes down to it. I'd really like to be filling those humongous and ridiculously sized balloons at some point. I guess there was some confusion about the pros/cons of the easy vs. the solid...and "easy" had a nice ring to it....LOL. Bottom line: I'm glad I've got one of these gals on route already....checked with the shipper and it went out today...prolly means I'll get it tomorrow or Wed. by the latest...
Eager to give it a whirl.


buttyrekka has anyone tried the verdamper vaporizer yet?it looks perfect 50/50 vap/bong must be a fine smoke.heres a pic

i've tried the Verdamper a couple of years ago-the nice girl who runs the College in Amsterdam (soz forget names) was good enough to give us a whirl on hers. It was good-really good. I like the fact that it involves water vapour as that soothes the throat. It produces a thicker, more smokey, vapour than a Volcano and the temp rises the harder you toke. Some of the dudes who didn't really get with the Volcano liked the Verdamper because you can feel it more in the chest.
I guess that you'd have to live with one to get to grips with it fully.

Problem is that i would break a Verdamper-or one of my friends would. But if you are the type of person who doesn't mash up glass bongs it could be for you.

I vap at 4 to 5 1/2 and run a v small amount around, say, 10 times. The first couple of bags are mostly flavour with small hit.

I know what the guy was saying about a 'peanut' taste. I've described it as Baked Beans. You need to keep it clean and replace bags regularly to prevent that.
I'm Vaping a strain called 'Black Shadow' as i type-think its a SSH x.



♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
I understand the criticism about "lack of" or "same" taste. Vaporizers do tend to make the bud taste like "burnt popcorn" when the bud is spent. However, the first few hits of any vape reveal the unadulterated sweetness and flavor of the buds. Overall, it's a reasonable tradeoff for the health benefits. I'll still never eliminate smoking joints, bong hits, etc. for the simple reason that I enjoy them. Nothing replaces a 3 foot cleaned glass bong filled with ice cubes.....there's something luxuriating about that.
Last night I ripped nice bone of a 2 strain blend....then I proceeded to watch "Heroes" while vaping the entire time on another strain....
The combined effect is always fascinating...makes you wanna grab couch and not move at all....(unless it's towards the fridge...LOL).

Oooooooh, I can't wait for that Volcano to get here............Yeeeeeeeeeeeeehaw!


you know i have a theory about vape tolerence.
last time i was in amsterdam i very rarely vaped,but i smoked laughing buddha all week didnt build up any tolerence at all.
my main reason for growing was to have 8 strains(2sativa,2indica,2 sweet hybrids,2 sour hybrids).in effect have a different strain every day of the week.
so last harvest i was choosing a keeper of casey jones.and i'd vape 2 phenos a day,after 2 days i was sick of casey.was smokin to much and i swore i wasnt gettin high.so i gave the casey's a break 2 days later try casey again(after vapin indica doms) and it blew my head off.
Now i read a study on the principals of vaporizing,the chemicals released by smoking and a comparison with vapin.they then analysed the vapor collected by the volcano bag and smoke released by combustin cannabis.
here's a linkCannabis Vaporizer Combines Efficient Delivery of THC with Effective Suppression of Pyrolytic Compounds
its a study by the university of california.(its a pdf document by the way)
what it basically says is the vapor collected by the volcano is 4 times richer in thc than the equivilent amount of smoke.
then it goes on to tell you what is in smoke and what is in vapor.
now vapor from the volcano is 90+% thc the remaning % is cbn and 2 methal 2 (dunno wtf that is!)
so it gets you real high real quick.fair enough.
BUT when you read whats in smoke there's 111 identified chemicals 37 unidentified.THC only makes up 11%.
so what are all these extra chemicals?i know smokin's bad mmmmkay.but if half of these chemicals are bad,maybe the others alter the affect of thc in the brain.stands to reason they must do something.
everyone agrees that smokein and vapin are totally different.i reckon vapin is just like cannabis edibles.very very cerebral.
i have my vape a lot lower than others maybe turnin it up will release more of the chemicals released by combustion.and stop tolerence.i use a different strain everyday.BUT if i was a medicinal user and had to stick to one strain.i recon it'd get pretty boring:(
anyway i was thinkin about this all day:)
enjoy the volcano accessndx post your opions when youve tryed it!
anyone else have opinions on tolerence build up when vapin?
thanks for that eddieshoestring it lookes perfect but i am SO clumsy i'd break it in a week:(
accessndx are you gonna be makein them 3 meter long vape bags!!!


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
accessndx are you gonna be makein them 3 meter long vape bags!!![/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]

I sincerely hope so!!! LOL. I think you just hit the nail on the head with the chemical differences between vaping and smoking...
There are unidentified and identified substances in the smoke that may contribute to "high". True: some of them may be carcinogenic...so they can get the boot! But I'm sure there are others that you'd like to incorporate if possible, but don't get vaped off because of higher temperature requirements.
That may account for the different and "cleaner" body/mind highs you get from vaping. I remember someone positing that the "smoke" almost triggers an "autoimmune" response....
The best way I can articulate it is the following: when you're sick with a fever...you kind of feel 'woozy' or 'out of it'. That's not dissimilar from being really high sometimes....you get that cloudy feeling.
Don't get me wrong: I like that feeling.
With the vape, there's no smoke for your body to react to....
Hence you feel the effects of the THC and other vaped stuff clearly or without combined effects from the "other" stuff.

That's why I can never replace my bong, bowl or joint. Sometimes I just want that effect....but the vape is a great addition to my gallery of stoner tools! LOL.


Pull my finger
Well, I am sold. I would love to get "high" in the morning instead of "stoned". I think even though it's expensive, I am going to order a volcano. It seems that I dont hear much bad about it.

But like you access,smoking will stick around, I will always have a pack of zags chillin. Call me old school, or misinformed, but IMO you cant beat what comes in that orange package.


Med grower
ICMag Donor
you know i have a theory about vape tolerence.
last time i was in amsterdam i very rarely vaped,but i smoked laughing buddha all week didnt build up any tolerence at all.
my main reason for growing was to have 8 strains(2sativa,2indica,2 sweet hybrids,2 sour hybrids).in effect have a different strain every day of the week.
so last harvest i was choosing a keeper of casey jones.and i'd vape 2 phenos a day,after 2 days i was sick of casey.was smokin to much and i swore i wasnt gettin high.so i gave the casey's a break 2 days later try casey again(after vapin indica doms) and it blew my head off.
Now i read a study on the principals of vaporizing,the chemicals released by smoking and a comparison with vapin.they then analysed the vapor collected by the volcano bag and smoke released by combustin cannabis.
here's a linkCannabis Vaporizer Combines Efficient Delivery of THC with Effective Suppression of Pyrolytic Compounds
its a study by the university of california.(its a pdf document by the way)
what it basically says is the vapor collected by the volcano is 4 times richer in thc than the equivilent amount of smoke.
then it goes on to tell you what is in smoke and what is in vapor.
now vapor from the volcano is 90+% thc the remaning % is cbn and 2 methal 2 (dunno wtf that is!)
so it gets you real high real quick.fair enough.
BUT when you read whats in smoke there's 111 identified chemicals 37 unidentified.THC only makes up 11%.
so what are all these extra chemicals?i know smokin's bad mmmmkay.but if half of these chemicals are bad,maybe the others alter the affect of thc in the brain.stands to reason they must do something.
everyone agrees that smokein and vapin are totally different.i reckon vapin is just like cannabis edibles.very very cerebral.
i have my vape a lot lower than others maybe turnin it up will release more of the chemicals released by combustion.and stop tolerence.i use a different strain everyday.BUT if i was a medicinal user and had to stick to one strain.i recon it'd get pretty boring:(
anyway i was thinkin about this all day:)
enjoy the volcano accessndx post your opions when youve tryed it!
anyone else have opinions on tolerence build up when vapin?
thanks for that eddieshoestring it lookes perfect but i am SO clumsy i'd break it in a week:(
accessndx are you gonna be makein them 3 meter long vape bags!!!

I was thinking something along those lines too. You get the carbon monoxide and other chemicals from combustion of the bong smoke that contribute to the stone. Something like that :joint:


i tried runing dry sift at about 8 but that was after trying very thin shavings of the goldbag CWEhash.didnt work very well.
i started vapin thin bubble hash shavings at 6 got to 8 and stopped,never got no results.cano never came near to a protopipe.
i wanted to try BHO on the liquid pad but alchol extratcs gives me the fear.HAS ANYONE EXPERIENCE WITH EXTRACTS WHEN VAPORIZING?.
backwordburner are you putting hash in yours ?if so how much? and how? any info help would be appreciated mate:)



BHO in a vape is unfuckingbelievable. One way of doing it is put it on a bed of weed-or on some spent bud in the chamber-yeah it's going to run through a bit and stain your gauze a bit but thats not a big deal. Then do it at 6 or 7 but make sure you run it for quite a few bags as a tiny amount goes a v long way.
I've found other extracts (eg waterhash, dry sift) to be universally good, but again the vape has needed to be hotter and run for more bags to get them to work. Common sense really.
Re imported hash-even quite high quality hash often tastes a bit nasty in the Volcano. I think this because the vape seems to amplify all tastes-so amplifies the impurities too.

have fun with your vapes guys


I'm really tempted by vaping, just don't have room to store the Volcano, glad to hear some good experiences about the i-Inhale as it's a potential purchase for me.

I use 370ish for a couple of bags, then crank it up to 380-5ish for a third bag.

i-Inhale runs at 374F so not too far off ideal then really! :joint:


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
Was at work yesterday till about 8pm....when I got home that package was waiting for me...
Within a few minutes it was unpacked, set up and packed full o' nugget.

Here's my take: OUT-F*CKING-VAPE-RAGEOUS!!!

I think I done smoked myself comatose until about 3:30 in the morning experimenting with different temperature settings from 362 to 409 degrees Farenheight.

The higher the temperature, the more milky and thick the vapor was...which could also be a bit irritating. At the lower temperatures, only the "essence" and flavors come through...but the vapor isn't as satisfying...

At about 376-380 degrees I found a nice comfort zone for at least 2 of the strains I'm smoking right now.

The high is strong and narcotic, but of course I went a bit crazy with my new toy. It's rare for me to be high enough where I'm nodding in and out...but it absolutely happened.
I'm no lightweight...smoking practically every single day...multiple times...sometimes multiple strains. For something to put the kazaam on my head like that...it's gotta be good.
The only comparison I could make is that it was similar to doing bumps of H when done enough....my body felt all useless and couch bound....my brain was so fogged out that it was difficult to do anything except lay back and zone.

Truly a strong device for medicinal patients. I could easily see people with a fair amount of pain using this thing to eliminate a wide range of abberant feelings.

As far as the taste is concerned: there's always a "burnt" popcorn taste when you completely cash a bowl of nug on a vape...but you've at least got a good three inflations of the standard bag before that occurs. I think another person posted in this thread that they often fall asleep with like a half a bag filled...I can easily see how that could happen. There's alot of vapor available in each bag...whereas I went over the top with my experimentation....I would have been great with just a bag or 3. The initial flavor is indescribable.....you never quite taste weed like this unless you're vaping....

All the terpenes, aromatic compounds and sweetness of the strain comes right through in a warm mist....there's nothing carbonized tasting about it. Continued use of 1 bag does cause the taste of one strain to overlay over another because the inside of the bags develop a type of resinated condensation. This is easily rectified because invariably you won't be using the same bag forever. I had contemplated using a different "EZ Valve" for different strains in the future to avoid the "layering" of tastes on the vapor bag...
You get 5 to start with...

Honestly that may be the best way to go if taste is a great consideration...whereas nothing tastes bad or undesireable....I may want to segregate the flavors created by vaping different strains in this manner.

Overall: I'm REALLY, REALLY, REALLY happy with my purchase. If I had to make one criticism, it would be that this digital vaporizer can get you ALMOST TOO STONED.
I was completely and totally dysfunctional. A friend of mine that came over to partake and watch "LOST" with me had a great deal of difficulty driving home. He's no lightweight either...we've both been smoking daily for years...and he can go toe to toe with me and burn double fisted joints back to back without incident...
He was crushed to a pulp after a few bags. He sent me a garbled and practically indecipherable text message this morning stating how much trouble he had getting to his destination in 1 piece...
Usually, smoking and driving is no issue....unless you're so bombed that you're floating in and out of consciousness....which appears to be the case last night.

So: moral of this story....vaporizer is a great addition to my collection of smoking devices...I can easily see using this thing alot. It still won't replace other more "mundane" ways of smoking because honestly I don't always want to be that f-ed up (ya' need to be subtle-like sometimes..ROFL!)...If you've ever had "edibles" you understand that it's very possible to consume waaaaay more weed than you need....almost getting to the point where you're gonna pass out and/or get the spins....This device appears to be able to let you consume massive quantities of concentrated THC vapor....and you can almost reach that threshold of over-consumption.

On another note; the smell of the vapor increases with the temperature you heat it to....
ie-the thicker/denser the vapor...the more it smells like a significant amount of weed....

The iInhale has practically no odor when being used.....the Volcano has a noticeable...and less covert presence....not the kind of thing I could potentially bring to the office and set off.....whereas the iInhale allows me to pull some ninjitsu during the day.....
I can bounce into the bathroom or behind the building...rip off a few chambers...get right back into the saddle...
This volcano is more of a "trial by fire". 1 bag of this would definitely light up a room with the smell at least for a period of time....not something people wouldn't notice.

Great for home use, I can see it being AWESOME for parties.....

On a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the highest rating...the Digital Volcano vaporizer gets a solid 10.....I'd even say it exceeds my expectations.....K+++++ stortz and bickel for your awesome-o machine!


:wave:accesndx,i am so happy you like it,i fell in love with mine everything about it is perfect.i was laughing all the way through your post.
I agree with every single thing,when i got mine i just played with it for like 24 hours.(last time i did that i was 9 or 10 and that was witha scalextrix!)
i cant believe there is something that gets you that high,and is that well designed.an awesome piece and designed perfectly.truly excellent.
anywho so glad you liked it.
as a side note within a week of first gettin mine i decided i was gonna have a cano for the rest of my life;)


Active member
how long can the stuff in the bag stay effective? can you reseal it?..a bag could probably last me a week... lungful a night -- but if its contents degrades over time .. then no good.

do you have to fill the bag all the way? or can you just do like a quarter bag of vapor? does it have whip attachments for direct inject one hit like options? does the herb holder/bowl stay airtight and hold its contents fresh over a long period if its not all vaped at once?

Was at work yesterday till about 8pm....when I got home that package was waiting for me...
Within a few minutes it was unpacked, set up and packed full o' nugget.

Here's my take: OUT-F*CKING-VAPE-RAGEOUS!!!

I think I done smoked myself comatose until about 3:30 in the morning experimenting with different temperature settings from 362 to 409 degrees Farenheight.

The higher the temperature, the more milky and thick the vapor was...which could also be a bit irritating. At the lower temperatures, only the "essence" and flavors come through...but the vapor isn't as satisfying...

At about 376-380 degrees I found a nice comfort zone for at least 2 of the strains I'm smoking right now.

The high is strong and narcotic, but of course I went a bit crazy with my new toy. It's rare for me to be high enough where I'm nodding in and out...but it absolutely happened.
I'm no lightweight...smoking practically every single day...multiple times...sometimes multiple strains. For something to put the kazaam on my head like that...it's gotta be good.
The only comparison I could make is that it was similar to doing bumps of H when done enough....my body felt all useless and couch bound....my brain was so fogged out that it was difficult to do anything except lay back and zone.

Truly a strong device for medicinal patients. I could easily see people with a fair amount of pain using this thing to eliminate a wide range of abberant feelings.

As far as the taste is concerned: there's always a "burnt" popcorn taste when you completely cash a bowl of nug on a vape...but you've at least got a good three inflations of the standard bag before that occurs. I think another person posted in this thread that they often fall asleep with like a half a bag filled...I can easily see how that could happen. There's alot of vapor available in each bag...whereas I went over the top with my experimentation....I would have been great with just a bag or 3. The initial flavor is indescribable.....you never quite taste weed like this unless you're vaping....

All the terpenes, aromatic compounds and sweetness of the strain comes right through in a warm mist....there's nothing carbonized tasting about it. Continued use of 1 bag does cause the taste of one strain to overlay over another because the inside of the bags develop a type of resinated condensation. This is easily rectified because invariably you won't be using the same bag forever. I had contemplated using a different "EZ Valve" for different strains in the future to avoid the "layering" of tastes on the vapor bag...
You get 5 to start with...

Honestly that may be the best way to go if taste is a great consideration...whereas nothing tastes bad or undesireable....I may want to segregate the flavors created by vaping different strains in this manner.

Overall: I'm REALLY, REALLY, REALLY happy with my purchase. If I had to make one criticism, it would be that this digital vaporizer can get you ALMOST TOO STONED.
I was completely and totally dysfunctional. A friend of mine that came over to partake and watch "LOST" with me had a great deal of difficulty driving home. He's no lightweight either...we've both been smoking daily for years...and he can go toe to toe with me and burn double fisted joints back to back without incident...
He was crushed to a pulp after a few bags. He sent me a garbled and practically indecipherable text message this morning stating how much trouble he had getting to his destination in 1 piece...
Usually, smoking and driving is no issue....unless you're so bombed that you're floating in and out of consciousness....which appears to be the case last night.

So: moral of this story....vaporizer is a great addition to my collection of smoking devices...I can easily see using this thing alot. It still won't replace other more "mundane" ways of smoking because honestly I don't always want to be that f-ed up (ya' need to be subtle-like sometimes..ROFL!)...If you've ever had "edibles" you understand that it's very possible to consume waaaaay more weed than you need....almost getting to the point where you're gonna pass out and/or get the spins....This device appears to be able to let you consume massive quantities of concentrated THC vapor....and you can almost reach that threshold of over-consumption.

On another note; the smell of the vapor increases with the temperature you heat it to....
ie-the thicker/denser the vapor...the more it smells like a significant amount of weed....

The iInhale has practically no odor when being used.....the Volcano has a noticeable...and less covert presence....not the kind of thing I could potentially bring to the office and set off.....whereas the iInhale allows me to pull some ninjitsu during the day.....
I can bounce into the bathroom or behind the building...rip off a few chambers...get right back into the saddle...
This volcano is more of a "trial by fire". 1 bag of this would definitely light up a room with the smell at least for a period of time....not something people wouldn't notice.

Great for home use, I can see it being AWESOME for parties.....

On a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the highest rating...the Digital Volcano vaporizer gets a solid 10.....I'd even say it exceeds my expectations.....K+++++ stortz and bickel for your awesome-o machine!

hahaha...great man. welcome to the club!!! It's great that you are so happy with your volcano. Regardless of what the haters & diy vaporizer builders say; it is such a great unit. I remember that exact feeling you are feeling.
Vaporizing is such an efficient and fulfilling act; I wish would've experienced it sooner. I am currently on a forced T-break so my baby is collecting dust. But hopefully sooner than later I will be putting my volcano back into action. Enjoy your new toy!!!!! :D


storz+bickel say use within 2 hours(i dont think they were takin bout weed though:)
the easy valve is built closed(so you open it by pushing so when you put the bag down its closed)
i ve tried bags that i fell asleep with the next morning but they dont taste very nice.still work abit though.
no you dont have to fill the bags, i sometimes go half way,the bags closed so the vapor dosent dilute with air.
no wip attachments come with it.i have seen glass bong whip attachments online though i'll try find a link.
"does the herb holder/bowl stay airtight and hold its contents fresh over a long period if its not all vaped at once?" NO the easy valve filling chamber's open so the air can get to it,and dry the herb.
how long can the stuff in the bag stay effective? can you reseal it?..a bag could probably last me a week... lungful a night -- but if its contents degrades over time .. then no good.

do you have to fill the bag all the way? or can you just do like a quarter bag of vapor? does it have whip attachments for direct inject one hit like options? does the herb holder/bowl stay airtight and hold its contents fresh over a long period if its not all vaped at once?


whats up man! no time no see on these boards. A bag of vapor can last a little over an hour or two in my experience xoox. So you won't be taking little hits off of it for a week.

you can fill the bag as little as you want. You can fill it as little as 1/8 or whatever you want.

There are no direct whip attatchments made by storz and bickle. There was something called the vapor dome that I recently bought cheap off of ebay; but hasn't gotten great reviews & I haven't used it yet so I don't know. But it offers direct hits.

The contents are not airtight...but they will be vapeable for months. I have had grinded bud in the filling container for an extended amount o ftime. I go out of town and come back to great vape hits. So it can stay there it a while. But you dont have to put a lot of bud in the chamber. All you really need is maybe 1/4 gram..even less. So you can leave all your fresh nugs in your jars, and take out what you need little by little.

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