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Opium Guerrilla 2013


Oh.. With deers around I suggest you make a scrognet/trellis to keep them out. Especially while the plants are small.
Another thing that work is fishingline, about 70 cm from the ground. They wont see it, and theyll get utterly scared when walk into the invisible line... And theyll sure as hell stay away from that spot :p

Or, you could kill and eat them, if it suits you... :)


Active member
I wont be making any traps or stuff that could hurt animals, i do like previous year.
I took a 50cl cokebottle and mashed in some cloth, old towels from the garage and piss in the bottle.
Make a few holes in the cork and dig it down, this way the urine dont condensate or rain away and its enough for the animals to smell it.

They have a very good sense of smell and dont come close to human piss in the summer when theyr not as hungry like now when we've had four months of snowcovered land, its like wolfpiss to them. They dont like that and wont take any risks when happy and satisfied. :)

To prevent snails i will probably make beertraps or i'll find some copparthread to wire around the stems (Note: not close enough to make any irritation, just in a circle around it and enough of space inbetween to let it grow bigger), copperthread is there to create a small amount of static electricity.
Ususally not enough for us humans to notice, but for snails it prolly feels like pissing on one of those electric fences. :woohoo:

I was going to make watertraps of somekind for both spots since these are very remote sites, luckily i found a little creek not too far away.
Its not as flourishing now but when we get some + temps here and spring im sure it will be enough to collect water.

Wish everybody a happy season, i know i will enjoy it. :blowbubbles:


That piss-trap-design is friggin' genious!

I guess Ill go for a few of those.. So little work for that protection!


Active member
spring pics, even though father nature called to tell me spring been postponed.




Good luck dude, will definitely be following! Just out of curiosity, what is your latitude?
Also, loved the last two pics on the first post... Reminds me of our winters :p


Active member
Thanks for the kind words guys.
Spring is around the corner and snow is slowly but surely melting away.
Not long before its time to transport soil to the meadow, all is prepped just waiting for the right time now.



well, to my opinion you should have given each plant a pot.... and left some leaves too on those stems.. not sure if the new ones gonna come through, but u sure know what u do ;)


Active member
haha lol kerlito! :D

iknowu- yeah. beerlings are just there to keep good spirits up, not for any optimizing of yield.
maybe i'll transplant em into each and own pots but then i'll have to pull out the crocodile dundee knife and go kill bill on those roots. :D


It's gonna be damn interesting to see what happens to those four butchered plants.

I probably have 1½ months left before i can start putting seeds in soil, so I'm envious of you. Nice pictures as always, btw.

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