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Operation Retirement - $nype Style!



But by your own logic then, the money that you are "saving" by not paying for medical insurance is by denying the obvious treatment and medication for your own illness. Explain to me how that works again?


Registered Non-Conformist
Yr Killing Me, Dude. Everyone is trying to help you avoid disappointment and all you return it with is resistance.
Check it out, There's a TON of authentic, tried-and-true knowledge on ICMAG. I don't care if the grower is from Spain, Holland, NorCal, or Easter Island. The best Grower is someone We do not know..! Only a dolt comes here to prove their smarts. I learn so much and have in the past - I owe Gypsy/IC and icmag's contributors a debt I can never repay. So, I try to help without condescension.

Just do what You think You should, many of Us have taken (many) chances to find it worked out just fine.

And YES, certain strains are less likely to go to flower. Also, seeds are less likely to do premature flowering as well. You're right on that.

Good Luck - I am sure You'll tell us how it turns out. I have said my piece in this thread.


Active member
But by your own logic then, the money that you are "saving" by not paying for medical insurance is by denying the obvious treatment and medication for your own illness. Explain to me how that works again?

I don't know what treatments and illness that you speak of. These disorders are made up by your people to take advantage of the cattle. It's like your selectively reading my posts and disregarding other things that I'm saying to try and prove a point that will never make sense. You live in a society that tells you that you need a pill because all you have problems. How many of your society is on meds for being human. According to the Mayo Clinic, almost 70% of your society is on medication. Alarm bells should be going on in your heads. I don't see how you guys can't see reality. That's why I moved out to Snypeland where being different is the norm.

Yr Killing Me, Dude. Everyone is trying to help you avoid disappointment and all you return it with is resistance.
Check it out, There's a TON of authentic, tried-and-true knowledge on ICMAG. I don't care if the grower is from Spain, Holland, NorCal, or Easter Island. The best Grower is someone We do not know..! Only a dolt comes here to prove their smarts. I learn so much and have in the past - I owe Gypsy/IC and icmag's contributors a debt I can never repay. So, I try to help without condescension.

Just do what You think You should, many of Us have taken (many) chances to find it worked out just fine.

And YES, certain strains are less likely to go to flower. Also, seeds are less likely to do premature flowering as well. You're right on that.

Good Luck - I am sure You'll tell us how it turns out. I have said my piece in this thread.

I don't think you understand what I'm saying. Everyone wants to tip toe around the real questions that I'm asking. We are talking about the sun and how much sun that you need to not get pre flowers. There are other variables to consider but you guys are all set in looking into those specific variables. I go on data and facts and there is so much to consider. Do you understand that people on this site told me that my RDWC crops and cloners would die with water temps in the 90's and I have 100% success rates pulling over 2 pounds per light in water temps that people said was impossible. Those are facts. If I listened to others on this site, I would not have come up with my specific equations and formulas that I invented. I don't follow the herd. Like I stated before, I have the hours of sun that you guys don't have until June. So in my mind it makes sense that I may not need supplemental lighting because of this fact alone that everyone wants to avoid. It may turn out that I am dead wrong. I'll never know if I don't try. I appreciate your advice but I have to go with my gut even if it leads me to the wrong place. It's a learning experience. I only put 48 plants outside. I still have over 500 plants that aren't going out until mid June. It's not that big of a deal.

Backyard Farmer

Active member
Even though it's close to 16 hours it's not 16 hours like on an indoor timer.

The day length now is 14.5..you also have to account for sun rise and sunset, you lose about one hour of plant available,light from whatever the sun timer says.

although it's slowly increasing , the amount of time it's increasing per day and the amount of time it will take to increase from 14.5 to 15.5 which is the longest you'll get on any day of the summer the plants will already be flowering because a month at 14 hours with 40 degree night temps and the fact you have them in small plastic pots so the root ball will be cold is enough to initiate flowering.

Do you know what azimuth is? It has to do with the angle of an object in relation to a sphere.

as you know earth is a sphere and the azimuth to the sun at this time is more , so the UV isn't as strong as in the summer when the sun and earth are more perpendicular to one another.

I really want you to do well...but with your attitude, you are making obstacles for,yourself.


Active member
I don't believe the twenty minute difference in daylight hours will make a difference in flowering times between where you are and Humboldt county. If that twenty minutes really exists since the latitude is the same. One way to check would be to put 1/3 of the plants out this week, 1/3 the following week and the last ones the following week. Really only way is to try different times.


I don't know what treatments and illness that you speak of. These disorders are made up by your people to take advantage of the cattle. It's like your selectively reading my posts and disregarding other things that I'm saying to try and prove a point that will never make sense. You live in a society that tells you that you need a pill because all you have problems. How many of your society is on meds for being human. According to the Mayo Clinic, almost 70% of your society is on medication. Alarm bells should be going on in your heads. I don't see how you guys can't see reality. That's why I moved out to Snypeland where being different is the norm.

Well that would be your own self diagnosis of bi-polar disorder as well as manic depressive. That is some real shit and you think your cavalier and nonchalant attitude of dismissing treatment for it is something to take lightly. It is not and you will eventually pay a price you will not like for it as it will get worse over time. Also I might add that WE live in a society together. I have no idea where you think you live that you do not have to contribute to that as well. No man is an island, I don't care how many acres you have in the wilderness.

Seriously, I enjoy reading your threads and respect the information that you try and assemble for whatever your motivations are and I love your contributions to this community. But there are times when you can really be an asshat when people offer their help or experience. Newsflash. You may know how to grow some good weed, but that does not make you an expert in everything else.


Active member
This old Vermonter thinks you will do fine, Snype, at least in regard to light. You might be jumping around some if we get a frost though which is entirely possible. My plants will stay in the greenhouse for another couple of weeks just to make sure but supplemental light seems unnecessary.

GreeeeN GRassss

duppy conqueror
what is society? is it just another word for control from the government? people have lived for hundreds of years with medical issues and we are still here.

whats more of an issue is the amount of pain killers sleeping tablets etc available in your local drug stores as use like to call them. 1000 of this a 1000 of that no wonder the addiction to these is nearly worse then crack and heroin.

here where i am you cant buy 24 panadol which are weak painkillers at one time. if snype can control his medical issues "naturally" then why not it has worked this long. hes lived with these issues most of his life.

why pay for medical shit it should be free for gods sake. america is one of the most powerful country's in the world its unreal how fucked up the difference between the rich and poor.

stop fighting wars and looking for oil and look after your own people.


put um outside and you might want a good old American pit bull dog on the farm to watch your back and keep out the riff raff ! shoot the moon, good luck and hope it works out for ya


Active member
Well that would be your own self diagnosis of bi-polar disorder as well as manic depressive. That is some real shit and you think your cavalier and nonchalant attitude of dismissing treatment for it is something to take lightly. It is not and you will eventually pay a price you will not like for it as it will get worse over time. Also I might add that WE live in a society together. I have no idea where you think you live that you do not have to contribute to that as well. No man is an island, I don't care how many acres you have in the wilderness.

Seriously, I enjoy reading your threads and respect the information that you try and assemble for whatever your motivations are and I love your contributions to this community. But there are times when you can really be an asshat when people offer their help or experience. Newsflash. You may know how to grow some good weed, but that does not make you an expert in everything else.

We will just agree that we disagree. They've been trying to put me in a mental institution and feed me meds since 1992 because of the "problems" that "they" say that I have. They didn't just diagnose me "bi polar". There were terms as well like multiple personality disorder and others that I chose to forget. I was tested for years and had to go to special classes in my high school taught by psychiatrists with me being the only student in the class. They told me that I had the brain of a 5th grader. This is the bullshit that they do to control the masses. For some of you it is too late to understand what is going on. They told me don't bother applying to Northeastern University because I won't get in. I applied to 28 schools and only got accepted to 2 of them. One of them happened to be Northeastern which I went to for chemical engineering and was expelled shortly after.

This old Vermonter thinks you will do fine, Snype, at least in regard to light. You might be jumping around some if we get a frost though which is entirely possible. My plants will stay in the greenhouse for another couple of weeks just to make sure but supplemental light seems unnecessary.
I'm glad that you chimed in with that news! Thanks!

what is society? is it just another word for control from the government? people have lived for hundreds of years with medical issues and we are still here.

whats more of an issue is the amount of pain killers sleeping tablets etc available in your local drug stores as use like to call them. 1000 of this a 1000 of that no wonder the addiction to these is nearly worse then crack and heroin.

here where i am you cant buy 24 panadol which are weak painkillers at one time. if snype can control his medical issues "naturally" then why not it has worked this long. hes lived with these issues most of his life.

why pay for medical shit it should be free for gods sake. america is one of the most powerful country's in the world its unreal how fucked up the difference between the rich and poor.

stop fighting wars and looking for oil and look after your own people.

Love you views! Exactly how I feel!


$$ ALONE $$
Shit man that sucks. I was so tired last night that I didn't check my head for ticks after pulling a few out. Snypette had a tick imbedded in her head. When I pulled it out, it seemed that it didn't all come out but I couldn't find a head in her. She has a lot of hair so it's hard to see. I didn't realize these things were so bad. i'm sorry about your friend.

If there was a tick in her skin abit, it could very well have trasmitted Lyme disease to her. Be super super carefull out there.
Even mowing the grass. Ticks are everywhere here.
Theres really super tiny young ones too that are incredible hard to feel in the hair.
Dont leave that ticks head in her skin. Use a scalpul, tweezers, and antiseptic to clean it out.
That little piece of tick can cauze serious problems for your tinkerbell!
If your not sure its in there....MAKE SURE!!!!! K?


That explains quite a lot. As it is quite common for those suffering from those kinds of disabilities that ardently shun society as a larger whole with whatever confirmation bias they can. It isn't science or society or government that is the problem bro. Maybe it actually is you and you just aren't manning up and owning it. I am not the one you are agreeing to disagree with. That would be science with all of it's wonderful facts and shit that you have a problem with. The interesting thing is that you are selective when it comes to what you allow as acceptable science. It's all good and super important when it backs up the principles and methods in which you grow your weed. But it's government controlled bullshit for everything else. The interesting thing about science is that you don't get to have an opinion on facts. They exist with or without your approval. If professionals have been telling you that you have had these problems for years and you have done nothing about it but flaunt your ignorance over the subject in favor of the Tinfoil hattery that a few others have chimed in about, then you are going to have a bad time. Mental illness is no joke and you do NOT have it under control. If you love what you are doing and the one you are doing it with, then you will prove that by getting the help you need for those reasons alone and not the multitudes of other reasons you should. Your false bravado of "I know better than those stupid doctors" may sound impressive to the "part" you are trying to portray on the internet, but I can assure you it is not. You are doing some pretty fun things over there, just think of how much better it would all be if your head was right as well.


Active member
Are you a shrink, Don? Hmm, probably not since no real doctor would be handing out medical advice on an internet forum. Anyway, chill, man. A lot of "thou shalt" advice is only useful to somebody who asks for it.


Active member
Are you a shrink, Don? Hmm, probably not since no real doctor would be handing out medical advice on an internet forum. Anyway, chill, man. A lot of "thou shalt" advice is only useful to somebody who asks for it.

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to oldchuck again.


Are you a shrink, Don? Hmm, probably not since no real doctor would be handing out medical advice on an internet forum. Anyway, chill, man. A lot of "thou shalt" advice is only useful to somebody who asks for it.

Am I a shrink? No. What I am is an educated person that managed to succeed in life doing things the right way that can engage in a conversation without ad hominem attacks. What medical advice was I giving? To get some help for a problem that he brags about suffering through, which comes across as a passive aggressive form of asking for help. I don't know what posts you are reading but you are way off the mark here.


I used to work in a psychiatric institution and I can tell you firsthand that many patients would have done better with nature and a good partner by their side than locked up, drugged down and drooling.

Many people think that you will get help and everything will solve itself if you get committed. I'm not saying that medication does not work but the way it is employed in my country it usually leads to an addiction and is not supplemented by enough conversation.

Most institutions (especially emergency ones) will cut off all sensory impressions to stabilize you but then keep you in that state for too long making you numb and hopeless. They are usually also overfilled and under staffed so patients get more drugs to calm them down than human contact.

I would suggest that you have someone to talk to on a regular basis who you can be completely honest and vulnerable around. Nature is also essential but it seems you have plenty of that :biggrin:

Hank Hemp

Active member
Well here's the deal, it's the deer tick, the smallest ones not the babies, that carry Lyme disease. At lest here in the lower Ohio valley.


I dont thinkbu should take a scalpel to her head, I know u guys r american and r out in the sticks but take her to a doc to get the head out or at least checked. No point waiting and hoping its gone...