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On my way: 6kw Lavender/Afgooey/Romulan


20kw dreams

Probably be fine in hydroton. I think it might even be ok in coco really, but I hit the test subjects with 2.5ml/gal, which is 1/2 strength. I', going to fuck around with it more when I get some more leftover clones, including some experiments with Bushmaster in veg. You seen Daltons plants? They are all branched out like they were topped cause he had some BM residue in his coco, but they are growing fast!

Yeah, I built that dryer. It's just 5/8 ply with 1" x 2" cleats and shelf frames with 1/4" hardwae cloth stapled to them. It's pretty nice. I'm going to put a couple inches of carbon in the top too.

So I got bad new though. I went in to take one of the tables of Lav down. Gues what I found! BUDROT!!!YAYYYYYY!!! So, I took down every top in the room. Had to. Found budrot randonly scattered at the bottoms of the tops nugs. Prob only lost like 1/2 oz or something. It ended up being alright though, cause the undergrowth wasn't as finished as the tops were anyways.

It's prob the 1 real disadvantage to using Bushmaster. this is the second time I've gotten budrot. Last time I lost 2oz's though.


Hey 20kw dude,

good to hear you been a harvesting, bad to hear about the bud rot, good to hear you caught it nice an early though. bad to hear it might be caused by BM? and enough , lol.

man i love that drying rack commode thing you made, it is totally awesome. the dogs bollocks so to speak. :biglaugh: very nice workmanship :yes:

hows the trimming? :D

great thread with superb pics, also great info about the BM.


Damn that sucks about that mold, that was one of my biggest fears about my plants,
a 1/2 ounce isn't bad at all though. How do you flush when you double harvest, I was wondered how guys did that or if you just flush only the second time?

You still got loads of good buds:)

20kw dreams

I run 1/3 strength usually the last week or so, but the tops only got a couple days flush because of the budrot.

Small price to pay though for this quick a harvest. I'm sure next run will be much nicer, too, as I'm use the Gravity and PM earlier, like I should have. I'm getting assloads of airflow in the room late flower next time, and trimming out ALL my fan leaves to make sure there is plenty of airflow around the buds.

Bottom buds finished up already to, what was that..4 days or so. Top harvest was harvest on day 41, and bottom harvest will be over the next couple days.

Bad news though: My cloner just gave me 144 pieces of shit. I'm giving them back and trying to find someone else. I'm looking at some Northern lights, Power Plant, and Bubblegum, but nothings for sure yet...we'll see...


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
Holy Jesus, you harvested already!? :yoinks:

Well, I know what's on my list of nutes for next time!

Impressive as always bro!


shit 20kw,

what's the matter with the clones? they look like hell? or the wrong genetics?

i hate that when it happens. there's been many a time that i've had to spend time spoiling and generally nudging clones along for a bit, till they got back on track and ready for use. waste of time, but what can you do?

20kw dreams

Here's what's wrong with those clones.

Fortunately, it looks like I found some. Not even sure what they are going to be yet. 3 blocks of 80 something. I think he said he had some Purple Kush, Sour diesel, some Purple Dragon or something, and some others, but while he said he could do 3 blocks of 80, we haven't talked about what he had 80 of. Dude, I'm pretty sure I could work a ripe harvest at 35 days if I did it right. I used the Gravity and Purple maxx 2 weeks after I should have, because the harvest came so early.


damn that sucks about the clones 20. some of them like useable though. 35 days would be absolutely insane. I would love to see that. you gotta put it up. even 45 days is sweet. Keep it up bro!

20kw dreams

I think I'm looking at 8-9lbs total right now, not sure though. The Afgooey's are still going, and look like they could take another week to 10 days. I'm going to let them go until I get more clones in or they're done, whichever is first.

yeah, 35 days, maybe 36..yeah, 36, maybe 37 if it's a leap year:). Yield will be lower, but I figure I could more then compensate for the lower yield by getting in 10 harvests a year instead of 6. Crazy, but I think it would be possible. I'm thinking Bushmaster > Purple Maxx > Gravity > More Purple Maxx > Advanced Overdrive > Finish. I think the Overdrive for flush/finish, and hitting the Gravity at 18 days into flower I could pull another week off of them.

I've also been thinking about messing with the light cycles. Most growth occurs within the first 4 hours or so of light. I know some poepl have fucked with 7 day timers, but I wonder wtf would happen if I just did 4 on, 12 off.


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
Hwy 20kw, there's been some discussion about the adjustment of light periods for quicker finishes, including one started by me :D What ended up being most convenient to do was 6hr 40min on, and 12 hour off. That way you can do a standard timer instead of a 7-day that you'd have to adjust weekly. Been some grows using it too, with mixed results.

I'd love to see you do one though, someone who's 'been there, done that' and KNOWS how to run a garden.

If you wanna talk it out some more, or want some link, gimme a shout!


hey 20kw, bro have you had any lavender outdoors before? the reason im asking is my lavender took almost a month to start budding outdoors, jw if you had any experience with that particular strain under the sun...?

20kw dreams

I was already thinking about that Nite. I know like 80% oif growth is done durting the first 4 hours of lights on or so, according to non-cannabis research I've read..from NC State or something probably. I have a 7 day timer too, I use for my pumps now. I'm thinking about it, seriously.

My camera broke BTW guys. 3 months I've owned the fucking thing, and the shutter jammed.

No experience with outdoors period hogwild. I will be going outside here soon. I'm bringin 24 cuts outside this weekend, actually. I'm leaving them in pots for now, while I get soil samples and dig a profile. I took a soils class last semester, and am just itchin to apply the wealth of knowledge from that class to my favorite ladies:) WOOHOO!! Really excited about it!!

So guys, I ended up getting cuts, finally. I also have another order in to pick up 1st week of april. It's a rainbow of fruity flavors. 24 different strains, not including the Lav I saved, and the 3 strains coming in april. Lots of Kush's and Kush Hybrids. I'll post the list later....to keep you droolin...and I couldn't remember that many if I tried:)

I'll be gettin a new thread up soon. We are trying to see if our camera is under warranty.


thats fooked up with the cam! i hope they will change u it for a new one - its not worth to open up cameras and to change details since it ends the waranty. get a new cam and try to get the warranty extended.

i hope to see more pics soon again :D

those 24 strains should give ya a nice menu of flavours! have fun :D



sorry to hear about the camera busting. interesting discussion about the timing. have had thought myself on this subject......lol.....which grower hasn't eh? so far it seems there isn't much info on this subject in relation to cannabis.

20kw dreams

So, here's a list. It's a fuckin mess, really. I have no idea how any of them are going to grow really.

6 - OG Kush 818 SFV(san fernando valley?) cut
1 - Bubba Kush
3 - Master Kush x OG
7 - Purple Kush - Swerve cuts A & B
3 - Herijuana's OG Kush
6 - Sour OG A & B cuts
11 - Purple Kush x Sour Diesel
4 - Blue Moonshine
2 - Triple OG?
1 - LA OG
1 - Dead Lemon Kush (actually dead)
1 - Cherry bomb
1 - Blue Dot
10 - Critical Mass
10 - Strawberry cough
10 - Sage & Sour
36 - AK-47 (serious)
34 - Odyssey
3 - Purple Kush SR-71 cut
8 - HOG's
8 - Sensi Star
8 - Chronic
8 - Purple Cream
8 - Pot-o-Golds(an old favorite from the same club as my last cut, hopefully same)
3 - Mango
3 - Cave
3 - Snow Cap
8 - Lavenders(these were kept from the last run)

So, I'm basically going to seach the cuts for keepers, and keep mothers for all of them outdoors. The ones I only have 1 of, I'm going to flower, and take a couple cut off of each.

I'm also looking for the largest yielder to dust with my urkle pollen.

I'm ALSO trying to get a romulan I accidentally didn't harvest to hermi, but it is being stubborn. I guess that's good, but I hope it does eventually.

I'm getting a new camera next week prob. I nice one too, I think a Canon Rebel? I'm nto sure if that's the one I drool over or not.


hey 20K that is quite a cocktail of genetics you are going to have.

Can you elaborate and give some tips on how you finish up in 40 something days????
I want to get one grow out of the way so I can get some testing on different types of coco done?

Thanks -Cali

20kw dreams

Well, use BM, on an 8 week strain. Hit them with a PK booster 21 days into flower. Not too complicated really. that's why I think with some more advanced tricks, or a finishing additive like overdrive, it could easily be pushed to 36 days.

Just think: What if you took a 45 days strain, like say Reefermans hashplant. 45 days right out the door. Then, you BM it. That alone would prob take another week off it, so 38 days. Then, you hit it with the messed up light cycles. That would take another week off it! hit it with overdrive, and well, you get the picture. I don't see how anything could finish properly in 30 days though. could you imagine 12 crops a year! That would be insane. If you could get your yields up to .7/watt, that would be the equivelant of 1.4/watt by most peoples 60 day standard. Do that in a Coli, and you could prob get 1g/watt every 30 days, or 2g every 60.

Crazy. I'm doin it though, not with the coli, but the light cycle. I think there is enough evidence to support that the majority of growth occurs in the early hours. By trying to make those early hours happen amore frequently, it should increase finish time without greatly diminishing yield, but yield/time should increase., my $.01 anyways

20kw dreams

yeah, changed everything. Now I'm thinking 13/11 instead of 12/12, to see if it makes the herb frostier.

I'm also ditchin the BM for the next run I think, except maybe a light dose strictly for height control. I don't feel like I can look for good mothers when they are high on Bushmaster. Especially since I may be doing some breeding with them.

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