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Olympic Games 2012

Smoking Gun

Active member
Again not to be rude, or to push my own beliefs on someone, this was not why I stated what I said, I stated what I said because its what I learned, going out taking info in, and just realizing wisdom is further than my own, and when I come across the facts of what I just stated then no need to relearn anything from someone else that has no proof, so here is my proof of what I said, not to start a pissing contest just to inform people who may have family killed by such monsters, and to support or follow traditions created by those who turn our world to waste.

I even said I support the Atheletes, and feel bad the contracts, and all that go into being there before you even get to compete, so even in that sense you have to buy into something before hand, its in all major sports not just olympics. Either way dude I just prefer ppl to at least google what I say, usually I never post something out my ass, I just dont work that way.:tiphat:


So did Hitler create the swastika too?


Active member
I wouldn't think you were trying to be rude. The only problem with what you've presented is that the Olympic Torch was first used in modern times in 1928, not 1936. It wasn't created by "Hitler himself." It was the relay that was created in the '30's. With the smallest amount of research you could see what is and what is not. Bold claims should be researched instead of being taken at face value. I was just trying to help.
Fair enough not so clear on the actual facts of how I worded it, but I can hardly get what point was made by stating what I said as being false other than dates, and what was actually created or not, the fact Hitler used anything, or used a ritual is my concern, and my only point, just as BMW made money off the war just like every fortune 500 company that was alive then to today, I have my reservations in life, and buying into someones evil pricipals or rituals does me no good.

Hey if you support it then you do, I need to not find web info to change your mind from that. Again not a pissing match bro you will not change my mind nor me yours. But hey why are we even on this subject again, I was looking at ass, being a sinner enjoying the visual delicasies. Some people support the wrong people and things in this world, just look at it.
no, I know that much, it was actually a good luck symbol and it was on a local good luck Jewish token I have from the early 30s! It was a positive symbol and deserves to become so again. But back to the point, the Dutch field hockey team has my interest, and it kind of gets me how they give a US person more credit for getting a brinze medal than the one who just busted their hump to win the gold! I like to see the best person win, no matter where they are from, and much prefer a team that isn't rich and struggled just to get there win (the underdog in other words) than some big rich country that is expected to win umpteen medals in one sport. With all that said, I really just check up now and then but don't have enough interest to watch it, that Dutch team might become an exception though! ;)

Sat X RB

y'know as the days went by I thought, Good, no one on IC is interested in the olympics which to my mind is code for bullshit.

beer and skittles, bread and games in the colliseum ... the end days are truly nigh if we occupy our brains with this stuff!

altho, I agree that some of the women look good. wonder what they smell like after a race/game? sniff, sniff, YUM!

Smoking Gun

Active member
no, I know that much, it was actually a good luck symbol and it was on a Jewish token I have from the early 30s! It was a positive symbol and deserves to become so again.

NO! the swastika is a Hindu symbol.

I am aware of this, it was a symbol used in many cultures for hundreds of years before Hitler co-opted it for his use. My point was simply that Hitler made use of many, many, many, symbols, ceremonies, and ideas that were not created by him. In fact I can only think of one symbol that Hitler is responsible for creating, the SS insignia of his secret service. He was a master of taking other cultures symbols and using them for his own purposes. The Olympics were no different, he took all the ceremonies and symbols and used them for his purposes. So while he certainly made use of the Olympics for propaganda purposes, none of the ceremonies or symbols were created by Hitler, and should be recognized as the symbols of unity that they really are.


Active member
y'know as the days went by I thought, Good, no one on IC is interested in the olympics which to my mind is code for bullshit.

beer and skittles, bread and games in the colliseum ... the end days are truly nigh if we occupy our brains with this stuff!

altho, I agree that some of the women look good. wonder what they smell like after a race/game? sniff, sniff, YUM!
Funny you said that, cuz in high school I took part in junior Olympics with said friend that has a gold today, but on his trips across the world he had some stories of the hotel rooms and the women competetors, and he said the women from other countries want some american men really bad, Like running in hall ways naked, and having whip cream parties in the halls, some lets just say the relay team had a relay going on in their rooms on many of these girls, so yeah when you think logically smells dont always match what your seeing, lol


Anyway im only really watching for weight lifting but if that isn't on I'll watching women's volleyball to keep me occupied. There's just something about the gymnastics you can't really tell how old they are so just to be safe I don't watch....


Active member
Anyway im only really watching for weight lifting but if that isn't on I'll watching women's volleyball to keep me occupied. There's just something about the gymnastics you can't really tell how old they are so just to be safe I don't watch....
See that was said with some wisdom, I mean its ok to support, but when they got to wear dental floss and spread legs and what not on TV who knows what pediphile beats off just cuz they are young girls, its exploitation in a sense. I am with you, 12 year olds look to old today, and just trying to watch sports today means you need a bottle of lube to rub one off just because somehow your mind got on pace to see more camel toe, or butt cheeks, so much so you forget they are kids, and forget your watching sports, hell even my grand mother said something bout it, and she comes from old school.

Smoking Gun

Active member
Ok, this one goes back a few years.

One of my personal favorites, Hope Solo

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
smoking gun I was like 10 but that blonde chick is hot! I would've yelled "nice butt!" and been removed from the stadium. Damn man...1992...lots changed. But awesome women are STILL around.

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