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Olympic Games 2012



Wiggs Dannyboy

Last Laugh Foundation
ICMag Donor
those camel toes gotta be photo shopped. 'Specially the field hockey team, no way all of them get almost identical toes.

But even faked....still fun to look at!


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
How bored are you of a person to continue with me? For someone so frickin smart you have yet to ignore me or my post, you have a hard on for what I say, and I am no chick, first dumbass read my post, I was stating my own reasons of not following giving very little care if anyone believes me or not, and I voiced it only because I see this thread is not just bout Olympic, its about tits and ass, and I said well then I like, regardless of any other words, to break down and stop to fill you in, or have you teach me is redundant.

You must have no reason to be in this thread other to annoy someone, just look at the tits and move on, do you have a crush for this cock over here or what dude, told you to ignore me, your persistance is always unwelcome, I said it before its not a pissing match, and fuck head you will never convence me of anything so dont even bother with posting anything to me, dude!

Careless of Hitler and you, and if you want something to read carefully from me is FUCK OFF! Got it, now let me and others enjoy looking, and please you sensitive, hang on every word I say drama queen refrain from telling me shite, I am third generation dont give a fuck! AHHHHH now thats off my chest let me continue looking, even tho I may disagree, thats my fuckin right!

To add to the thread other than that crap, my appaulogies, I would like to express how wonderful it is to have a multipal gold winner/pot head in Phelps, just if you smoke with him you better hit the bong first the guy has shamu lungs!

First of all dick cheese you don't tell me or anyone around here what to do. So run your mouth all you want about me ignoring you but I'm still going to speak when I feel like it. You don't want me to comment on your bullshit? How about you stop spouting it? I know you like to fantasize that I'm stalking you but get this you gibbering moron, I don't give two shits about you, I don't even know you beyond a handful of ignorant posts you've made over the past few months.

Also please do me and everyone else a favor and just drop the whole "I'm a bad ass, be scared of me" routine. It's retarded and besides, don't you know? Here on the internet we are all ex-special forces, CIA Hit men, umpteenth degree black belts and armed to the teeth? As for drama queen, well let me see, you came into a thread about North Korean Propaganda and ended up talking about how you were sexually abused as a child. You came into a thread about a tragedy in Colorado talking about Obama forging his birth certificate and now you come into a thread that was enjoying the olympics, talking about how the torch was Hitler's idea. Yet some how you think I'm the drama queen? :rolleyes:


I see this thread is not just bout Olympic, its about tits and ass
The olympics second motto
The most important thing is not to win but to take part
Pierre de Coubertin
Tits and ass are just another medium that help us embrace, enjoy and take part in the olympics, for example i now love volley ball and womens hockey, sports that before i would never have watched. Do the right thing and post more athlete appreciation pics to support them and take part.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
^the greeks invented the games and they did it naked and so should we. except winter. no one wants to see naked curling.



Andinismo Hierbatero
And the gold medal for for stupidity goes to.....

you typed 'for' twice.

just saying! :D

I love to watch the olympics, but to get to watch all the events is pretty tricky, with work and all, and specially I think you need some special channels that broadcast all? dunno, the regular channel just shows a bit.

and wonder woman for the win!

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
^who in this thread is gonna win the troll Olympics, I see people arguing in a thread about nice athletic asses. what is there to argue about?


Active member
^who in this thread is gonna win the troll Olympics, I see people arguing in a thread about nice athletic asses. what is there to argue about?
I again say sorry, if anyone read my first post I did say I love the beach vollyball, I mean you say Hitler, jew, or anything off topic people get all "I gotta teach him" well my concerns of it getting blown out of hand like it usually does when dealing with said person, he says he has no intention of responding but he sure does remember every post I posted in multipal threads.

I love the thread without having to say why I dont personaly follow the Olympics, if that was my bad, then I own it, but to be repeadedly harrassed by him gets old, just hate the law around here when my opinion gets told it cant be so, and ignored the whole part that agrees with the thread. Anyways I feel it is out of hand, and I will not respond, I prefer to look at cameltoe than speak anymore bout him.

Far as Phelps Golds go, does he have 18, or 19 taotal?

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
^I dont know but he needs a weed strain named after him. you know one that just keeps going. lol


Well-known member
Premium user
^who in this thread is gonna win the troll Olympics, I see people arguing in a thread about nice athletic asses. what is there to argue about?

getupstandup for the win...love ya GetUpStandUp but sometimes you have to let it go...

Wish I had a pic worthy to add


Active member
Any other Americans here think that NBC are the worst broadcasting company to broadcast the olympics? Delayed showings, bad coverage on multiple events, only events that americans participate in for the most part etc. etc.

I mean out of 20 different sports, they only showed so far Volleyball, rowing, synch diving, and swimming. Wheres the Judo, weightlifting, archery, etc etc.


I mean out of 20 different sports, they only showed so far Volleyball, rowing, synch diving, and swimming. Wheres the Judo, weightlifting, archery, etc etc.

clearly NBC is staffed like a sausage fest :biggrin:

also a plug for irelands gold medal hopeful- Katie Taylor foxy boxing





Active member
clearly NBC is staffed like a sausage fest :biggrin:
B-b-b-ut they have it 50/50 men's volleyball,rowing, and the two other previously mentions grape smuggler sports:laughing:. Don't get me wrong as a previous rower I love watching it, but NBC is blowing it

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