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Olympic Games 2012

It's that time again. While the opening ceremonies didn't have the dynamism of the Beijing Games, it had it's moments.

I hope Her Majesty didn't stuff the Corgis in her purse before she parachuted.

Other then women's volleyball and gymnastics :trampoline:

What's your favorite?

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
the USA women's volleyball tops SUCK...might as well be wearing a berka. Long sleeve shirt? WTF?
I cheer for whatever country plays against USA women's volleyball - because they actually wear bikinis. The australian women were AWESOME.

I love womans beach Volleyball. Can't top dat!


It's that time again. While the opening ceremonies didn't have the dynamism of the Beijing Games, it had it's moments.

cant remember beijing but this opening ceremony was fantastic. felt sad seeing ali though.

onwards and forwards though, and always bouncing :biggrin:


the kid with glass always makes me lmao.


Active member
Although I find that lighting of the torch has been made up, and created by Hitler himself to parade the arian race was superior, and this ritual still exsist, and is supported I choose not to, but with that said, I personally know someone who competes, and I support him, and all other atheletes, its just sad people have to buy into a evil, or occultic mindstate to enjoy sports nowadays. And tho I have not watched much if any of the olympics I must say this thread is super awesome for its obvious visual delights, if I had to pick a pic I go for beach volly pretty nice game that was by the looks, lol


Cautiously Optimistic
Although I find that lighting of the torch has been made up, and created by Hitler himself to parade the arian race was superior, and this ritual still exsist, and is supported I choose not to, but with that said, I personally know someone who competes, and I support him, and all other atheletes, its just sad people have to buy into a evil, or occultic mindstate to enjoy sports nowadays. And tho I have not watched much if any of the olympics I must say this thread is super awesome for its obvious visual delights, if I had to pick a pic I go for beach volly pretty nice game that was by the looks, lol

Don't worry. That's not true. :tiphat:


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Don't worry. That's not true. :tiphat:

You're right it's not true, Hitler did not create the Olympic torch but rather sought to use it as a way to push his beliefs.

Flame from the ancient games was reintroduced during the 1928 Games. An employee of the Electric Utility of Amsterdam lit the first Olympic flame in the Marathon Tower of the Olympic Stadium in Amsterdam.[6] The modern convention of moving the Olympic Flame via a relay system from Greece to the Olympic venue began in 1936. Carl Diem devised the idea of the torch relay for the 1936 Summer Olympics in Berlin that was organized by the Nazis under the guidance of Joseph Goebbels. Krupp armaments company produced the torches in wood and metal, inspired by an olive leaf. The Olympic Flame was lit by a concave mirror in Olympia, Greece and transported over 3,187 kilometres by 3,331 runners in twelve days and eleven nights from Greece to Berlin. Leni Riefenstahl later staged the torch relay for the 1938 film Olympia. The film was part of the Nazi propaganda machine’s attempt to add myth and mystique to Adolf Hitler’s regime. Hitler saw the link with the ancient Games as the perfect way to illustrate his belief that classical Greece was an Aryan forerunner of the modern German Reich.


The real creator of the torch relay was Carl Diem who viewed the Olympics as an International Sporting event that could help foster harmony between nations. Hitler didn't recognize the propaganda value of the torch until after the Berlin Olympics which is why the relay had to be staged 2 years later for the film Olympia.

Smoking Gun

Active member
It may sound lame but I did enjoy the archery competitions. I also like tennis, women's tennis is usually fun to watch. I do not really go out of my way to watch any specific event, I just enjoy watching all the competition of the games.



Cautiously Optimistic
It may sound lame but I did enjoy the archery competitions. I also like tennis, women's tennis is usually fun to watch. I do not really go out of my way to watch any specific event, I just enjoy watching all the competition of the games.

Who cares what other people about what YOU like? I don't think it sounds lame, at all. ARchery is BADASS. Do your thing, homey! I just love watching elite competition no matter what the event is. It's just something in me.


Active member
Don't worry. That's not true. :tiphat:
Again not to be rude, or to push my own beliefs on someone, this was not why I stated what I said, I stated what I said because its what I learned, going out taking info in, and just realizing wisdom is further than my own, and when I come across the facts of what I just stated then no need to relearn anything from someone else that has no proof, so here is my proof of what I said, not to start a pissing contest just to inform people who may have family killed by such monsters, and to support or follow traditions created by those who turn our world to waste.

I even said I support the Atheletes, and feel bad the contracts, and all that go into being there before you even get to compete, so even in that sense you have to buy into something before hand, its in all major sports not just olympics. Either way dude I just prefer ppl to at least google what I say, usually I never post something out my ass, I just dont work that way.:tiphat:



Active member
You're right it's not true, Hitler did not create the Olympic torch but rather sought to use it as a way to push his beliefs.


The real creator of the torch relay was Carl Diem who viewed the Olympics as an International Sporting event that could help foster harmony between nations. Hitler didn't recognize the propaganda value of the torch until after the Berlin Olympics which is why the relay had to be staged 2 years later for the film Olympia.
Tho the way I worded what I said left too much of a responsibility for others to open another tab, and google it, either way you may be right about what you said, the link at the bottom should be well enough to explain what I ment about what I said, either way with the traditional undertones of someone like Hitler, and his meanings, and purpose is not that rich for me personally to support it today, and the fact I worry about a world wide organization like the Olympic games still practices it just is not right, you or others can feel like you do with what you hold true.



Cautiously Optimistic
I wouldn't think you were trying to be rude. The only problem with what you've presented is that the Olympic Torch was first used in modern times in 1928, not 1936. It wasn't created by "Hitler himself." It was the relay that was created in the '30's. With the smallest amount of research you could see what is and what is not. Bold claims should be researched instead of being taken at face value. I was just trying to help.


Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
jesus christ, so much fine athletic ass, I'm going to the track and field area of the University near me to pick up "wimmuns" lol