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old seed germ success technique!


Well-known member
Premium user
I am thinking an h2o2 solution for a short soak to kill off any wanted bacteria on the older ones is a good idea from now on I will do that.

Lester Beans

Frequent Flyer
Hi waveguide, nice thread!

What's the min/max amount of h2o2 you recommend?

Thanks in advance!

Best vibes bro!


Active member
shucks. i dunno about measurin stuff :p united states is like 3% other nations are different eg. oz i had a 20% solution..

for u.s. i just add "a squirt" as h2o2 has a pretty visible reaction, so i figure it doesn't take a whole lot to inhibit bacteria. been a long time since i've seen mold. i dunno.. i guess ballpark dilute to 1/8th. i've poured it right on the stem in soil at full strength for damping off fungus or gnat larvae (this will cause the soil to heave which could tear new root cilia).


I generally soak old seeds in water for 24 hours with some newer seeds (can be any seeds, tomato, sunflower, cucumber, whatever). Newer seeds release enzymes as they are growing which are released into the water and can help supplement the old seeds. Scarification can help as well.

Nice method and tips though Waveguide.


Well-known member
Premium user
I generally soak old seeds in water for 24 hours with some newer seeds (can be any seeds, tomato, sunflower, cucumber, whatever). Newer seeds release enzymes as they are growing which are released into the water and can help supplement the old seeds. Scarification can help as well.

Nice method and tips though Waveguide.

I had never heard of that? Where did you get this information? Ever tried it with really old seeds like 10 years +?



It was years ago when I first read it and was in some botany research article unrelated to cannabis, I'll see if I can find it. Only used it a few times on some hard to sprout seeds as I think my oldest that I have are around 6-7 years old, generally don't have germination issues. I actually think I heard the idea originally from some old gardeners who used it.

So until/unless I can find something more definitive take this as anecdotal.


Gotta Smoke 'Em All!
ICMag Donor
Or, you take the part of the seed you want out of the seed:

1. scrape off edges with a small kitchen knife
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2. Crack open the shell with your nails or the knife
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3. Leave the green husk on:
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4. Or remove it too. It doesn't matter either way. Plant it in something (soil, coco, rock wool, toilet paper, or aerated water) and watch it grow:
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That excludes the shell being the problem and if it still doesn't grow it's probably dead. No need to wait weeks till enough water penetrated the shell, or the seedling to rot inside cause it can't open the shell fast enough, just open it up.

Mad props. I don't think my hands are steady enough to strip a hull from the seed(proper terminology?) without causing traumatic damage.


presoaking seeds in rhyzotonic has worked for me, also soluble seaweed diluted half strength can work, some one said GA3 hasnt worked for them, but i know someone that has tried that method and it has worked for them.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
presoaking seeds in rhyzotonic has worked for me, also soluble seaweed diluted half strength can work, some one said GA3 hasnt worked for them, but i know someone that has tried that method and it has worked for them.

That was probably me who did not have good GA3 results. I now use 3" net pots + coco liner inserts + coco + Tappinroots hormones to excellent results


if it smells like fish
whats old ??? I have 10 year old seeds sprouting as we speak...I have older that germinate too....3 % peroxide available anywhere cant add too much of that ,,now the hydro store peroxide 20 percent and higher will hurt if applied pure or too strong....yeehaw